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Doe M. (2014) Detrital Zircon and Metatuff Age Constraints for Provenance and Mesoproterozoic Orogenic Evolution of Southwest Laurentia
Daniel C, Doe M, Aronoff R, Andronicos C & Jones J

Doeana K. (2018) Magnitude of the Marine Carbon Isotope Excursion during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Constrained Through Archaeal Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Doeana K, Kusch S & Pearson A

Doehne E. (2001) Damage to Monuments from the Crystallization of Mirabilite, Thenardite and Halite: Mechanisms, Environment, and Preventive Possibilities
Doehne E, Selwitz C, Carson D & de Tagle A

Doelsch E (2014) Nanotubular Alumino-Silicates and Analogues (Imogolites): Formation and Biological Interactions
Masion A, Avellan A, Levard C, Lui W, Auffan M, Achouack W, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F & Rose R

Doelsch Emmanuel (2023) Organo-Mineral Associations in Form of Co-precipitates Stabilize Soil Carbon, but These Associations are Less Stable in Contact to Root Exudates
Jamoteau F, Levard C, Doelsch E, Cam N, Legros S, Thuries L, Gassier G, Vidal V, Duvivier A & Basile-Doelsch I
(2021) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Evidence of Sulfur-Bound Cadmium in the Cd-Hyperaccumulator Solanum Nigrum and the Non-Accumulator Solanum Melongena
Pons M-L, Collin B, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Fehlauer T, Levard C, Keller C, Guihou A, Deschamps P & Rose J
(2020) Exploring the Link between Cd Isotopes and Speciation in Plants: A Case Study in Solanum Species
Pons M-L, Collin B, Chaurand P, Fehlauer T, Guihou A, Doelsch E, Levard C & Rose J
(2018) Effect of Organic Matter on Size and Structural Strain of nano-Zns Formed in Organic Waste
Le Bars M, Levard C, Legros S, Dublet G, Fernandez-Martinez A, Borschneck D, Rose J & Doelsch E
(2011) Investigation of Copper and Zinc Speciation in Pig Slurry by a Multitechnique Approach
Legros S, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Rose J, Masion A, Borschneck D, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Briois V, Ferrasse J-H, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y
(2011) Copper Speciation in Organic Wastes by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Tella M, Chataing S, Collin B, Diot MA, Bravin MN & Doelsch E
(2011) Imogolites as a Tool for Evaluating the Hazard of HARN
Levard C, Liu W, Masion A, Thill A, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Doelsch E, Proux O & Bottero JY
(2010) Mobility of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Media
Masion A, Levard C, Solovitch N, Diot M-A, Auffan M, Botta C, Labille J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F, Thill A & Bottero J-Y
(2009) Formation and Growth Mechanisms of Natural Nanotubes: Imogolites
Masion A, Levard C, Rose J, Doelsch E, Thill A, Borschneck D & Bottero JY
(2008) Cu and Zn Speciation in Pig Slurry Impact on their Mobility in Soil
Legros S, Doelsch E, Rose J, Masion A, Proux O, Hazmann J-L, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y
(2008) Nanosized Aluminosilicates (Allophane): Formation Mechanisms and Sorption Capacities
Masion A, Levard C, Ziarelli F, Doelsch E, Rose J & Bottero JY
(2007) Role of Natural Nanoparticles (Imogolite and Allophane) on the Mobility of Trace Metals in Soils from La Reunion Island
Levard C, Rose J, Masion A, Doelsch E, Basile-Doelsch I & Bottero J-Y

Doerenkamp C. (2019) Structure-Property Relationships in Barium Silicate Glasses & Crystals: Preliminary Results
Moulton B, Sampaio D, Rodrigues A, Doerenkamp C, Silva L, Picinin A, Eckert H, Rino JP, Zanotto E & Pizani P

Doerflinger E. (2021) Impact of Intraterrestrial Microbial Life on Rock Weathering at Depth: Case Studies from Cave Environments
Pisapia C, Menez B, Bruxelles L, Watkinson M, Champollion C, Vernant P, Doerflinger E, Bouquerel H, Isambert A, Lecourt L & Gérard E

Doering K. (2023) Coupled Marine Silica and Carbon Cycle Changes after the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Dai Y, Zhang Z, Richoz S, Doering K, Stamm FM, Yu J, Xu Z, Frank M & Conley DJ
(2023) Effects of the K-Pg Boundary Event on the Ocean Silicon Cycle: What Sponge Spicule and Radiolarian Silicon Isotopes can Show us
Stoerling T, Friberg L, Cassarino L, Pickering RA, Doering K, Stamm FM, Hendry KR, Richoz S & Conley DJ
(2023) The Silica Cycle on a Continental Shelf during the Upper Cretaceous: Reconstructions of Silicon Isotopes of Sponges, Radiolaria and Diatoms
Doering K, Zhang Z, Dai Y, Dummann W, Pickering RA, Brylka K, Stoerling T, Schröder-Adams C, Richoz S, Frank M, Herrle J, Harwood D & Conley DJ
(2022) East Greenland’s Rising Impact on the Marine Silicon Cycle Constrained by Silicon Isotopes
Laukert G, Kienast SS, Horner TJ, Doering K, Grasse P, Bauch D, Frank M, Huhn O & Mertens C
(2021) Nutrient Inputs, Utilization and Cycling in the Laptev Sea Constrained by Macronutrient Concentrations and Stable Silicon Isotopes
Laukert G, Grasse P, Novikhin A, Povazhny V, Doering K, Hölemann J, Janout M, Bauch D, Kassens H & Frank M
(2019) Marine Reverse Silicate Weathering Traced by Silicon Isotopes
Geilert S, Hensen C, Doering K, Grasse P, Ehlert C, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Schmidt M & Frank M
(2019) Silicon Isotope Signatures of Radiolaria and their Potential to Track Changes in Past Seawater Nutrient Concentrations
Doering K, Grasse P, Ehlert C & Frank M
(2013) Stable Silicon Isotopes in Porewaters off Peru – Diatom Dissolution Versus Authigenic Clay Mineral Formation
Ehlert C, Doering K, Wallmann K, Grasse P & Frank M

Doerr S. (2006) Longer-term and contemporary denudation rates, and the role of extreme events along a passive margin, Australia
Humphreys G, Tomkins K, Wilkinson M, Fink D, Shakesby R, Doerr S, Walbrink P & Blake W

Doersam G. (2007) Experimental Determination of Ca-Sr Distribution between Zoisite-Fluid and Lawsonite-Fluid
Doersam G, Liebscher A, Wunder B, Gottschalk M & Franz G
(2007) Ca-Sr Fractionation between Margarite, Anorthite, Calcite, and Fluid at 400-500℃ and 3.5-5 kbar
Thiele M, Doersam G, Franz G, Liebscher A & Gottschalk M

Doessing L.N. (2012) Cr Isotopes in a Ferruginous Lake
Crowe S, Basu A, Doessing L, Ellis A, Fowle D, Mucci A, Johnson T & Canfield D
(2012) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Mobilization and Transport in Sukinda Valley, India
Doessing LN, Dideriksen K, Crowe SA, Mondal SK, Bovet N & Frei R

Doetsch J. (2016) Pressure Tomography for Delineating the Spatial Extent of a CO2 Plume and Estimating the Saturation Based on a Single-Phase Proxy
Hu L, Doetsch J, Brauchler R & Bayer P

Doetterl S. (2017) Climatic Versus Geochemical Controls on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions along Altitudinal Transects in Different Mountain Regions
Griepentrog M, Bodé S, Boudin M, Dercon G, Doetterl S, Martin V, Matulanya M, Msigwa A, Richter A, Sun X, Vermeir P, Wang X & Boeckx P
(2016) Erosion, Deposition and Organic Matter: Biogeochemical Cycles in Dynamic Landscapes
Doetterl S
(2016) Climate and Geochemical Interaction Control Soil Carbon Dynamics
Boeckx P, Doetterl S, Munoz C & Zagal Venegas E

Dogan A U (2005) Re-evaluation and Re-classification of Erionite Group Minerals
Dogan AU & Dogan M

Dogan A U (2005) TE and REE Modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey
Dogan AU, Dogan M, Kilinc A, Steele I, Yesilyurt FI, Ustunisik G, Ozbay S, Tigli M, Conger O & Tosun S

Doğan G.D. (2014) Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Magmatism from the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP): Mineralogy and P-T Estimates
Doğan GD, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Afyon Volcanics, West Central Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Doğan GD, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Demirbağ H
(2007) Petrology and Geochemistry of Cemilkoy Ignimbrite, Cappadocia, Turkey
Dogan GD, Temel A & Gourgaud A

Dogan M. (2005) Re-evaluation and Re-classification of Erionite Group Minerals
Dogan AU & Dogan M
(2005) TE and REE Modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey
Dogan AU, Dogan M, Kilinc A, Steele I, Yesilyurt FI, Ustunisik G, Ozbay S, Tigli M, Conger O & Tosun S

Dogan R. (2021) In-Silico Modelling of Reaction Networks Involved in Prebiotic Chemistry to Understand the Origins of Life
Sharma S, Arya A, Ray J, Garcia EAL, Cruz Simbron RL, Andersen JL, Dogan R, Chen H & Cleaves HJ

Dogan-Kulahci G.D. (2018) Insights on the PTX Fluid-Conditions of the Afyon Volcanic Rocks (Western Anatolia, Turkey) from Natural Rocks and Phase Relation Experiments
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Cichy SB, Spallanzani R & Temel A
(2016) New K-Ar Ages of Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Volcanism in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Turkey
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Guillou H, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E

Doglioni C. (2013) Asymmetric Plate Tectonics and Asymmetric Mantle Convection
Doglioni C
(2006) B, Sr, Nd and Pb isotope variations in El Salvador arc lavas: insights into subarc mantle modifications
Tonarini S, Agostini S, Doglioni C, Innocenti F & Manetti P

Dogra S. (2012) Stable Isotope Tracing of ZnO Nanoparticles in Complex Systems
Larner F, Dogra S, Fabrega J, Dybowska A, Amer A, Filby A, Bridgestock LJ, Rehkaemper M, Valsami-Jones E, Tyler CR & Galloway TS

Dogra Y. (2013) Stable Isotope Tracing of Manufactured Nanoparticles
Rehkämper M, Laycock A, Larner F, Dybowska A, Dogra Y, Stolpe B, Diez Ortiz M, Lead J, Svendsen C, Valsami-Jones E, Tyler C & Galloway T

Dogramaci S. (2019) Stable Isotope Classification for Acid Rock Drainage Detection in Carbonate-Rich Environment
Skrzypek G, Dogramaci S & McLean L
(2015) The Formation of Dolomite at the Fortescue Marsh, Northwest Australia
Mather C, Skrzypek G, Dogramaci S, Grierson P & Gilkes R

Dogru D. (2021) Oxygen Isotopic Fingerprints on the Phosphorus Cycle within the Subseafloor Biosphere
Zhao M, Blake R, Planavsky NJ, Jaisi DP, Liang Y, Chang SJ & Dogru D

Doğrul Demiray A. (2014) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Metal Release from Wastes of a Historic Copper Mine – Kuvarshan, Northeastern Turkey
Yolcubal İ, Doğrul Demiray A, Çiftçi E & Sangu E
(2014) The Role of Secondary Sulfate Minerals on Metal Recycling in the Abondoned Copper Mine– Kuvarshan, Northeastern Turkey
Yolcubal İ, Doğrul Demiray A, Çiftçi E & Sangu E

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