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Ding L (2011) Application of the Field Seismic Data in Superficial Structure Study for Wenshui Area
Ding L, He SG & Gao EG

Ding Lele (2020) In situ Sulfur and Lead Isotope Analyses of the Jinlongshan Gold Deposit in Southern Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for Ore-Forming Source
Ma Y, Zhu L, Ding L, Xiong X & Li B

Ding LeLe (2023) Source of Ore-Forming Materials in the Longtougou Gold Deposit, South Qinling Orogen, China: Constraints from Trace Element and S−Pb−H−O Isotopes
Li B, Zhu L, Xiong X, Ding L & Ma Y

Ding Li (2020) The Application of Microbiological and Geochemical Exploration in Volcanic Reservoir Exploration
Ding L, Wu Y & Mei H

Ding Lijun (2009) Microbial Weathering of Limestone and Dolomite
Lian B, Ding L, Zhang Z & Teng HH

Ding Lin (2009) The Noble Gases Isotopic Compositions in the Deji Ophiolites from the Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, SW China
Ye XR, Ding L, Tang JR, He J & Du L
(2007) The Mantle Neon from the Jinchuan Sulfide Deposit, NW China
Ye X, Yu C & Ding L

Ding Lin (2013) Geodynamic Constraints on the Recycling of Ancient SCLM and Genesis of Tibetan Diamondiferous Ophiolites
Shi R, William G, Suzzane O, Zhang X, Huang Q, Gong X & Ding L

Ding Lin (2018) Continental Mantle Heritage in the Tethyan Suture Zone, Central Tibet
Huang Q-S, Shi R-D, Sun Y-L & Ding L

Ding M. (2013) Nano Pore Evolutions of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation Process Using SANS and Pyrolysis
Wang Y, Ding M & Liao L
(2010) Subsurface Contaminant Transport Across Physical, Chemical and Mineralogical Heterogeneities
Ding M

Ding Ping (2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) of SOA-Related Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
Zhang G, Xu B, Tang T, Cheng Z, Li J, Cheng H, Shen C, Ding P & Zhu S
(2019) Tracing Carbon Fixation by 14C and 13C in a Cold Seep Community in South China Sea
Wang N, Zhou L, Shen C, Sun W, Ding P, Zhu S & Sha Z
(2010) Reconstruction of Paleoclimate from Buried Ancient Forest Since Mid-Holocene in South China
Shen C, Yi W, Ding P & Sun W
(2010) Aeolian Dust Palaeo-Climate Records in a Holocene Loess
Ding P, Yi W, Wang N, Shen C & Sun W
(2007) The Quarterly Radiocarbon Record in a Coral from Daya Bay
Wang N, Shen C, Sun W & Ding P

Ding Pingxing (2008) Variation of Nutrients in Response to the Highly Dynamic Suspended Particulate Matter in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Plume
Gao L, Li D, Ding P & Cai J

Ding Q. (2020) Simulation Experiments of Carbonate Reservoir Modification by Source Rock-Derived Acidic Fluids
Ding Q, He Z, Zhu D & Wang J
(2015) Multi-Fluid in Carbonate Reservoir: Geochemistry Evidence from Cement of Ordovician in Erdos Basin, Northwest China
He Z, Zhang J, Ding Q, Sun Y & Jin X

Ding Ri-Xing (2010) Zircon SHRIMP Geochronology Research for Volcanic Rocks of the Yingcheng Formation from Songliao Basin, NE China
Shu P, Pan Y-M, Ding R-X & Ji X-Y

Ding Rongrong (2023) Nanoscale Mineral/Contaminant Redox Reaction Processes: Impact on Oxyanion Contaminant Fate in Oscillating Anoxic Environments
Charlet L, Guida C, Poulain A, Ding R, Ramothe V, Papaslioti EM, Kirsch R, Fernandez-Martinez A, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Menguy N & Rosso KM

Ding Shuo (2023) What can Sulfur Isotope Ratios Measured in Melt Inclusions Tell us About the Subduction Zone Sulfur Cycle?
Taracsak Z, Mather TA, Pyle D, Plank T, Ding S, Peccia A & Aiuppa S
(2022) Sulfur_X: A Model of Sulfur Degassing during Magma Ascent
Ding S, Plank TA & Wallace P
(2020) Understanding Magmatic Processes Prior to the 1257 CE Mount Samalas Eruption Through Plagioclase Zoning Patterns
Kenis L, Ding S, Economos R, Vidal C, Pratomo I & Longpré M-A
(2020) Tracking Sulfur Behavior and fO2 Evolution in the 1257 CE Samalas Magma Reservoir (Indonesia)
Ding S, Longpré M-A, Economos R, Fiege A, Vidal C & Pratomo I
(2020) Apatite Sulfur Isotope Ratios in the 1257 Samalas Eruption (Indonesia)
Economos R, Jackson Y, Ding S, Longpré M-A, Vidal C, Pratomo I & Hertwig A
(2016) The Fate of Sulfur during Mantle Melting – Implications for the Mantle Sulfur Budget and the Mode of Deep Carbon Storage
Dasgupta R, Ding S & Tsuno K

Ding Su (2023) Molecular Network Analysis of the Geolipidome of Ancient Sediments
Mitrovic D, Ding S, Bale NJ, Hopmans EC & Schouten S
(2021) Omics of Complex Environmental Microbial Communities
Ding S, Bale NJ, Hopmans EC, Villanueva L, Arts MGI, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2017) Indigenous Production of Core and Intact Bacteria and Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in the Pristine Aquifers
Ding S, Lazar CS, Kohlhepp B, Pohnert G, Gleixner G & Schwab VF

Ding T (2006) Mass Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Discovered in Aerosol of Beijing
Ding T, Wan D, Bai R, Yu T & Li J
(2006) Silicon Isotope Compositions of Dissolved Silicon and Suspended Matter in the Yellow River,China
Gao J, Ding T & Tian S
(2006) 40Ar/39Ar ages of rocks and ores from the Muluozhai REE deposit in Mianning County, Sichuan Province and their geological significances
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T & Yuan Z
(2004) Mantle-Derived Components in Maoniuping REE Deposit, Sichuan, China
Tian S & Ding T
(2004) Sulfur Isotope Anomaly Discovered in Sulfide Bed of Later Archean Jingangku Formation, Wutai Group, Shanxi Province, China
Ding T, Wan D, Zhang Z, Wang C & Li Y

Ding Teng (2016) CL-Heterogeneity and REE in Scheelite from a Grand Pollymetallic Deposit in South Hunan, China
Ding T, Ma D & Lu J

Ding Tiping (2016) Comparison of Silicon Isotope Analytical Methods: SiF4 Method Versus MC-ICP-MS Method
Gao J & Ding T
(2016) The δ30Si Peak Values Discovered in Cherts from Middle Proterozoic Carbonate Rocks in Northern China and its Implication on Environmental Variation of Ancient Ocean
Ding T, Gao J, Tian S, Zhao Y, Fan C & Wan D
(2011) Silicon Isotope Composition of Chert in Carbonate Rocks, as an Indicator of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Gao J & Tian S
(2011) Applications of Laser Microprobe Analysis for Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes (Fujian, China )
Gao J & Ding T
(2008) Ages of Carbonatite and Syenite from the Mianning-Dechang REE Belt in the Eastern Indo-Asian Collision Zone, SW China and their Geological Significance
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T, Yang Z, Yang Z, Yuan Z, Xie Y, Liu Y & Li Z
(2008) Silicon Isotope Variation of Chert Beds from Later Archean to Proterozoic as a Tracer of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Wan D & Tian S
(2008) δD and δ18O Variations of Water in the Yellow River and its Significance in Environmental Studies
Gao J, Ding T & Luo X
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Mashan Au-S Deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Ding T, Meng Y, Zeng P, Wang Y & Wang X
(2007) Silicon Isotope Compositions of the Underground Water, Limestone and Soil from Karst Caves in Guilin City, Guangxi, China
Ding T, Tian S & Gao J
(2005) Geochemistry of Carbonatites in Lizhuang REE Deposit, Sichuan, China
Tian S, Hou Z & Ding T
(2005) Effect of Rice Growth on Geochemical Circle of Silicon: Silicon Isotope Study on Rice Plants Grew in Field and Laboratory
Ding T, Ma G, Shui M, Wan D & Li R
(2003) Large and Systematic Silicon Isotope Fractionation Discovered in Single Sticks of Bamboo
Ding T, Wan D, Wang C & Zhang F
(2003) Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Isotope Studies on the Xiaotongguanshan Skarn Cu Deposit, Anhui, China
Tian S, Ding T, Hou Z, Yang Z, Wang Y & Meng Y
(2003) Silicon Isotope Compositions of Proterozoic Sedimentary Siliceous Rocks in Shisanling Area, Beijing, China
Zhang Z, Ding T, Wang C & Wan D
(2002) Si, O and H Isotopic Compositions of Water and Suspended Materials in the Yangtze River, China
Ding T, Wan D, Wang C & Zhang F

Ding Weiming (2022) High Precision Analysis of Stable Potassium (K) Isotopes by the Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS “Sapphire” and a Correction Method for Concentration Mismatch
Zheng X, Chen X, Ding W, Zhang Y, Charin S & Gérard Y
(2020) The Reversed Redox Zonation in the Early Cambrian Ocean: The Isotope Evidence from Pyritized Sponge Spicules
Liu Y, Wang R, Ding W, Lang X, Huang K & Shen B
(2019) Coupling of Continental Weathering and Marine Phosphorus Cycle
Shen B, Wang R, Lang X, Ding W & Liu Y

Ding Weiwei (2019) Sulfur Cycling in Altered Oceanic Crust of South China Sea Rift Margin from IODP Expedition 368
Hu S, Tian L, Wang X, Martin L, Schoneveld L, Barnes S, Pagès A & Ding W

Ding X (2006) Silurian large scale uplifting in South China: An aborted plume?
Sun W, Ding X & Hu Y-H
(2006) Tectonic transition in the Early Jurassic in South China
Sun W, Hu Y-H & Ding X

Ding Xiao-Dong (2016) P Control on Millennial Scale Productivity in Subtropical North Pacific over the Past 92 kyr
Li D, Kao S-J, Fang T-H, Zheng L-W, Ding X-D, Chang Y-P & Chen M-T
(2016) Isotopic Insights for Sources and Export Behavior of Organic Carbon to Deep Ocean Through a Submarine Canyon in Active Margins
Zheng L-W, Ding X-D, Lee T-Y, Liu JT, Li D, Zheng X & Kao S-J

Ding Xiao-Qi (2014) Deep Sandstone Reservoir Quality Prediction Model: An Case Study of Fu Ⅲ Interval in Zhangjiaduo Oilfield, North Jiangsu Basin
Yang P, Ding X-Q, Han M-M & Zhang S-N

Ding Xiao-Ying (2016) Recognition of Early Neoproterozoic Alkaline Magmatic Event along the NW Yangtze Margin, South China
Wu H, Ling W-L, Ding X-Y, Wafa B & Zhang Y-H

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