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Duchêne Stéphanie (2011) Nd and Hf Model Ages in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: A New Way to Better Understand Mantle-Crust Evolution
Martin C, Duchêne S, Luais B & Deloule E
(2007) REE and HFSE Mobility from Eclogite to Amphibolite Metamorphism (Vårdalsneset, Norwegian Caledonides)
Martin C, Duchêne S, Luais B & Deloule E
(2006) Oxygen isotopes, REE and U-Pb behaviour during metamorphic zircon formation
Martin L, Duchene S, Deloule E & Vanderhaeghe O

Duchene Stéphanie (2015) Linking Mineralogical and Geochronological Record of Monazite during Ultra-High Temperature Granulite-Facies Metamorphism
Laurent A, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Duchene S, Bingen B, Bosse V & Gouy S

Duchene Stéphanie (2016) TEM/STEM Nanoscale Imaging of Zircon and Monazite Sharpens Geochronological Interpretations
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Laurent A, Grand'homme A, Bingen B, Janots E, Bosse V, Duchene S & Guillaume D

Duchene Stéphanie (2017) Strenght and Weakness of Zircon and Monazite as Geochronometers during Ultra-High Temperature Granulite Facies Metamorphism
Laurent AT, Duchene S, Bingen B, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M & Bosse V

Duchène Stéphanie (2018) Unraveling the Age of HT Metamorphism in Eastern Senegal: Evidence from U-Pb in situ Analyses on Monazite and Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
Kone J, Baratoux L, Maneiro K, Baxter E, Vanderhaeghe O, Duchène S, Ndiaye PM, Pitra P, Dufrechou G & Bruguier O

Duchene Stéphanie (2019) First U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ Dating of Supergene Copper Mineralization: Case Study in Chuquicamata Mining District, Atacama Desert, Chile
Kahou ZS, Brichau S, Poujol M, Duchene S, Campos E, D'ABZAC F-X, Riquelme R & Carretier S

Ducheneaux C. (2020) Role of Endophytic Fungi on Arsenic Uptake and Tolerance in Schizachyrium Scoparium
DeVore C, ElHayek E, Busch T, Long B, Owen-Smith P, Rudgers J, Ali AM, Ducheneaux C & Cerrato J

Ducher M. (2017) Theoretical Investigation of Zn Isotope Fractionation
Ducher M, Blanchard M, Pietrucci F, Ferlat G & Balan E

Duchesne J. (2004) REE in Bulk Cumulates and the Trapped Liquid Shift in the Bjerkreim- Sokndal Layered Intrusion (Norway)
Charlier B, Vander Auwera J & Duchesne J
(2004) Major Element Geochemistry of Cumulates from the Bjerkreim- Sokndal Layered Intrusion (Norway)
Duchesne J & Charlier B

Duchesneau K. (2022) Toward a Predictive Understanding of the Microbe-Plant-Environment Interaction Networks that Regulate Soil Carbon Sequestration in Northern Peatlands
Kostka J, Wilson RM, Petro C, Song T, Duchesneau K, Roth S, Schadt C, Chanton J & Hanson P

Duchková E. (2015) Behaviour of Bentonite Colloidal Particles in Aqueous System
Duchková E & Zeman J

Duchoslav M. (2015) Changes in Tourmaline Trace Element Geochemistry during Magmatic Differentiation and Hydrothermal Ore Deposition
Duchoslav M, Marks M, McCammon C, Marschall H, Wenzel T & Markl G

Duchoslav V. (2015) Biogenic Formation of Realgar in the Shallow Subsurface Soil
Drahota P, Falteisek L, Duchoslav V, Žák K & Penížek V

Duchstein P. (2021) Nano- and Mesoscale Structures and Chemical Labelling Support Nanoscale Assembly of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate from Prenucleation Clusters
Wolf SE, Colas B, Clark S, Jacob D, Zahn D, Kababya S, Schmidt A, Duchstein P, Schodder P & Pipich V

Duck L.J. (2006) Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on microbial processes in Archaean seafloor environments
Golding S, Young E, Duck L, Baublys K & Glikson M
(2005) Early Archaean Carbonaceous Material from the Pilbara, Western Australia: Its Nature, Characteristics and Possible Sources
Duck LJ, Glikson M, Golding S & Webb R
(2004) Characteristics of Organic Matter in Sediments from the 3.24 Ga Sulphur Springs VHMS Deposit, Western Australia
Duck L, Glikson M, Golding S & Webb R

Dück V. (2023) Sorption of Ba onto Gibbsite: A Batch and Modeling Study
Dück V, Jordan N, Brendler V, Stumpf T & Bok F

Duckenfield K. (2004) Fe(III) Oxide Coatings: Physical Properties Depend on Substrate and Coating Thickness
Duckenfield K & Chisholm-Brause C

Ducklow H. (2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling at the West Antarctic Peninsula
Dittrich R, Henley S, Ganeshram R, Cowie G, Mowbray S, Meredith M & Ducklow H
(2015) Particulate Organic Carbon Production and Preservation on the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctic
Hwang J, Kim M, Kim H, Kim D, Ducklow H & Lee S

Duckworth O. (2023) Trace Metals, Radionuclides, and Strontium Isotopes Variations of Global Phosphate Rocks and Fertilizers: Implications for Tracing Environmental Impacts
Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Dwyer G, Duckworth O, Gatiboni L, Schnug E, Sun Y, Bol R, El-Hasan T, Haneklaus S, Bahadir AM, Singh A & Shrivastava A
(2022) Strontium Isotopes and Metal(loid)s Variations in Global Phosphate Ores
Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Dwyer G, Duckworth O, Gatiboni L, Schnug E, Sun Y, Bol R, El-Hasan T, Haneklaus S, Bahadir AM, Singh A & Shrivastava A
(2021) Fate of Hexavalent Chromium in a Multicomponent System
Balogun FO, Aiken M, Namayandeh A, Duckworth O & Polizzotto M
(2020) Effects of Compost on PFAS Uptake by Lettuce
Li Y, Zhi Y, Broome S, Knappe D & Duckworth O
(2019) Cryptic Iron Cycling in Biogenic Iron Oxide Deposits
Rieb E, Whitaker A, Henson J, Amor M, Pena J & Duckworth O
(2018) Biotic and Abiotic Contributions to the Reduction of Environmental Bacteriogenic Fe-Oxides at Circumneutral pH
Rieb E, Koeneke M, Whitaker A & Duckworth O
(2018) Sediment Manganese Oxide Content as an Indicator of Groundwater Arsenic Pollution Potential
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E & Duckworth O
(2017) Structure and Sorption Reactivity of Biogenic Iron Oxides
Whitaker A, Sowers T, Thompson A, Peak D, Michel M & Duckworth O
(2017) Assessing Mycogenic Manganese Oxides Reactivity
Uster B, Duckworth O, Henson J, Mitchell E, Sombers L & Pena J
(2015) Mn(II) Oxidation and Remediation in Polluted Environments
Santelli C, Chaput D, Hansel C, Burgos W, Duckworth O & Gardner T
(2014) Manganese Near-Surface Repartitioning and Delivery to Groundwater in North Carolina
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E, Austin R, Rivera N, Abraham J, Wang S, Bolich R, Bradley P, Duckworth O, Amoozegar A & Hesterberg D
(2014) Mobilization and Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash
Rivera N, Duckworth O, Buchwalter D, Scheibener S & Hesterberg D
(2014) Siderophore Production by Mn-Oxidizing Fungi
Andrews M, Holmström S, Santelli C & Duckworth O
(2012) Trace Metal Complexation and Dissolution by the Triscatecholate Siderophore Protochelin
Duckworth O, Harrington J, Akafia M, Bargar J, Jarzecki A, Roberts J & Sombers L
(2012) Solubilization of Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash in Relation to Chemical Speciation
Kaur N, Hesterberg D, Duckworth O, Buchwalter D & Ward C
(2010) The Structure and Reactivity of Cobalt-Siderophore Complexes
Duckworth O, Bi Y, Jarzecki A & Bargar J
(2009) Synergistic Effects of Siderophores and Small Organics at Manganese Oxide Surfaces
Duckworth O & Saal L
(2008) Sorption of Iron from Siderophore Complexes by Mn Oxides
Duckworth O, Bargar J & Sposito G
(2005) Nucleation and Growth of Manganese Oxide Films
Martin S, Jun Y, Kendall T & Duckworth O
(2005) Formation of Manganese-Desferrioaxime B Complexes by Dissolution of Manganese Oxides
Duckworth O & Sposito G
(2001) Hematite Dissolution Promoted by Carboxylate Ligands
Martin ST, Duckworth OW & Samson SD

Duckworth R. (2009) Trace Metals in the Mt. Isa Copper Ores: Implications for Paragenesis
Duckworth R & Santaguida F

Duckworth-Battye S. (2020) U-Pb Geochronology of Two Devonian Large Igneous Provinces, Siberian Craton
Duckworth-Battye S, Kamo S & Ernst R

Ducousso Marc (2021) Bushfires as a Possible Explanation for the Chromium Impregnation of the Population in New-Caledonia
Thery G, Juillot F, David M, Jourand P, Ducousso M & Fritsch E

Ducousso Marion (2023) Comparative Study of Three H2 Geological Storages in Deep Aquifers Simulated in High Pressure Reactors
Mura J, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Haddad P, Ducousso M, Casteran F, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Baldy A, Petit A, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2020) Improvements in Pitzer's Database for Calculating CO2 Solubility in the Na-Ca-Cl Saline Aqueous Systems
Felipe dos Santos P, Ducousso M, Andre L, Contamine F & Cézac P

Ducoux M. (2021) Soil Gas Mapping as a Tool for Native H2 Exploration: A Case Study in the Western Pyrenean Foothills (SW France)
Lefeuvre N, Truche L, Donzé F, Ducoux M, Fakoury R-A, Gaucher E & Calassou S

Duda J-P. (2023) Early Archean Carbonate Factories – Major Carbon Sinks on the Juvenile Earth
Xiang W, Duda J-P, Pack A, Willbold M, Bach W & Reitner J
(2019) Lipid Biomarker and Stable Isotopic Records Track the Neoproterozoic Rise of Eukaryotes and Nutrient Controls on Marine Community Structures
Love G, Zumberge A, Duda J-P, Hoffmann A, Pehr K, Bekker A & Cardenas P
(2015) Geobiology of an Exceptionally Preserved Archean Microbial Mat Facies (Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia)
Duda J-P, Thiel V, Ionescu D, Schäfer N, Van Kranendonk M & Reitner J

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