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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Do Cabo V. (2011) Mid and Heavy REE in Carbonatites at Lofdal, Namibia
Do Cabo V, Wall F, Sitnikova M, Ellmies R, Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A & Downes H

do Carmo D.A. (2023) A Shift in Redox Conditions Near the Ediacaran/Cambrian Transition and its Possible Influence in Early Animal Evolution, Corumbá Group of Western Brazil
Caxito F, Sperling EA, Fazio G, Adorno R, Denezine M, do Carmo DA, Giorgioni M & Uhlein G

Do Couto D. (2023) Fluid Sources and Pathways in Detachments along mcc Exhumation: Barite Isotopy and Fluid Salinity in Mykonos and Serifos – Cyclades, Greece
De Bue H, Faure A, Verlaguet A, Do Couto D, Jolivet L, Homberg C & Martin E

Do Le T. (2019) Assessment of Urban Soil Heavy Metal Contamination and Bioremediation Potential
Abbaszade G, Tserendorj D, Do Le T, Salazar N, Tóth E, Zacháry D, Völgyesi P & Szabó C

do Nascimento N. (2017) Dating Fe-Duricrusts of Central Amazonia (Brazil) by (U-Th)/He and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Methods
Allard T, Gautheron C, Balan E, Bressan Riffel S, Morin G, do Nascimento N, Pinna-Jamme R, Selo M, Soares FernandesSoares Fernandes B & Taitson Bueno G

do Nascimento P.C. (2007) Voltammetric Determination of Te(IV) and Te(VI): Sorption Behaviour on Fe and Mn Oxides
Jost CL, Koschinsky A, de Carvalho LM & do Nascimento PC

do Nascimento Guimarães L.J. (2002) Investigation of Damage Formation Around Wellbores Using Reactive Transport Modeling
do Nascimento Guimarães LJ, Gens A & Olivella S

do Nascimento Vieira A. (2021) Serpentinizing Systems and Hydrogen Activation in Early Metabolism
Henriques Pereira DP, do Nascimento Vieira A, Kleinermanns K, Martin WF & Preiner M
(2021) NAD Reduction Under Alkaline Hydrothermal Conditions
Henriques Pereira DP, do Nascimento Vieira A, Kleinermanns K, Martin WF & Preiner M
(2020) The Ambivalent Role of Water at the Origins of Life
do Nascimento Vieira A, Kleinermanns K, Martin WF & Preiner M

Doan M-L. (2019) Fluid/rock Experiments on Allanite Alteration: Insigths on the Mobilization of REE and HFSE during Weathering
Denys A, Auzende A-L, Doan M-L, Montes-Hernandez G & Janots E

Doan P. (2015) Reactive-Transport Modelling for Dynamics of Phosphorus Retention and Binding Forms in the Bay of Quinte, Canada
Doan P, Cui Y, Newman A, Arhonditsis G, Watson S & Dittrich M

Doane T. (2014) Beyond the Cellulose: Measuring Shifts in Water Regime Using Oxygen Isotopes of Plant Lipids
Silva L, Pedroso G, Doane T, Mukome F & Horwath W

Dobberschütz Sören (2015) Pitzer Ion Interaction Parameters for BaSO4-NaCl-H2O System at Reservoir Conditions
Zhen-Wu B, Dobberschütz S, Dideriksen K, Raahauge PJ & Stipp SLS
(2015) The Influence of Ions on the Hydrophobic Interactions of Benzene
Dobberschütz S, Rimmen M, Hassenkam T, Andersson M & Stipp SLS

Dobberschütz Sören (2015) A Microkinetic Model of Calcite Growth
Andersson MP, Dobberschütz S, Krarup Sand K, Tobler DJ & Stipp SLS

Dobberschütz Soren (2016) Surface Charges of Carboxyl Self Assembled Monolayers – Prediction and Experiments
Dobberschütz S, Olsson MHM, Matthiesen J, Andersson MP, Pedersen NR, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2016) A Mechanistic Explanation for Preferential Binding of Iron Oxides to Natural Organic Matter: Deriving Free Energies of Binding
Sand K, Jelavic S, Dobberschutz S, Ashby P, Stipp S & DeYoreo J
(2016) AFM Force Mapping as a Fast Alternative to Core Plug Tests for Optimising Water EOR in Sandstone and Limestone
Hassenkam T, Dobberschütz S, Matthiesen J, Andersson MP, Pedersen NR, Segura JJ, Bovet N, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS

Dobberschütz SÖREN (2017) Mechanistic Insight into Microbial Biomineralization of Iron Oxides
Sand K, Jelavić S, Dobberschütz S, Ashby P, Marshall M, Friddle R & Deyoreo J

Dobbis S. (2017) Elevated Solutes and Weathering Fluxes in Urban Streams due to Non-Point Source Contributions from Concrete and Road Salt
Moore J, Bird D, Dobbis S & Woodward G

Dobhal D.P. (2020) Natural Versus Anthropogenic Influence on Trace Elemental Concentrations in Precipitation at Dokriani Glacier, Central Himalaya, India
Sundriyal S, Shukla T, Tripathee L & Dobhal DP
(2020) Aspects of Weathering and Solute Acquisition Processes Controlling Chemistry of Proglacial Stream at Dokriani Glacier, Central Himalaya, India
Sundriyal S, Shukla T, Singh R & Dobhal DP

Dobias J. (2011) Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Environmental Microbial Consortia
Dobias J, Costanza A, Suvorova E, Trotta M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2010) Role of Proteins in Controlling Nanoparticle Size Distribution
Dobias J, Suvorova EI & Bernier-Latmani R
(2009) Role of Proteins in the Formation of Selenium Nanoparticles
Dobias J & Bernier-Latmani R

Dobinsky Z. (2017) Light Enhanced Calcification in Corals, Foraminifera and Clams and their Implications for Carbon Isotopes in their Shells
Erez J, Cohen I, Warter V, Avital S & Dobinsky Z

Dobler J-P. (2002) The Uptake of Sr(II) by Calcium Silicate Hydrates: Adsorption Versus Co-precipitation
Tits J, Wieland E, Dobler J-P & Kunz D
(2000) The Interaction of 152Eu and 228Th with Calcite Under Alkaline Conditions
Tits J, Wieland E, Bradbury MH & Dobler J

Dobnikar M. (2002) Amphibole Mineral Chemistry of Rocks of Karavanke Granitic Massif
Dobnikar M, Fioretti AM, Bellieni G & Dolenec T

Dobosi G. (2007) Trace Element Fractionation during Exsolution of Garnet from Clinopyroxene in an Eclogite Xenolith from Obnazhennaya (Siberia)
Dobosi G, Kurat G, Wall F & Jeffries T
(2002) Formation of Lower Continental Crust by Tectonic Emplacement of Oceanic Crust. An example:The Pannonian Basin
Dobosi G, Kempton PD, Downes H & Embey-Isztin A
(2000) Stable Isotope, FeIII/FeII, and Trace Element Evidence for Subduction-Related Fluids in the Upper Mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin
Demeny A, Vennemann T, Homonnay Z, Embey-Isztin A & Dobosi G
(2000) Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Granulite Xenoliths from Mindszentkalla and Sabarhegy, Pannonian Basin, Hungary
Embey-Isztin A, Downes H, Dobosi G & Kempton P

Dobosz A. (2016) Trace Metal Hosts in Stream Sediments Impacted by Mine Waste
Kimball B, Jamieson H, Seal R, Dobosz A & Piatak N
(2011) VESPERS XRF and Laue Diffraction Mapping of Carlin-Type Auriferous Arsenian Pyrite
Dobosz A, Olivo GR & Pratt AR

Dobrescu A. (2013) Archaean TTG Discriminant Criteria Applied to Phanerozoic Granitoids – Significance from a Study Case in the Getic Basement, South Carpathians
Dobrescu A

Dobretsov N. (2019) REE-Minerals of Tomtor Complex
Lazareva E, Zhmodik S, Dobretsov N, Karmanov N & Tolstov A

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