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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ding Xin (2022) Fe Isotope Fractionation in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-Pge Deposit, China
Chen L, Ding X, Zhang W, Feng Y & Mathur R
(2018) Iron and Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of Cenozoic Basalts from Eastern China
Chen Z, Ding X, Huang J, Yu H & Huang F
(2018) U Isotope Fractionation: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls
Brown S, Basu A, Ding X, Christensen J & DePaolo D
(2017) Inorganic Uranium Isotope Fractionation is Dependent on Aqueous Speciation
Brown S, Basu A, Ding X, Christensen J & DePaolo D
(2016) An Improved Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell
Li J, Bassett WA, Chou I-M, Ding X & Wang X
(2008) Origin of Hydrothermally Altered Granites from the Yongping Copper Deposit, Jiangxi Province, China: Constraints from Immobile Elements and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes
Jiang S-Y, Zhu B, Ding X & Jiang Y-H

Ding Xing (2020) Hydrothermal Processes Facilitate Rare Metal Fractionation and Mineralization
Zhang Z, Ding X, Ling M & Sun W
(2020) First Experimental Investigation of Hydrolysis Behaviour of Potassium Chloroplatinate in Aqueous Solutions at 200-600℃ and 100MPa
Yan H & Ding X
(2020) Effect of pH on the Kinetics of Peridotite Serpentinization: An Experimental Study
Huang R, Sun W & Ding X
(2020) Lost Iron during Serpentinization and Implications for the Origin of Life
Chen C, Sun W & Ding X
(2019) Stability of Sn(IV)-F Complex at Magmatic-Hydrothermal Conditions
Ding X & He J
(2019) Contrasted Effect of Pyroxene and Spinel on the Production of Molecular Hydrogen (H2) during Serpentinization of Olivine
Huang R, Sun W & Ding X
(2018) Mobility of Titanium in F-Rich Fluids: Clues from Experiments and Thermodynamic Calculation
Ding X, He J & Sun W
(2018) The Formation of the Continental Crust, a Nb/Ta Perspective
Sun W, Ding X, Li C & Li H
(2017) Trace Element Characteristics of Fluids Derived from Lherzolite Serpentinization
Ding X
(2017) The Production of Molecular Hydrogen and Methane during Serpentinization: Influence of Pyroxene and Spinel
Huang R, Sun W, Ding X & Zhan W
(2016) Hydrolysis of Fluorine-Rich Titanium Complex in Hydrothermal Fluids: Implications on Mobility and Fractionation of the High-Field-Strength-Element in Subduction Zones
Ding X, He J & Sun W
(2014) Hydrolysis of Niobium and Tantalum Fluoride Complexes: Implication on Nb/Ta Fractionation
Ding X, Wang Y & Sun W
(2014) The Close Association between Oxidized Magmas and Porhyry Deposits
Sun W, Li H, Huang R, Ding X, Ling M, Li C & Liang H
(2013) Sub-Continental Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Amphibolites: Implications on Subduction Metamorphism
Ding X & Sun W
(2013) Destruction of the North China Craton Induced by Ridge Subductions
Ling M, Sun W, Teng F, Li Y, Ding X, Yang X, Fan W & Xu Y
(2010) Slab Melting and its Implications for Copper Ore Mineralization and Future Exploration
Sun W, Ling M, Chung S-L, Ding X & Yang X
(2009) Mesozoic Geological Events in Southeastern China and Pacific Subduction
Wang F, Sun W, Ling M-X, Ding X & Yang X
(2009) The Formation of the Continental Crust: Constraints from Nb/Ta Fractionation during Subduction
Sun W, Ding X & Liang J
(2009) Porphyry Cu (Au) Deposit Promoted by Redox Decoupling during Magnetite Alteration in Yulong
Liang H-Y, Sun W, Ling M-X, Ding X & Yang X
(2007) The Coupling between Plate Subduction and Intraplate Evolution in Eastern China
Sun W, Ding X, Hu Y & Li X
(2007) Different Mobility of Nb and Ta along a Thermal Gradient
Ding X, Sun W, Huang F, Lundstrom C & Li J

Ding Xiong (2011) General Depositional Features of the Carbonate Platform Gas Reservoir of the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in the Sichuan Basin of Southwest China: Moxi Gas Field of the Central Basin
Tan X, Li L, Liu H, Luo B, Zhou Y, Wu J & Ding X

Ding Xuan (2021) Li/Ca in Multiple Species of Planktonic Foraminifera: Observed Millennial to Glacial-Interglacial Variations
Pang X, Bassinot F, Sepulcre S, Zhou L & Ding X
(2018) The Evolution of the Asian and American Monsoon Recorded in Ferromaganese Crusts
Wang Y, Fang N, Ding X, Lv S, Li J, Zhang Z & Liu J

Ding Xue (2018) Chemical Composition of the Basalts on East Pacific rise(1.5°N-1.5°S) and South Mid-Ocean ridge(13.2°S)
Ding X

Ding Yang (2023) Unified Modeling Approach for Quantifying the Proton and Metal Binding Ability of Soil Dissolved Organic Matter
Ye Q, Ding Y, Ding Z, Li R & Shi Z
(2019) Molecular Fractionation and Sub-Nano Scale Distribution of Dissolved Organic Matter on Allophane
Ding Y, Lu Y & Shi Z
(2017) Adsorption and Immobilization of Lead Ion by Fungi
Hao R, Lu A, Yang S, Wang M & Ding Y

Ding Yi (2016) Insights into High-Magnesium Andesite Genesis
Li X, Mo X, Yu X, Ding Y, Huang X, Wei P & He W

Ding Yichen (2020) Integrated Comparative Genomic Analysis and Phenotypic Profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates from Crude Oil
Ma L, Xu A, Wang D, Ding Y & Yang L

Ding Yiping

Ding Yu (2008) Adsorption Behavior of Cu2+ on the Surface of Paenibacillus polymyxa
Ding Y

Ding Yun (2009) Noble Gas Radionuclides and ATTA in Hydrology: State of the art
Sturchio N, Yokochi R, Lu Z-T, Purtschert R, Bailey K, Cheng C, Davis A, Ding Y, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Williams W & Young L
(2008) 81Kr Dating and 85Kr Dating
Ding Y, Lu Z-T, Davis A, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Young L, Bailey K, O'Connor T & Yokochi R

Ding Yutao (2018) Geochemical Heterogeneity in Lake-Type Control Nonmarine Basins from North China and West Africa
Xu F, Cheng D, Hu J, Ding Y & Liu M

Ding Zecong (2023) Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Cr(VI) Reduction by Fe(II)-bearing Clay Mineral
Liang Y, Deng L, Liu F, Ding Z & Shi Z
(2023) Unified Modeling Approach for Quantifying the Proton and Metal Binding Ability of Soil Dissolved Organic Matter
Ye Q, Ding Y, Ding Z, Li R & Shi Z
(2023) Nano-Scale Investigation of Organic C Sequestration and Distribution on Fe Oxides during Ferrihydrite Transformation: Effect of Al Substitution
Liu F, Ding Z, Lu Y, Li R & Shi Z
(2019) Molecular Insights into the Coupled Reactions of Sorptive Fractionation and Oxidation of DOM on Manganese Oxide
Ding Z & Shi Z

Ding Zhenju (2009) CO2 Dissolution in Formation Water as Dominant Sink in Natural Gas Fields
Gilfillan S, Sherwood Lollar B, Haszeldine S, Holland G, Blagburn D, Stevens S, Schoell M, Cassidy M, Ding Z, Zhou Z, Lacrampe-Couloume G & Ballentine C

Ding Zhongli (2013) δ13C Record of Black Carbon in Daihai Lake Sediments, Northern China: An Indicator of Terrestrial Environmental Changes
Cui L, Wang X, Xiao J & Ding Z
(2013) Holocene Changes in Fire Frequency in the Daihai Lake Region (North-Central China): Indications and Implications for an Important Role of Human Activity
Wang X, Xiao J, Cui L & Ding Z
(2012) Changes in Fire Regimes on Chinese Loess Plateau Since the Last Glacial Maximum and Implications for Linkages to Paleoclimate and Past Human Activity
Wang X, Ding Z & Peng P

Dinga B. (2014) A 2.5Ma Year Record of Wetland Development in the Congo Basin Inferred from Hopanoid Biomarkers
Talbot H, Spencer-Jones C, Handley L, Dinga B, Schefuss E, Mann P, Poulsen J, Spencer R, Wabakanghanzi J & Wagner T

Dinglasan M. (2004) Effect of Degradation Pathway on Isotopic Fractionation during Aerobic Biodegradation of 1, 2-Dichloroethane
Hirschorn S, Dinglasan M, Elsner M, Mancini S, Lacrampe- Couloume G, Edwards E & Sherwood Lollar B

Dingle C.A.

Dingwell Donald (2021) Origin of High-Ti Dacites from Paraná-Etendeka: Unravelling the Role of Underplating via Experiments with Natural Materials
Vicentini CM, De Campos C, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Marques LS, Perugini D & Dingwell D
(2015) Volcanic Ash Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Macrophages in Vitro
Damby D, Duewell P, Horwell C, Baxter P, Kueppers U, Schnurr M & Dingwell D

Dingwell Donald B. (2016) Concentration Variance Decay during Magma Mixing: A Volcanic Chronometer
Perugini D, De Campos C, Petrelli M & Dingwell D
(2016) Chaotic Flow and Fragmentation Patterns in the Acidic Feeder System from the Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province
De Campos CP, Guimarães LF, de Lima EF, Janasi V, Giordano D & Dingwell DB
(2015) Magma Mixing and Crystallization between Basaltic and Rhyolitic Melts
Morgavi D, Arzilli F, Pritchard CJ, Petrelli M, Larson PB, Dingwell DB & Perugini D

Dingwell Donald Bruce (2022) Structural and Chemical Features of Experimentally-Generated Silicate Fulgurites
Çalışkanoğlu AZ, Camara A, Cimarelli C, Scheu B & Dingwell DB
(2022) Volatile Distributions in Recent Volcanic Products from Mayotte Active Volcanic Ridge Revealed by Simultaneous Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyses
Thivet S, Hess K-U, Dingwell DB, Di Muro A & Gurioli L
(2022) Textural and Geochemical Characterization of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Fissure 17 Products
Soldati A, Cimarelli C, Kuppers U, Houghton B & Dingwell DB
(2020) Experimental Determination of Thermal Stability of Metalorganic Compounds in Volcanic Olivines
Brau J, Matzka M, Scheu B, Hertkorn N, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Dingwell DB
(2020) Vesiculation Kinetics of Variably Crystalline Rhyolites
Kolzenburg S, Berlo K & Dingwell DB
(2020) Rheological Change and Degassing during a Trachytic Vulcanian Eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France
Colombier M, Burgisser A, Cáceres F, Druitt T, Gurioli L, Hess K-U, Müller D, Shea T & Dingwell D
(2020) Rheological Characterization of the 2018 Kilauea LERZ Eruptive Sequence
Soldati A, Dingwell D, Houghton B & Walker B
(2020) Effects of Cooling on Fe-Ti Oxide Nanolites Crystallisation and Melt Polymerisation at Low Pressure and Oxidising Conditions
Cáceres F, Scheu B, Hess K-U, Cimarelli C, Vasseur J, Kaliwoda M & Dingwell DB
(2019) Magma Hybridization Recorded in Banded Pumices from the 0.17 Ma El Abrigo Eruption, Tenerife: Preliminary Results
González-García D, Perugini D, Giordano D, Vasseur J, Martí J & Dingwell DB
(2019) How Powerful can Melt Inclusions be for the Study of Early Cretaceous LIPs?
Lucchetti ACF, De Campos C, Nardy AJR, Arienzo I, Kaliwoda M, Griesshaber E, Schmahl WW, Janasi VDA & Dingwell DB
(2019) Preferential Light Cd Isotope Condensation in 1 Bar Experiments
Zippmann V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell D-B & Wennrich V
(2015) Water-Speciation in Silicate Glass from Partial Raman Spectra
Helo C, Castro J, Hess K-U & Dingwell D
(2015) SO2 and HCl Uptake by Volcanic Glass in H2O-Bearing Pseudo-Eruptive Atmospheres
Ayris PM, Delmelle P, Cimarelli C, Suzuki Y & Dingwell DB
(2015) Fractionation of Cd Isotopes during Evaporation and Condensation at Atmospheric Pressure
Kremser V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB & Münker C
(2014) Volcanic Eruptions: Geomaterials Under Physical and Chemical Stress
Dingwell DB
(2013) The Space and Time Complexity of Chaotic Mixing of Silicate Melts: Implications for Igneous Petrology
Perugini D, De Campos C, Ertel-Ingrisch W & Dingwell D
(2013) Fractionation of Cd Isotopes during Evaporation and Re-condensation
Kremser V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB & Münker C
(2013) Concentration Variance Decay during Magma Mixing: A Volcanic Chronometer to Measure Magma Ascent Velocity during Explosive Eruptions
Perugini D, De Campos C & Dingwell D
(2013) 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Pantelleritic Melts
Borovkov N, Hess K-U, Fehr KT, Cimarelli C, Dingwell D & Günther A
(2013) Fe K-Edge XANES of Synthetic and Natural Silicate Glasses: Composition and fO2 Dependent Structural Properties
Poe B, Romano C, Cibin G, Dingwell D, Hess K-U & Potuzak M
(2012) Mixing of Contrasting Silicate Melts: Preliminary Raman Spectra
De Campos CP, Perugini D, Neuville D, Hess K-U, Ertel-Ingrisch W & Dingwell DB
(2012) Frictional Melting in Volcanoes
Kendrick J, Lavallee Y, Petrakova L, Di Toro G & Dingwell D
(2012) Experimental Investigation of Mass-(in)dependent Cadmium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wombacher F, Kremser V, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB, Munker C & Heuser A
(2012) Multiple Glass Transitions in Natural Volcanics: A Demonstration of Shallow Magma Mixing during Strombolian Eruptions at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
Lavallee Y, Kremers S, Hanson JB, Hess K-U, Chevrel MO, Wassermann J & Dingwell DB
(2012) The Transient Rheology of Crystallizing Magmas
Chevrel MO, de Biasi LJ, Hanson JB, Cimarelli C, Lavallee Y & Dingwell DB
(2012) Melt Rheology and Glass Formation
Dingwell D
(2011) Europium Structural Role in Silicate Glasses
Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Paris E, Ingrisch-Ertel W, Dingwell DB, Ulmer P, Cicconi MR & Cicconi MR
(2011) Volatiles and Viscosity
Dingwell DB
(2007) An Experimental Study of the Origin of Reaction Textures in Mantle Xenoliths
Shaw C & Dingwell D
(2007) Comparative Study of Geospeedometry Methods
Richard D, von Aulock FW, Hess K-U & Dingwell DB
(2007) The Rheological Behavior of Samples from Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
von Aulock FW, Lavallée Y, Richard D, Hess K-U & Dingwell DB
(2007) Time Series Diffusion Experiments with Alkaline Natural Melts
Teixidó F, De Campos C, Martí J & Dingwell D
(2007) Kinetics of Liquid Immiscibility in the System K2O-Cao-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2
Veksler I, Dorfman A, Wirth R & Dingwell D
(2007) Nanonuggets and their Implication for Core Formation
Ertel W & Dingwell DB
(2006) Unmixing of Ferrobasaltic Melts: Evidence from Centrifuge and Static Experiments
Veksler I, Borisov A, Dorfman A & Dingwell D
(2005) Element Partitioning between Ferrobasalt-Rhyolite Immiscible Liquids
Veksler I, Jakobsen JK, Dorfman A, Danyushevsky L, Dingwell DB & Lesher CE
(2004) Element Partitioning between Immiscible Melts and Geochemical Anomalies in Igneous Rocks
Veksler I, Dorfman A, Dulski P & Dingwell D
(2002) SIMS Study of 11B/10B in Immiscible Borosilicate Glasses
Gurenko A, Veksler I, Thomas R, Meixner A, Dorfman A & Dingwell D

Dini A. (2023) The Origin of Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A & Mayne MJ
(2022) Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites Formation during Low Pressure Metamorphism of Metapelites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A, Mayne MJ & Bartoli O
(2021) Peraluminous Magmas and the LCT Pegmatitic Li Paradox
Dini A, Caricchi L, Farina F, Kouzmanov K & Pezzotta F
(2021) Sequestration of Mantle CO2 into the Ligurian Ophiolites of Central Tuscany
Rielli A, Boschi C & Dini A
(2019) Tectonically Controlled Carbonation of Serpentinites in the Ligurian Ophiolites: Genesis of the Castiglioncello Magnesite Deposit
Rielli A, Boschi C & Dini A
(2019) From CO2 Geothermal Emissions to Commercial Material in the Framework of the H2020 GECO Project: What We can Learn from the Ligurian
Boschi C, Rielli A, Dini A, Baneschi I, Gola G, Montegrossi G, Orlando A, Ruggeri G & Trumpy E
(2018) At the Root of the Geothermal Field of Larderello: Boron Isotope Constraints
Dini A, Pennisi M, Agostini S, Di Giuseppe P & Rielli A
(2018) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition Traced by in situ Tourmaline Analysis at the San Rafael Tin Deposit, Peru
Harlaux M, Kouzmanov K, Gialli S, Laurent O, Marger K, Baumgartner L, Dini A, Chauvet A, Kalinaj M & Fontboté L
(2018) Isotope Constraints on Serpentinite Mineral Carbonation
Boschi C, Dini A, Baneschi I & Bedini F
(2017) New U-Pb Age Constraints on Tertiary Magmatism and Pb-Zn Skarn Formation in the Madan District, Central Rhodopes, Bulgaria
Hantsche A, Kouzmanov K, Dini A, Vassileva R, Guillong M & von Quadt A
(2017) Small-Scale Zircon Age Variability in the Monte Capanne Pluton Revealing the Timescale of Crustal Melting and Melt Extraction
Farina F, Stevens G, Dini A & Schaltegger U
(2016) The Eastern Elba Island Magmatic-Hydrothermal Complex: A Proxy for the Supercritical Roots of Larderello Geothermal System (Italy)
Dini A, Brogi A, Liotta D, Rimondi V, Ruggieri G & Zucchi M
(2016) Brucite-Driven Serpentinite Carbonation at Montecastelli (Tuscany, Italy)
Boschi C, Dini A, Bedini F, Baneschi I & Perchiazzi N
(2014) Multiple Melt Sources and Shallow Processes in a Cambrian Magmatic Arc (Morozumi Range, Antarctica)
Rocchi S, Bracciali L, Di Vincenzo G, Dini A & Vezzoni S
(2013) Chromium Mobility in Tuscan Serpentinite Bodies: Inferences from Rodingitization and Carbonation
Natali C, Boschi C, Baneschi I, Dini A & Chiarantini L
(2013) Sulfosalt Melts from Low-Grade Metamorphic Terrains: The Case of the Monte Arsiccio Mine (Tuscany, Italy)
Vezzoni S, D'Orazio M, Biagioni C, Dini A & Orlandi P
(2013) Magma Emplacement and Sulfide Deposition after Skarn Formation at Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany
Vezzoni S, Dini A & Rocchi S
(2013) Carbonation of Serpentine Mine Tailing: The Example of Montecastelli Mine (Tuscany, Italy)
Boschi C, Dini A, Bedini F, Baneschi I, Natali C & Dallai L
(2012) Mineral-Scale 87Sr/86Sr Heterogeneities in the Elba Island Intrusive Complex: A Consequence of Prograde Disequilibrium Melting of the Source
Farina F, Dini A, Rocchi S & Stevens G
(2012) The Carbon Dioxide Mineral Sequestration Analogues: Examples from Tuscany (Italy)
Boschi C, Dallai L, Dini A, Baneschi I, Langone A, Cavallo A & Ruggieri G
(2011) Natural Analogue of CO2 Mineral Sequestration: The Tuscan Magnesite Deposits
Boschi C, Dallai L, Dini A & Ruggieri G
(2011) An Example of Fluid Immiscibility during the Subvolcanic Emplacement of a Boron-Rich Acidic Melt: The Capo Bianco Aplite (Elba Island, Italy)
Dini A
(2008) Boron Isotope Systematic of Marine Hydrothermal Fluids: New Insights from the Lost City Hydrothermal System (MAR 30°N)
Boschi C, Dini A, Früh-Green GL, Zandomeneghi G, Kelley DS & Meier BH
(2002) B and Sr Isotope Variations Induced by (Hydro-)thermal Effects on Pelites
Dini A, Tonarini S & Leeman WP

Dinkel C. (2004) The Influence of Oxic Conditions on Mineralization Rates of Organic Matter in Lake Sediments
Dinkel C, Maerki M, Mueller B & Wehrli B
(2002) Nitrogen Turnover in Lake Sediments – Seen with Ion-Selective Electrodes
Märki M, Müller B, Dinkel C & Wehrli B
(2001) Spatial Distribution of Methanogens and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Anaerobic Sediments of the Danube Delta
Sahan E, Dinkel C, Friedl G, Friedrich J, Nyundu K, Wehrli B & Zepp K

Dino R. (2011) Surface and Subsurface Geochemical Monitoring of an EOR-CO2 Field: Buracica, Brazil
Magnier C, Rouchon V, Bandeira C, Goncalves R, Miller D & Dino R
(2010) The Relationship between a Mineral Network and Migration of CO2 and Noble Gases for Leakage Models
Magnier C, Dino R, Alain P & Laurent T

Dinsley James (2020) Uranium and Lead Uptake and Transfer in Plant-Fungi Symbioses
Dinsley J, Robinson C, Shaw S, Field L & Pittman J

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