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Doucet Anne-Martine (2020) Field Protocols for Measuring Rates of CO2 Influx into Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Study at the Sumas Landslide, WA, US
Jones F, Doucet A-M, Black A, Dipple G, Mayer U & Vanderzee S

Doucet Luc (2023) Geochemical Compositional Tracking of the Hawaii-Emperor Chain Revealing Mantle Evolution over the Past 100 Ma
Privat MEE, Li Z-X & Doucet L
(2022) Pitfalls in Using the Geochronological Information from the EarthChem Portal for Precambrian Time-Series Analysis
Doucet L, Gamaleldien H & Li Z-X
(2021) Decoupled Water and Iron Enrichments in the Cratonic Mantle
Doucet L, Xu Y, Klaessens D, Hui H, Ionov D & Mattielli ND
(2020) A Rapid Change in Earth’s Mantle Geochemistry at 3.2 Billion Years ago Points to an Early Start of Plate Tectonics
Gamal El Dien H, Doucet L-S, Murphy JB & Li Z-X
(2020) Depletion, Metasomatism and Water Distribution in the Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Bizimis M, Ashley A, Beunon H, Patterson S, Doucet L, Peslier A & Nadine M
(2020) LIP Record Through Time and Implications for Secular Environmental Changes and GTS Boundaries
Ernst R, Bond D, Zhang S-H, Buchan K, Grasby S, Youbi N, El Bilali H, Bekker A & Doucet L
(2010) Can Cratonic Mantle be Formed in Subduction-Related Settings?
Ionov D, Doucet L, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I
(2009) Seismic Properties of the Siberian Craton Mantle from Udachnaya Xenoliths
Saumet S, Bascou J, Ionov D & Doucet L

Doucet Luc S. (2019) The Oceanic Mantle Plume Database and the Tale of Two Superplumes
Doucet L, Li Z-X, Ernst R, Kirsher U & Mitchell R
(2019) TTG Formation: Water-Present Melting as an Alternative to High-Pressure Melting
Pourteau A, Blereau ER, Doucet LS, Volante S, Johnson TE, Collins WJ & Li Z-X
(2016) Smelting Process Evidenced by δ66Zn
Hublet G, Debaille V, Doucet LS, Greenwood RC, Yamaguchi A, Mattielli N & Ebihara M

Doucet Luc Serge (2023) Multi-Stage Silicate-Carbonatite Mantle Metasomatism with K-Na-P-Lree Enrichments Near the Pacific Margin of Siberia
Ionov DA & Doucet LS
(2023) Kerguelen Oceanic Carbonatite Sourced from Deep Recycled Continental Crust Material
Doucet LS, Moine B, Cottin J-Y, Paquette J-L, Renac C & Li Z-X
(2023) Tracing the Origin of Melt-Enhancing Fluids in TTGs via in situ Oxygen Isotopes
Volante S, Pourteau A, Li Z-X, Collins W, Doucet LS, Olierook H, Martin LAJ & Smit M

Doucet Luc-Serge (2013) The Origin of Garnet Peridotites in the Siberian Cratonic Mantle from Chemical, Modal and Textural Data
Ionov D, Doucet L-S & Golovin A
(2012) Formation and Evolution of Cratonic Lithospheric Mantle in Central Siberia
Ionov D, Bindeman I, Doucet L, Ashchepkov I & Golovin A
(2011) Laser-Induced Photo-Luminescence Spectroscopies: Probes for Sulfide Crystal-Chemistry
Bénard A, Olivier T, Moine BN, Ionov DA, Doucet L-S & Boyet M
(2011) Redox State of Lithospheric Mantle in Central Siberian Craton: A Mössbauer Study of Peridotite Xenoliths from the Udachnaya Kimberlite
Goncharov A, Ionov D, Doucet L-S & Ashchepkov I
(2011) Os Isotope and PGE Data on the Age and Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle in the Central Siberian Craton
Doucet L-S, Ionov D, Carlson R, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I
(2011) Peridotite Xenolith Inferences on the Formation and Evolution of the Central Siberian Cratonic Mantle
Ionov D, Doucet L-S, Carlson R, Pokhilenko N, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I
(2009) New Petrographic, Major and Trace Element Data on Lithospheric Mantle beneath Central Siberian Craton
Doucet L-S, Ionov DA & Ashchepkov I

Doucet Luc-Serge (2015) Water Distribution in the Continental and Oceanic Upper Mantle
Peslier A, Doucet L, Bizimis M, Hui H & Schaffer L
(2015) Age and Origin of Peridotites from the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite, NE Siberian Craton: A most Unusual Cratonic Xenolith Suite
Ionov D, Carlson R, Doucet L-S, Golovin A & Oleinikov O
(2015) Zn and Fe Isotopes: Sensitive Tracers of Partial Melting and Redox Conditions
Doucet LS, Mattilli N, Ionov DA, Weis D, Debouge W & Golovin AV

Doucet Luc-Serge (2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Upper Mantle: New Insights from Ultra-Refractory Mantle Xenoliths in an Oceanic Intraplate Setting
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B, Guillaume D, Debaille V, Wasilewski B, Grégoire M, Delacour A, Cottin J-Y & Delpech G

Doucet Luc-Serge (2018) Zinc Behavior during Mantle Melting: A Reappraisal of Natural and Experimental Observations
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B & Debret B

Doucet S. (2004) Helium-Neon Systematics in OIB and the Nature of the Source of Mantle Plumes
Moreira M, Doucet S, Madureira P, Lecomte A & Allegre C
(2003) Kerguelen Hotspot Since 130 Ma: The View from Hf Isotopes
Ingle S, Weis D, Doucet S & Mattielli N
(2002) High-MgO Basalts and Picrites from the Kerguelen Archipelago: Inferences for the Composition of the Kerguelen Mantle Plume
Doucet S, Scoates JS, Weis D & Giret A

Douds A. (2018) Measured Water Saturations in Mudstones: Preliminary Evidence for the Introduction of Water Through Drilling and Completion Practices
Douds A, Stypula M & Blood D

Dougans A. (2005) The Development of <+>129<$>I/<+>127<$>I Ratios in Scottish Sea Water
Schnabel C, Olive V, Atarashi-Andoh M, Dougans A, Ellam R, Freeman S, Maden C, Stocker M, Synal H & Wacker L
(2005) <+>129<$>I/<+>127<$>I Ratios in Surface Waters of the English Lake District
Atarashi-Andoh M, Schnabel C, Cook G, Dougans A, Ellam R, Freeman S, MacKenzie A, Maden C, Olive V & Sheng X
(2004) 129I/127I Ratios in the Scottish Hydrosphere
Schnabel C, Olive V, Dougans A, Ellam R, Freeman S, Xu S & Wacker L

Dougans J. (2013) Nitrogen Isotope Biogeochemistry of the South Atlantic
Tuerena R, Ganeshram R, Fallick T, Dougans J, Tait A & Woodward M

Dougherty D. (2001) Geochemistry and Organic Chemistry on the Surface of Titan
Lunine JI, Beauchamp P, Beauchamp J, Dougherty D, Welch C, Raulin F, Shapiro R & Smith M

Doughten M. (2016) Arsenic Speciation in Bituminous Coal Fly Ash and Transformations in Response to Redox Conditions
Deonarine A, Kolker A, Foster A, Doughten M, Holland J & Bailoo J

Doughty A. (2012) The Last Glacial Termination in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Denton G, Kaplan M, Barrell D, Andersen B, Birkel S, Doughty A, Kelley S, Koffman T, Finkel R & Schwartz R

Douglas A. (2017) Groundwater-Derived Alkalinity Fluxes to a Seondary Bay: A Temporal and Spatial Perspective
Murgulet D, Trevino M, Douglas A, Spalt N, Murgulet V & Hu X

Douglas C. (2017) Iron Isotopes Track the Uptake and Exchange of Iron Across an Oxic Shelf
Lough A, Jessica K, Rachael J, Douglas C, William H, James M & Peter S
(2016) Iron Colloid Formation during Hydrothermal Plume Dispersion
Lough A, William H, Kaulich B, Douglas C & Rachel M

Douglas D. (2023) Multiphase LA-Icp-Tofms Mapping at Mpx/hr Rates
Rittner M, Schweikert A, Douglas D & Paul B
(2019) Optimizing Methodologies for Lu-Hf and U-Pb Analysis of Zircons by MC-ICP-MS Using Ultrafast Laser Ablation Technology
Craig G, Hutchinson R, Douglas D, O'Connor C, Field P & Lloyd N

Douglas G (2005) Understanding Radioactive Disequilibrium in River-Borne Material: Dependence on Colloid/particle Size
Dosseto A, Douglas G & Turner S

Douglas Grant (2016) Mechanism of Uranyl Sequestration by Hydrotalcite
Bunney K, Gräfe M, Douglas G & Cumberland S
(2014) Biogeochemical Influences on Uranium Speciation in the Mulga Rock Sedimentary Uranium Ore Deposit, Western Australia
Cumberland S, Jaraula C, Grice K, Douglas G, Evans K, McCuaig C, Schwark L, Curtain R, Rubanov S, de Jonge M, Howard D & Moreau J

Douglas J. (2019) Atom Probe Tomography of Lunar Space Weathering Products Returned by Apollo 16
Gopon P, Douglas J, Wade J & Moody M

Douglas K. (2010) FTIR Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Apatite Specimens
Tacker C, Lawver D, Douglas K & Vance Z

Douglas L.M. (2014) Probing the Mechanism of Anaerobic Trichloroethene Biodegradation with Dual Element Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Analysis
Douglas LM, Cretnik S, Pérez-de-Mora A, Höche M, Meyer AH, Shouakar-Stash O, Edwards EA, Sherwood Lollar B & Elsner M

Douglas Madison (2023) Permafrost Mercury Stores and Mobilization by Riverbank Erosion in the Yukon River Basin of Alaska
Smith MI, Seelen E, Douglas M, Ke Y, Magyar JS, Mutter EA, Fischer WW, Lamb MP & West AJ

Douglas Matthew (2009) Chemosorbents for Natural and Artificial Radionuclides Detection by in situ Gamma Counting in Natural Waters
Johnson BE, Santschi PH, Schwantes JM, Douglas M & Addleman RS

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