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Dinsley James M (2021) Micro-Scale Mapping and Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead and Uranium in Plant Roots Colonised by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Dinsley JM, Robinson CH, Shaw S, Field L, Moore K & Pittman JK

Diomidis N. (2015) Reconstructed Microbial Metabolic Networks in the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface
Bagnoud A, Chourey K, Hettich RL, de Bruijn I, Andersson AF, Diomidis N, Leupin OX, Schwyn B & Bernier-Latmani R

Diong H.T.

Diop Issa (2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I

Diop Issa S (2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F

Diot F. (2017) Column Experiments and Numerical Modelling for in situ Leaching of Sandstone-Hosted Copper Deposit
Laurent G, Izart C, Filippov L, Golfier F, Marion P, Joussemet R, Diot F, Lechenard B, Truche L & Royer J-J

Diot M.A. (2012) Speciation of Commercial CeO2 Nanocomposites during Aging
Masion A, Scifo L, Chaurand P, Diot MA, Labille J, Auffan M, Bottero JY & Rose J
(2011) Copper Speciation in Organic Wastes by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Tella M, Chataing S, Collin B, Diot MA, Bravin MN & Doelsch E
(2010) Mobility of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Media
Masion A, Levard C, Solovitch N, Diot M-A, Auffan M, Botta C, Labille J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F, Thill A & Bottero J-Y

Diouf A. (2003) Magnetic Remediation of Biogenic Metals from Aqueous System ‘A Proposed Method of Biogenic Iron Removal from our Water Systems’
Diouf A

Diouf M. (2023) Mercury and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Guianas: Insights from Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments
Martin LA, Maurice L, Diouf M, Landburg GA, Abielie J, Cameron C & Williams A

Dipietro S. (2018) Uranium Sequestration with pH Manipulation by Ammonia Gas
Katsenovich Y, Emerson H, Cardona C, Dipietro S & Szecsody J

Dipple Greg (2022) Machine Learning and Mass Balance Methods for the Quantifying Carbon Capture Capacity of Nickel Deposits from Whole-Rock Geochemistry: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Best Practices
Vanderzee S, Dipple G & Bradshaw P
(2016) Hydrotalcites as a Carbon Sink in Serpentinites
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, McCutcheon J, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Southam G

Dipple Gregory (2022) Advances in Monitoring Carbon Dioxide Exchange between the Atmosphere and Mine Waste Derived from Ultramafic-Hosted Mineral Deposits; A Pilot Study at Cassiar, B.C
Jones FA, Doucet A, Ladd B, Mayer KU, Black A & Dipple G
(2022) Carbon Dioxide Injection into Processed Kimberlite at the Metre Scale and Beyond
Wynands E, Alban E & Dipple G
(2022) Characterizing Cation Release for Assessing Carbon Capture and Storage Reactivity of Ultramafic Mine Tailings
Lu X & Dipple G
(2022) Measuring CO2 Exchange over the Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas in Atlin, B.C
Doucet A, Jones FA, Ladd B, Black A, Dipple G & Mayer KU
(2022) A New Method for Rapid Characterization of Carbon Sequestration Potential Using Thermogravimetric Analysis
Turvey C, Wynands E & Dipple G
(2021) Mineral Carbonation at Venetia and Gahcho Kué Diamond Mines: Characterization of the Highly Reactive Clay Fraction
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson S, Paulo C, Stubbs AR, Power IM, Turvey C & Dipple G
(2021) Mechanisms Controlling the Mg Isotope Composition of Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas Near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
Mavromatis V, Power IM, Harrison A, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Bénézeth P
(2020) Serpentinization of Ophiolitic Rocks, Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia: Implications for Carbon Sequestration and Nickel Recovery
Steinthorsdottir K, Cutts J, Turvey C, Dipple G, Bradshaw P, Milidragovic D & Peacock S
(2020) Pilot Scale Demonstration of Carbon Mineralization in Processed Kimberlite
Wynands E, Alban E, Dipple G, Shaw A & McLean S
(2020) Mapping Carbon Sequestration Potential of Ultramafic Rocks with Remotely-Sensed Physical Properties
Cutts J, Dipple G, Mitchinson D, Fournier D, Milidragovic D & Hart C
(2020) Enhancing Passive Atmospheric CO2 Sequestration and Tailings Stabilization by Ultramafic Mine Waste Aeration
Vanderzee S, Dipple G, Mayer KU & Bradshaw PMD
(2020) Field Protocols for Measuring Rates of CO2 Influx into Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Study at the Sumas Landslide, WA, US
Jones F, Doucet A-M, Black A, Dipple G, Mayer U & Vanderzee S
(2020) Carbon Mineralization in Ultramafic Mine Tailings: A Pathway to Negative Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Dipple G, Lu X, Vanderzee S, Wynands E, Baidya D, Ghoreishi-Madiseh SA & Cutts J
(2020) Characterization of Ultramafic Mine Tailings Reactivity for Carbon Capture, and Storage
Lu X, Dipple G & Turvey C
(2019) Characterization of Ultramafic Mine Tailings Reactivity for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
Lu X, Dipple G & Turvey C
(2018) Magnesite Formation at Earth’s Surface
Power I, Harrison A, Kenward P, Dipple G & Wilson S
(2018) Natural Carbonate Precipitation Rates from Bomb-Pulse Radiocarbon Dating
Smith M, Finstad K, Dipple G, Beaudoin G, Marks N, Ryerson F & Aines R
(2018) Tracing Cation and Anion Exchange in Hydrotalcite Minerals Using Stable C, O and Mg Isotopes
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Frierdich A

Dipple Gregory M. (2015) Pore Scale Visualization of Multiphase Reactions in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison AL, Dipple GM, Song W, Power IM, Mayer KU, Beinlich A & Sinton D
(2014) Mining Environments as Models for Enhanced Weathering: Lessons for Understanding Element Cycling during CO2 Sequestration
Wilson S, Power I, Harrison A, Dipple G, Hamilton J, Morgan B, Turvey C & Southam G
(2013) Carbon Mineralization in Artificial Wetlands
Power I, McCutcheon J, Harrison A, Dipple G & Southam G
(2013) Enhancing CO2 Sequestration in Mg-Rich Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM & Mayer KU
(2012) Microbially-Accelerated Carbon Sequestration
McCutcheon J, Power IM, Harrison AL, Dipple GM & Southam G
(2012) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Mayer KU & Bea SA
(2012) Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas: A Model for Carbon Storage
Power I, Wilson S, Dipple G & Harrison A
(2011) Accelerated Carbon Sequestration in Mine Tailings Using Elevated pCO2
Harrison AL, Power IM & Dipple GM
(2010) Assessing Capture of Atmospheric CO2 within Mine Tailings Using Stable Isotopes and 14C
Wilson S, Dipple G, Barker S, Power I, Atudorei V, Fallon S & Southam G
(2010) Insights for CO2 Sequestration from Mineral-Fluid-Gas Interactions in Mine Waste
Dipple G, Wilson S, Power I, Barker S, Fallon S & Southam G
(2010) Modern Thrombolites from an Asbestos Open Pit Pond
Power I, Wilson S, Dipple G & Southam G
(2008) The Hydromagnesite Playas of Atlin, British Columbia, Canada: A Biogeochemical Model for CO2 Sequestration
Power I, Wilson S, Thom J, Gabites J, Dipple G & Southam G
(2008) Origin of a Carbonate-Hosted Gem Corundum Occurrence in Southeastern, British Columbia
Dzikowski T, Dipple G & Groat L
(2008) Mineral Transformations in Tailings from Active Mines: Implications for Acid Neutralization Potential and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Raudsepp M, Oliver SL, Gabites JE, Power IM & Southam G
(2005) Geochemical Study of the Kimmirut Sapphire Occurrence, Baffin Island, Canada
Cade A, Dipple G & Groat L
(2001) The Origin of Permeability in Siliceous Dolomite during Contact Metamorphism
Dipple GM
(2001) The Persistence of Near Lithostatic Fluid Pressure during Infiltration Metamorphism in the Horsethief Creek Contact Aureole, British Columbia
Dipple GM
(2001) A Model for Parameterization of the Thermal State of Mantle Lithosphere
Russell JK, Dipple GM & Kopylova MG

Dippold M. (2017) De-Novo Synthesis Versus Recycling: Relevance Under Disturbed and Steady-State Conditions in Soil
Dippold M, Bore E & Kuzyakov Y
(2016) Recycling Versus Inaccessibility: Which Mechanisms Stabilize Organic Carbon at Mineral Surfaces?
Dippold M, Apostel C, Dyckmans J & Kuzyakov Y
(2014) Ancient Calcified Roots Reveal Long-Term Rhizomicrobial Activity in the Deep Subsoil
Gocke M, Huguet A, Derenne S, Fosse C, Dippold M, Kolb S & Wiesenberg GLB
(2011) Coupling Isotope Labelling with Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Microbial Biomarkers
Dippold M, Apostel C, Sauheitl L, Glaser B & Kuzyakov Y

Dippon U. (2019) Leaching of Trace Metals from Anaerobic Sediments by Nitrate Induced Oxidation
Dippon U, Mahringer D, Sperling K, Schütze S & Ruhl AS
(2011) Control of Biomineral Formation during Microbial Fe(III) Reduction by Local Fe2+ Gradients – A Multiscale Approach
Dippon U, Schmidt C, Obst M, Piepenbrock A & Kappler A
(2011) Arsenic Concentration Influences Secondary Mineral Formation during Simultaneous As(V) and Fe(III) Reduction by Shewanella sp
Pombo SA, Huang J-H, Mikutta C, Dippon U, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Biogenic Fe(III) Minerals Lower the Efficiency of Iron-Mineral-Based Commercial Filter Systems for Arsenic Removal
Kappler A, Kleinert S, Muehe E-M, Posth N, Dippon U & Daus B
(2011) Discovering Environmentally-Critical Nanomineralogy: Highly Reactive Mn-Oxyhydroxide Nanofiber Nucleation and Growth Catalyzed by Nanohematite
Veeramani H, Dippon U, Murayama M, Henderson R, Kappler A & Hochella MF
(2010) Products of Abiotic U(VI) Reduction by Biogenic Magnetite and Vivianite
Veeramani H, Alessi D, Suvorova E, Lezama-Pacheco J, Stubbs J, Dippon U, Kappler A, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2009) Magnetic Susceptibility Analysis as a Tool to Follow Geomicrobiological Transformation of Fe-Minerals
Porsch K, Dippon U, Appel E & Kappler A

Diraison M. (2023) Unraveling the Composition of Mantle Noble Gases from CO2-rich Geothermal Emanations, Homa Hills, Kenya
Marty B, Contamine D, Pik R, Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Diraison M, Walter B, Géraud Y, Omenda P & Varet J

Direen N. (2006) Extensive Basaltic Magmatism On The Naturaliste Plateau, Offshore SW Australia
Crawford A, Direen N, Coffin M, Cohen B, Paul B, Mitrovic L & Forbes C

Dirghangi S.S. (2017) Degradation of Organic Matter in the Surface Sediments of the Ganga River Estuary, India
Samanta S, Satpathy S, Dirghangi SS, Dalai TK, Dutta S & Kumar S
(2017) Organic Geochemical Characterization of Gondwana Coal Deposits in India: Evaluation of Depositional Environment, Thermal Maturity and Hydrocarbon Generation Potential
Dirghangi S, Patra S & Dutta S

Dirik R.K. (2018) Age and Geochemical Constraints on Formation of Fault-Related Late Quaternary Carbonate Veins from Southern Turkey
Ünal-İmer E, Uysal IT, Dirik RK, İmer A & Ring U

Diringer S. (2014) Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Madre de Dios, Peru
Diringer S, Feingold B, Pan W, Ortiz E & Hsu-Kim H

Dirks P. (2022) Variation of Sulfur Isotopes in Indium-Rich Tin Deposits (Baal Gammon and Isabel) of Herberton Mineral Field, Queensland, Australia
Kumar A, Sanislav I, Martin LAJ & Dirks P
(2021) The Tectonic Setting and Mineralization Potential for Nickel, Scandium, Chromium and Cobalt of Ultramafic Complexes in NE Queensland
Edgar A, Sanislav I & Dirks P
(2021) Indium Mineralization in the Herberton Mineral Field, Northeast Queensland, Australia
Kumar A, Sanislav I & Dirks P
(2016) Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralisation at the Mt Carlton High-Sulphidation Au-Ag-Cu Epithermal Deposit (NE Queensland, Australia)
Sahlström F, Corral I, Chang Z, Arribas A, Dirks P & Stokes M
(2016) Fertility of Arc Volcanic Suites for Cu-Au Mineralisation: A Case Study from NE Queensland, Australia
Behnsen H, Spandler C, Corral I, Chang Z & Dirks P

Dirksen E. (2014) Simultaneous Increase in Planktonic-Benthic Carbon Isotope Gradients and Phosphorus Deposition in Sediments from the Caribbean (ODP Site 999) Provide Evidence for Increased Nutrient Delivery and Organic Carbon Burial during Miocene Volcanic Ash Events
Faul K, Lear C, Dirksen E, Simpson H & Zentner L

DiRuggiero J. (2015) Identification of Biomarkers in Volcanic Rocks from the Atacama Desert: Implications for the Search of Life Traces on Mars
Wierzchos J, Vítek P, Artieda O, DiRuggiero J, Souza-Egipsy V, Casero MC & Ascaso C

Disch B (2006) Assessment of Pressed Calcium Phosphate Pellets for Calibration of LA-ICP-MS
Disch B, Jarvis K & Linge K

Disch Benoit (2015) Performance Characteristics of Single Collector and Multi-Collector ICP-MS for Single Shot Laser Ablation Isotope Ratios
Shaw P, Disch B, Zhao Y, Hutchinson R & o'connor C

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