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Dyer B. (2015) Meteoric Diagenesis of Platform Carbonates during the Mid-Carboniferous
Dyer B, Maloof AC & Higgins JA

Dyer James (2013) Understanding Biogeochemical Transformation and Mobilization of Hg from River Bank Soils: South River, Virginia
Lazareva O, Sparks DL, Landis RC, Grosso NR, Collins J, Dyer JA, Ptacek C, Hicks S & Montgomery D
(2012) Characterization of Hg Leaching from the Riverbank Sediments of the South River, VA
Paulson K, Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Gibson B, Landis R, Dyer J & Grosso N
(2012) The Characterization and Evaluation of Different Biochars as Reactive Materials for Mercury (II) Stabilization
Wang A, Liu P, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Landis R, Berti W & Dyer J
(2012) Stablization of Mercury in Riverbank Sediments of the South River, Virginia (U.S.A.)
Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Landis R, Dyer J, Berti W & Grosso N

Dyer James A. (2018) Application of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Laboratory Transport Studies to Understand Cycling of Mercury in a Riverine Environment
Wang AO, Elena KMA, Fellin S, Corriveau M, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Finfrock Z, Paktunc D, Landis RC, Dyer JA, Mack EE & Grosso NR

Dyer Jamie (2018) Visualization of Elemental Uptake by Individual Calcite Crystals
Gabitov R, Sadekov A, Dyer J & Xu H

Dyer Sabastien (2023) How It’s Made: An in situ Study of Zircon-Forming Reactions in Subsolidus Metamorphic Systems
Dyer S, Yakymchuk C, Edgeworth I & Kendall B

Dyer Shannon (2022) Hydrogen Isotopes from Sedimentary Lipid Biomarkers Record Changes in Algal Community Assemblages
Ladd N, Nelson DB, Matthews B, Dyer S, Narwani A, Dubois N & Schubert CJ
(2019) Active Microbial Arsenic Methylation
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe-Meibom K, Ortega D, Minton NP, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R
(2018) Arsenic Methylation Across Microbial Phyla
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe Meibom K, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R

Dyess P. (2013) Probing Quartz for P-T-D Paths
Webb L, Dyess P, Ashley K, Spear F & Thomas J

Dyez K.A. (2012) Constraining Tropical Climate Sensitivity: The Need for Improved Mg/Ca Calibrations
Dyez KA & Ravelo AC

Dygert D. (2021) Retention of Geochemical Signatures during the Transformation of Aragonite to Calcite at Elevated Temperatures
Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Jimenez A, Dygert D, Varco J, Paul V, Perez-Huerta A, Migdissov A, Dash P & Kirkland B

Dygert Nicholas (2017) Formation of Dunite-Harzburgite-Lherzolite-Plagioclase Lherzolite Sequences by Multiple Episodes of Melt Migration and Melt-Rock Reaction
Dygert N, Liang Y & Kelemen P

Dygert Nicholas J (2023) Serial Processing of the Lunar Crust after the Magma Ocean Stage and a Depleted Bulk Moon: Insights from a Europium-in-Plagioclase Partitioning Model
Dygert NJ & Ji D
(2022) How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D

Dygert Nick (2021) Eu Anomalies in Lunar Plagioclase Reflect Secondary Processing by Subsolidus Reequilibration and Introduction of a KREEP Component
Ji D & Dygert N
(2015) The Role of Plate Tectonic Cycling in Modulating Earth’s 3He/22Ne Ratio
Dygert N, Jackson C & Hesse M

Dyhr C.T. (2013) Compositional Constraints on the Mantle Below Part of the Andes SVZ
Holm PM, Søager N & Dyhr CT
(2012) New U-Series Isotope Data from the Andean Backarc Indicate Shallow Melting in the Payun Matru Complex
Dyhr CT, Holm PM & Kokfelt TF
(2012) Subduction Eroded Continental Crust and Sediment Derived Fluid in the Genesis of Arc Magmas in the SVZ, Andes
Holm PM, Soager N & Dyhr C
(2009) A New Trend for the Cape Verde Hotspot Magmas: Isotopic Evidence from Boa Vista
Holm PM, Peate DW, Dyhr CT & Schmith J

Dyhrman Sonya (2021) From Genes to Geochemistry – Tracing Microbial Phosphorus Cycling in a Changing Ocean
Dyhrman S
(2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D

Dyhrman Sonya T. (2017) The Challenges of Quantifying the Impact of Microbial Interactions on Ocean Nutrient Cycling
Van Mooy BAS, Dyhrman ST, Alexander H, Frischkorn KR, Krupke A & Rouco M

Dyke J. (2009) Do Continental Processes within the Global Rock Cycle Evolve to a State of Maximum Entropy Production?
Kleidon A, Arens S, Dyke J, Gans F, Miller L & Schymanski S

Dykes G.
(2019) Silicon Induces Inorganic Arsenic Release from Soil Solids
Dykes G, Seyfferth A & Chari N
(2018) Silicon as a Driver of Rice Paddy Microbial Arsenic Methylater Communities
Dykes G & Seyfferth A
(2017) Organic Arsenic Uptake by Rice: Interactions with Silicon
Limmer M, Wise P, Dykes G & Seyfferth A
(2017) Tipping the Balance: How Si Addition to Rice Paddy Soil Promotes As Methylation and Affects As Bioavailability in the Rice Rhizosphere
Seyfferth A, Dykes G & Limmer M
(2016) How Management Practices Influence Fe Plaque Mineral Composition and As Cycling in Rice Paddies
Seyfferth A, Teasley W, Limmer M, Amaral D & Dykes G

Dykman J. (2014) Chemical Weathering and Pedogenesis in Rubified Paleosols of Central Pennsylvania
Peters S, Pazzaglia F, Blake J & Dykman J

Dykoski C. (2008) New 230Th Dating Methods Applied to Chinese Caves: Climate Change on Glacial to Cultural Timescales
Edwards RL, Cheng H, Wang Y, Yuan D, An Z, Kelly MJ, Dykoski C & Wang X
(2006) Marine Isotope Stage 8 millennial-scale variability as observed in the Asian monsoon
Dykoski C, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Yuan D, Wang Y & Rowe H
(2006) Timing and Nature of Late Quaternary Climate Change from Cave Deposits
Edwards RL, Yuan DX, An ZS, Wang YJ, Auler AS, Cheng H, Rowe H, Wang X, Kelly MJ & Dykoski C

Dymek R.F. (2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline from the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Belt, Greenland: Implications for B Concentrations in Eoarchean Continental Crust
Grew E, Dymek R, De Hoog J, Harley S, Hazen R & Yates M
(2005) Geochemistry and Geochronology of a Miocene Volcanic Suite from Mt. Tsaratanana, Northern Madagascar
Buchwaldt R, Tucker RD & Dymek RF

Dyment Jérôme (2011) Central Indian Ridge Versus Réunion Hotspot: Do Interaction Processes Account for on and off Axis Geochemical Observations?
Hemond C, Janin M, Murton B, Füri E, Hilton D & Dyment J
(2011) Stable Isotope (C-N) and Noble Gas (Ne-Ar) Evidence for Recycled Plume Components at the CIR
Barry P, Hilton D, Fueri E, Murton B, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2009) Indian Ridges, Hotspots, Interaction: Réunion Central Indian Ridge and Amstersdam St Paul Southeast Indian Ridge Cases
Hémond C, Janin M, Maia M, Füri E, Hilton D, Murton B & Dyment J
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes and Plume-Ridge Interaction: The Central Indian Ridge and the Reykjanes Ridge
Barry P, Hilton D, Sano Y, Takahata N, Murton B, Füri E, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2009) Ridge-Hotspot Interaction at the Central Indian Ridge, 20°S: New Helium Isotope Results
Füri E, Hilton D, Dyment J, Hémond C & Murton B
(2007) Timescales of Melt Extraction from a Heterogeneous Mantle beneath the Central Indian Ridge at 19.2°S
Cordier C, Benoit M, Hémond C, Dyment J, Le Gall B & Briais A

Dyment JÈrÙme (2002) Central Indian Ridge and Reunion Hotspot in Rodrigues Area: Another Type of Hotspot – Ridge Interaction ?
Hemond C, Dyment J, Maia M & Gente P

Dymock R. (2017) Interrogation of ‘apparent’ Age Dispersion in 40Ar/39Ar Neutron Fluence Moniotor Minerals
Mark D, Ickert R, Mahajan R, Dymock R & Imlach J

Dymshits A. (2019) Thermal State and Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Upper Muna Kimberlite Field, Yakutia
Dymshits A, Sharygin I, Yakovlev I & Malkovets V
(2016) P‒V‒T EoS of Cr2O3 (Eskolaite): Implication for Phase Boundary Calculation in Knorringite System
Dymshits A, Sharygin I, Litasov K, Shatskiy A & Rashchenko S
(2013) Partitioning of Trace Elements between Na-Bearing Majoritic Garnet and Melt at 8.5 GPa and 1500‒1900℃
Bobrov A, Litvin Y, Kuzyura A, Dymshits A & Jeffries T
(2013) P‒V‒T Equation of State of Sodium Majorite up to 21 GPa and 1673 K
Dymshits A, Litasov K, Shatskiy A, Sharygin I, Ohtani E, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K
(2011) Na-Bearing Majoritic Garnets in the System Mg3Al2Si5O12–Na2MgSi5O12 at 11−20 GPa: Solid Solutions and Structural Peculiarities
Bobrov A, Dymshits A, Bindi L, Litasov K, Shatskiy A, Ohtani E & Litvin Y

Dynarski K. (2017) Bedrock Nitrogen Influences Ecosystem Nitrogen Cycling
Dynarski K, Mitchell S, Morford S & Houlton B

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