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Djomou S. (2016) Lakes Nyos and Monoun – Past, Present & Future -
Kusakabe M, Ohba T, Yoshida Y, Issa I, Tanyileke G, Djomou S & Hell J

Djon L. (2022) The Geology, Geochemistry, and Magmatic Evolution of the Legris Lake Mafic-Ultramafic Complex
Bain WM, Hollings P & Djon L

Djoukouo Soh A.P. (2019) Geochemistry of the Kouambo Banded Iron Formation (BIF) and Associated Lithology from the Paleoproterozoic Nyong Series, Southern Cameroon: Implications for Origin and Tectonic Setting
Djoukouo Soh AP, Zhang L & Ganno S

Djouraev I. (2017) A New Compilation of Element Concentrations in the Natural River Water Standard SLRS-6 (NRC-Cnrc)
Yeghicheyan D, Aubert D, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Chmeleff J, Delpoux S, Djouraev I, Granier G, Lacan F, Piro J-L, Rousseau T, Cloquet C, Marquet A, Menniti C, Pradoux C, Freydier R, Vieira da Silva-Filho E & Suchorski K
(2017) Geochemical Behaviour and Marine Flux of Barium in the Eastern Coast of the Arabian Sea
Gurumurthy GP, Tripti M, Riotte J & Djouraev I

Djro Sagbrou Chérubin

Djro Sagbrou Cherubin

Djuly T. (2013) Spational and Temporal Variation in Provenance of Eastern Mediterranean Sediment: Implications for Aegean Volcanism
Klaver M, Djuly T & Vroon P

Djurdjevic D. (2023) Phytoavailability of PFAS
Sauvé S, Munoz G, Michaud A, Djurdjevic D, Arrouy L, Saliu TD, Tuc QD & Vo Duy S

Djurdjevic S. (2023) Towards Multi-Element Characterization of Marine Metal Nanoparticles: First Results from the Suboxic Zone of the Black Sea
Yucel M, Alimli N, Borovinskaya O, Demir NYN, Cura H, Gülmez ZA, Tanner M & Djurdjevic S

Djurhuus A. (2013) The Effect of Hydrothermal Iron on Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
Hawkes J, Connelly D, Djurhuus A & Achterberg E

Dlapa P. (2022) Developing Novel Techniques for Reconstructing Past Fire Histories in South-Eastern Australia
Ryan R, Dosseto A, Lemarchand D, Dlapa P, Bradstock R, Thomas Z & Simkovic I
(2021) Investigating Boron Isotopes and FTIR as Proxies for Bushfire Severity
Lu S, Dosseto A, Lemarchand D, Dlapa P & Bradstock R
(2021) Boron Isotopes and FTIR Analysis to Determine Past Fire Occurrence in the Upper Nepean Catchment, NSW, Australia
Ryan R, Dosseto A, Lemarchand D, Dlapa P, Simkovic I & Bradstock R

Dlugogorski Bogdan Z. (2022) Muscovite as Tracer for the Evolution of Spodumene-Bearing LCT-Pegmatites
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ
(2021) Alteration of Spodumene to Muscovite and Cookeite – Implications for the Fate of Lithium and Iron
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius A, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ
(2019) Weathering and Carbonation of Ultramafic Rocks Traced by Mg Isotopes
Oskierski HC, Beinlich A, Dlugogorski BZ, Altarawneh M & Mavromatis V

Dlugogorski Bogdan Zygmund (2020) Magnesium Isotope Signatures of Hydrotalcite Supergroup Minerals during Weathering and Carbonation of Ultramafic Mineral Wastes
Turvey C, Wilson S, Mavromatis V, Hamilton J, Dlugogorski B & Oskierski H
(2020) The Influence of Natural Alteration on the Quality of Spodumene Ores
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Schulz B, Senanayake G & Dlugogorski BZ

Dmitriev L. (2004) Statistical Estimation of the Geophysical Fields and Basalt Assemblages Distribution in the Central Atlantic
Dmitriev L, Sokolov N & Sokolov S

Dmitriev V. (2002) Fe-O System at Extreme Conditions
Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Rozenberg G, Dmitriev V & Weber H-P

Dmitry Z. (2004) Trace-Element and Nd Isotope Studies of the Archaean Anorthosites from the Fennoscandian Shield
Dmitry Z & Nikolai K

Dmytrieva Svitlana (2013) GEMS: Gibbs Energy Minimization Software for Geochemical Modeling
Kulik D, Dmytrieva S, Wagner T, Thoenen T & Berner U

Dmytrieva Svitlana V. (2021) ThermoFun: C++/Python Code to Fetch Standard Thermodynamic Data from ThermoHub Database
Miron GD, Leal AMM, Dmytrieva SV & Kulik DA

Do E. (2023) Boron Loss and Isotopic Fractionation as a Result of Sediment Dehydration during Subduction from Seafloor to Sub-Arc in SW Japan
Do E, Perez S, Chen T-W, Fisher D, Agostini S, Saffer D & Feineman M

Do Hyun-Kwon (2015) Hydrochemistry and Quality of CO2-rich Springs in Gyeongsang Sedimentary Basin, South Korea, as a Natural Analogue of CO2 Leakage from Geologic Carbon Storage Sites
Do H-K, Kim K-H & Yun S-T

Do Hyun-Kwon (2019) Hydrogeochemcal Investiagtion of the Deep Subsurface Environment in Two Representative Lithologies in South Korea
Yu S, Kwon J-S, Yun S-T & Do H-K
(2019) Spatial Variation of Carbon Isotope Compositions of Soil CO2 Around CO2-rich Spring: Implications for Soil Gas Monitoring to Detect CO2 Leakage
Kang Y-J, Do H-K, Yu S & Yun S-T

Do Hyun-Kwon (2020) Development of on-Site pCO2 Analyzing System and Evaluation of its Applicability to Identify CO2 Intrusion into Groundwater
Ha S-W, Do H-K, Kang H-J, Joun W-T, Ju Y, Cho I-R, Lee S-S, Lee K-K & Yun S-T

Do Hyun-Kwon (2022) A Modified and Rapid Method for Single Well Push-Pull Test Using Inert Gas Tracers
Joun W-T, Ha S-W, Lee S, Do H-K, Jun S-C, Kim Y, Ju Y, Kim Y & Lee K-K

Do Hyun-Kwon (2013) Hydrochemical and Isotopic Study of CO2 Rich Groundwater in the Gyeongsang Sedimentary Basin, South Korea
Do H-K, Yun S-T, Kim K-H & Mayer B

Do T.A. (2011) Unexpected Changes in Aggregation and Mineralogy of Goethite during the Reduction of Nitroaromatics
Arnold W, Penn RL, Moore K, Do TA & Stemig A

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