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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Darton R. (2021) Global Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Waste Materials from Metal and Diamond Mining
Bullock L, James RH, Matter J, Renforth P, Yang A, Darton R & Teagle D
(2012) Saturation State of CaCO3 Precipitation from Seawater at Raised Alkalinity
Renforth P, Henderson G, Kruger T & Darton R
(2011) Alkaline Particle Size and Delivery for Settling and Dissolution: Optimising Ocean-Based Enhanced Weathering Geoengineering
Lubansky A, Tannennberger M, Kruger T & Darton R

Darvari R. (2016) Methane Sources in Shallow Groundwaters in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas – A Heavy Noble Gas Analysis
Castro MC, Wen T, Nicot J-P, Hall C, Mickler P & Darvari R
(2016) Attribution of Natural Gas in Shallow Groundwater Using Dissolved Nitrogen and Alkane Chemistry in Parker County, Texas
Larson T, Nicot J-P, Mickler P & Darvari R

Darvasi Y. (2021) Arsenic Enrichment and Organomineralizations in Microbial Mats of the Dead Sea Shores
Thomas C, Gedulter N, Darvasi Y, Bundeleva I, Torfstein A, Agnon A & Ariztegui D

Das Abin (2012) Precise Pb-Pb Dating of Precambrian Zircon Using Thermal Extraction-Condensation (TEC) and 202, 205Pb Double Spike
Das A & Davis DW
(2009) Experiments in High Temperature Annealing of Zircon with Applications to Chemical Abrasion
Das A & Davis D
(2007) Rapid Melting of Small Planetesimals
Das A & Srinivasan G
(2003) Geochemistry of Rivers Draining the Deccan Basalts, India
Das A, Pande K, Sarin M & Krishnaswami S

Das Anindita (2017) Autotrophic Uptake by Mesophilic Heterotrophic Bacterial Isolates from Sino-Pacific Marine Sediments
Cao W, Das A, Saren G, Jiang M & Yu X
(2016) Bacterial and Archaeal Contribution to Autotrophy in Sino-Pacific Marine Sediments
Cao W, Jiang M, Saren G, Das A & Yu X
(2016) Chemosynthetic Potential in Ocean Sediments Could Have Implications in Global Carbon Cycle
Jiang M, Cao W, Saren G & Das A

Das Anirban (2020) Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater from Kanpur City, India: Major and Trace Elemental Approach
Acharyya S & Das A
(2019) Hydrogeochemistry of Mahi River, India
Singh S & Das A
(2018) Geochemical Controls on Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater from Mehsana District, Gujarat, India
Mandal R & Das A
(2008) Incorporation of Te and Se into Ferromanganese (Oxyhydr)oxides: The XAFS Evidence
Das A & Takahashi Y

Das Antara (2023) The Vicious Cycle of Arsenic Toxicity in Environment: A Study for Livestock and Human Health Threat in West Bengal, India
Das A, De A, Joardar M, Majumdar A, Mridha D & Roychowdhury T
(2023) Arsenic Exposure Through Cooked Rice and its Associated Benefit-Risk from Rural and Urban Populations of West Bengal, India: A Probabilistic Health Approach with Sensitivity Analysis
Joardar M, Das A, De A, Mridha D, Majumdar A & Roychowdhury T
(2023) Geospatial Investigation of Fluoride (F-) Contaminated Sites with Respect to Responsible Hydro-Geochemical Characteristics and Assessment of Human Health Hazard in West Bengal, India
De A, Das A, Joardar M, Mridha D & Roychowdhury T

Das Archana (2022) Reconstructing Late Quaternary Palaeo-Environmental Change from the Dryland Landscape of the Kachchh Mainland, Western India: Revisiting the Optical Chronology
Das A, Makwana N & Solanki T

Das B. (2017) Contrasting Crustal Evolution of Two Gneisses from Askot Klippe, Kumaun Himalaya, India
Joshi M & Das B

Das Debabrata (2023) Fingerprints and Fluxes of Lead (Pb) from Coal Fly Ash Disposal in China, India, and the United States
Wang Z, Dai S, Das D, Cowan E, Dietrich M, Schlesinger W, Zhou M, Seramur K, Wu Q & Vengosh A
(2022) Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotope Study of Groundwater Recharge in the Shallow and Deep Alluvial Aquifers of Semi-Arid Agricultural Region, Punjab, India
Bala R, Das D & Veer K
(2022) Appraisal and Spatial Distribution of Potential Toxic Elements in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Land from Alluvial Plains of Punjab, India
Karanveer K, Bala R & Das D
(2021) Mobilization of Uranium in the Alluvial Plains of Punjab, India: Release from Sediment to Groundwater
Bala R, Veer K & Das D
(2020) Hazardous Trace Elements and Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Coal and Coal Combustion Residuals from India
Wang Z, Das D & Vengosh A
(2020) Distribution of Natural Uranium in Subsurface Sediment and Groundwater Resources in Southwest Parts of Punjab State, India
Das D & Bala R
(2020) Salinization and Freshening Processes as Additional Factors for Mobilization of Geogenic Contaminants: Evidence from Boron Isotopes Systematics in Groundwater from Northwestern India
Coyte R, Das D, Bala R, Jain R & Vengosh A

Das Debarshri (2023) Hydrochemical Characterization of Geothermal Springs of North-Eastern, India
Das D, Farooq SH & Mohakud SK

Das Dr. Reshmi (2023) Source Delineation of Bioaccumulated Lead (Pb) in Plants Through Isotope Fingerprinting: Soil vs Dry Deposition
Ray I, Misra DS & Das DR
(2023) Accurate and Precise Determination of Pb Isotope Ratio by Single Collector QQQ-ICP-MS: Application to Environmental Samples
Mitra A, Ray I, Das DR & Misra DS

Das E. (2019) Trace Element in Chromites of Komatiites from the Archean Gorumahisani Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton (India)
Mondal SK, Das E, Banerjee R & Reisberg L

Das J P (2014) 40Ar/39Ar and CRE Ages of Plagioclase Crystals from Apollo 17 Regolith, 78461
Das JP, Baldwin SL & Delano JW

Das Jayeshkumar (2012) Noble Gas and Radionulcides Study of Chondrules from Dhajala and Bjurbole Chondrites
Das J, Bricker G, Meshik A, Pravdivtseva O, Caffee M & Nishiizumi K

Das Kaushik (2017) Multistage Melting in the Lower Crust: An Example from the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Belt, India
Sorcar N, Bose S & Das K

Das Kousik (2023) Dynamics of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Aided Arsenic Cycling in an Estuary Adjoining the Bay of Bengal
Coomar P, Das K, Verma S, Das P, Biswas A & Mukherjee A
(2018) Isotope Variations in Groundwater-Seawater Interactions in Ganges River Delta Front Aquifers
Das K & Mukherjee A

Das O. (2014) Subseasonal Geochemical and Sclerochronological Variations in Coastal Mollusc Shells
Andrus F, Das O & Cobb R

Das Pranab (2019) Insight into a not Well Stirred Indian Ocean Mantle 60-50 My ago
Hémond C, Das P & Iyer S
(2007) An Investigation of Basalts from the Central Indian Ocean Basin
Das P & Iyer SD

Das Prasanta (2007) Archaean Enriched Mantle Reservoir beneath East Indian Shield
Bhattacharya S, Das P & Saw A

Das Prasenjit (2023) Evolution of Thermal Springs in the West Coast Geothermal Province, India: Evidence from Hydrogeochemical and Stable Isotope Studies
Das P, K. M, D. P, Laskar AH, Ak S & Kumar S

Das Pratik Kr. (2019) Silica Phase Transitions at Lowermost Mantle and Core Conditions
Das PK, Mohn CE, Trønnes RG & Brodholt JP

Das Prerona (2023) Dynamics of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Aided Arsenic Cycling in an Estuary Adjoining the Bay of Bengal
Coomar P, Das K, Verma S, Das P, Biswas A & Mukherjee A

Das Reshmi (2019) Mineral Dust Entrainment during Wildfires –Lead (Pb) Isotopes as Fingerprints
Das R, Mohtar ATBM, Wang X, Khezri B, Webster RD, Itoh M & Kuwata M
(2008) Fractionated Mercury Isotope in Sediments: A Quest for Processes
Das R & Odom L

Das Ritima (2021) Evaluation of the Concentration-Discharge Relationship for the Brahmaputra River
Samanta A & Das R

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