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Drollette B. (2014) Inherent Biodegradability of Organic Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
Kekacs D, Drollette B, Plata D & Mouser P

Dröllner M. (2022) A Hadean–Eoarchean Crustal Vestige beneath the SW Yilgarn Craton (Western Australia)
Dröllner M, Kirkland CL & Barham M

Dromart G. (2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2009) A Model for “Cold-Snap” Episodes Occurring during the Mesozoic
Donnadieu Y, Goddéris Y & Dromart G
(2008) Basic Minerals for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: Potential and Quantification
Garcia B, Beaumont V, Blanchet D, Oger P, Dromart G, Huc A-Y & Haeseler F
(2008) Causal or Casual Link between the Rise of Nannoplankton Calcification and an Abrupt Tectonically-Driven Atmospheric CO2 Decline in the Late Triassic?
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, De Vargas C, Pierrehumbert R, Dromart G & van de Schootbrugge B
(2000) Rare Earth Element Chemistry of Jurassic Seawater Inferred from Fish and Reptile Apatite (Paris Basin, France and England)
Picard S, Lécuyer C, Barrat J, Garcia J, Dromart G & Sheppard S

Dron A. (2015) Light-Dependent Primary Productivity in a Proterozoic Ocean Analog
Hamilton T, Weber M, Lott C, Clark C, Bird L, de Beer D, Dron A, Freeman K & Macalady J

Drona S.S. (2005) Geochemistry of High Fe- Tholeiites from the Ramagiri-Hungund Greenstone Belt of Eastern Dharwar Craton, India
Mekala RM, Drona SS & Thota GR

Droop G. (2019) Halogens in Garnet Eclogites from Western Norway: Implications for Subcontinental Mantle Metasomatism
Burgess R, Hughes L, Quas-Cohen A, Pawley A, Droop G & Cuthbert S
(2017) Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in High Pressure Subduction Zone Minerals from the Western and Central Alps
Hughes L, Burgess R, Pawley A, Chavrit D, Lyon I, Tartese R, Droop G & Ballentine C
(2011) Diamond-Facies Fluid Flow during Subduction: Evidence & Consequence
Quas-Cohen A, Cuthbert S, Droop G, Ballentine C & Burgess R
(2011) Radiation Damage in Biotite: Defined by Micro XAS and XRD
Pattrick R, Geraki T, Charnock J, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Pimblott S & Droop G
(2010) Norwegian Garnet Websterites: Analogues for Mantle Metasomatism?
Cuthbert S, Qas-Cohen A, Ballentine C, Burgess R & Droop G
(2007) Petrogenesis of Meta-Peridotites in the Takab Area, NW Iran
Hajialioghli R, Moazzen M, Jahangiri A, Droop G, Bousquet R & Oberhänsli R

Droppo Ian (2021) The Symbiotic Relationship of Suspended Sediment and Pathogenicity in Freshwater Ecosystems
VanMensel D, Droppo I & Weisener C

Droppo Ian G. (2012) Microbial-Mineral-Metal Interactions in Suspended Aquatic Floc
Elliott AVC, Plach JM, Droppo IG & Warren LA

Dror I. (2023) Rubidium Concentrations in Amniotic Fluid as a Predictor of Newborn Birthweight Indices: Results from a Pilot Study
Dror I, Ovadia YS, Liberty G, Gavra H, Anteby EY, Fox S, Zohav E & Berkowitz B
(2022) Dynamics of Rare Earth Element Transport and Retention in Porous Media
Amiel N, Dror I & Berkowitz B
(2022) Rare Earth Element Pollution Originating from Electronic Waste: Leaching and Mobility in Porous Media
Dror I, Brewer A & Berkowitz B
(2021) Selected Technology-Critical Elements as Indicators of Anthropogenic Groundwater Contamination
Amiel N, Dror I, Zurieli A, Livshitz Y, Reshef G & Berkowitz B
(2019) Transport of Platinum-Based Pharmaceuticals in Soil
Dror I, Berkowitz B & Goykhman N
(2019) Influence of Humic Substances on the Transport of Indium and Gallium in Porous Media
Kouhail Y, Dror I & Berkowitz B
(2017) Degradation of Organic Contaminants Using Copper Nanoparticles Embedded on Natural Matrices
Kalidhasan S, Dror I & Berkowitz B
(2017) Transport Characteristics of the Pharmaceutical Oxaliplatin in Natural Soil
Goykhman N, Dror I & Berkowitz B
(2016) Engineered Nanoparticle Transport and Interactions in Partially Saturated Porous Media
Dror I, Yecheskel Y & Berkowitz B
(2015) Transport and Transformations of Roxasone and Gd-DTPA in Soil Under Various Redox Conditions
Dror I, Menahem A & Berkowitz B
(2015) Reactive Transport in Porous Media: Visualization and Modeling
Edery Y, Naftaly A, Dror I, Scher H & Berkowitz B

Drosos M. (2023) Application of a Shotgun Humeomics Approach by UPLC / Fourier Transform Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry to Study the In-Depth Molecular Diversity of Green Composts
Orlando M, Drosos M, Scopa A, Piccolo A & Bridoux M

Drossart P. (2015) Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Refractory Crust as Inferred from VIRTIS/ROSETTA
Quirico E, Moroz L, Beck P, Schmitt B, Arnold G, Bonal L, Filacchione G, Capaccioni F, Leyrat C, Bockelée-Morvan D, Erard S, Tosi F, Ciarnello M, Raponi A, Di Capria MT, De Sanctis M-C, Piccioni G, Barucci A, Drossart P & Virtis Team T

Drost K. (2023) An Image Mapping Approach to U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Carbonate Dating Applied to Far-Field Pyrenean Compression in Ireland
Chew DM, Drost K & Monchal V
(2022) Advances in U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology Using High-Repetition Rate, Low-Dispersion Laser Ablation Cells
Chew DM, Drost K & Drakou F
(2019) LA-ICPMS Image Mapping and its Applications to Geochronology
Chew D, Drost K & Petrus J
(2017) In situ Sr Isotope Data Evidences Mineral Mingling in the UG2 Unit of the Bushveld Complex (South Africa)
Kleinhanns IC, Brodbeck M, Drost K, Wenzel T & Schoenberg R
(2017) Fast (>50 Hz) U-Pb LA-ICPMS Spot Dating of U-Bearing Minerals Using an Aerosol Rapid Introduction System
Chew D, Drost K & Petrus J
(2017) LA-ICPMS U-Pb Carbonate Dating Based on Image Mapping
Drost K, Petrus J, Chew D & Woodhead J
(2015) Molybdenum and Iron Isotope Evidence for Anoxic Ediacaran Deep Ocean Conditions
Kurzweil F, Drost K, Paŝava J, Wille M & Schoenberg R

Droste E. (2017) Iodine Speciation in Aerosols over the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
Baker A, Yodle C, Droste E, Bock J & Ganzeveld L

Drott A. (2013) Tracing Local Industrial Pollution Sources with Mercury Isotopes
Wiederhold JG, Jiskra M, Skyllberg U, Drott A, Jonsson S, Björn E, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2007) Linkage between Hg(II) Pore Water Speciation and MeHg Production in Contaminated Sediments
Drott A & Skyllberg U

Droubay T. (2010) Structure of Bacterial Multiheme Cytochromes at the Microbial-Mineral Interface
Johs A, Shi L, Droubay T, Ankner JF & Liang L

Drouet C (2005) Exchange of Biologically Relevant Ions on Nanocrystalline Apatites
Drouet C, Carayon M & Rey C

Drouet Christophe (2023) Thermochemistry of Apatite Compounds of Relevance to Biomineralization and Mineralogy: Experimental and Modeling via the ThermAP Approach
Drouet C, Rollin S, Hosseini SM & Navrotsky A
(2023) Mineral-Organic Interactions: Toward Innovative Therapeutic Devices for Tomorrow’s Medicine
Aubry C, Mariotti V, Combes C, Drouet C, Arpin C, Kauss T & Barthelemy P
(2017) Advanced InfraRed and Raman Spectroscopy on Ca-Phosphates and Mg-Carbonates for Surface Exploration of Mars
Fau A, Beyssac O, Gauthier M, Bernard S, Benzerara K, Meslin P-Y, Drouet C, Maurice S, Guyot F & Balan E

Drouet T (2005) Strontium Isotopes Highlight Change in Ca Souces in Forest Ecosystems
Drouet T, Herbauts J & Demaiffe D

Drouet Thomas (2011) Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment)
Couder E, Drouet T, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C, Meeus C & Nadine M

Drouillard K. (2021) Quantifying Microbial Activity and Diversity Across Contaminant and Agricultural Gradients In Lower Great Lakes Watersheds
Falk NW, Weisener C & Drouillard K

Drouin A. (2023) A Comprehensive Field and Laboratory Approach to Investigating PFAS Occurrence and Partitioning
Tokranov AK, Santangelo L, Welch S, Marts J, Schlosser KE & Drouin A

Drouin G. (2019) Pesticides Dissipation at the Water-Sediment Interface
Droz B, Drouin G, Guyot B, Masbou J, Payraudeau S & Imfeld G

Droxler A. (2013) Marine Cements and the Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic History of Magnesium, Strontium, and Calcium in the Ocean
Opdyke B, Owens R, Caves J, Wilson P & Droxler A

Droz B. (2019) Pesticides Dissipation at the Water-Sediment Interface
Droz B, Drouin G, Guyot B, Masbou J, Payraudeau S & Imfeld G

Drozd J.K. (2021) BIOmarkers: The Oral History of Organic Geochemistry
Husain F, Mojarro A, Drozd JK & Summons RE

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