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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

DiNezio P. (2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F
(2018) Weaker Indian Monsoon due to Glacial Ventilation
DiNezio P, Dee S & Konecky B
(2018) Picking Extremes: Single-Forams and Models Uncover El-Niño-Like Variability in the Glacial Indian Ocean
Thirumalai K, DiNezio P, Tierney J, Puy M & Mohtadi M
(2018) Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis
Gomez K, Sun T, Wu X, Sun C, Piatrunia N, Lawman A, Shanahan T & DiNezio P
(2018) Tracking the Strength of the Walker Circulation with Water Isotopes
Dee S, Konecky B, DiNezio P & Russell J

Ding Aijun (2016) Molecular Markers of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Mumbai, India
Fu P, Aggarwal SG, Chen J, Li J, Sun Y, Wang Z, Chen H, Liao H, Ding A, Umarji GS, Patil RS, Chen Q & Kawamura K

Ding Aizhong (2019) Quantifying Nitrate Sources in Groundwater Using Isotopic Analysis Combined with a Bayesian Isotope Mixing Model in Northeastern Suburbs of Beijing
Ren L, Lu C, Cheng L & Ding A
(2019) Characterizing Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Guanting Reservoir Beijing Using Excitation-Emission Matrix Fluorescence and Parallel Factor Analysis
Bai Y, Ding A, Zhang S & Ren L
(2014) Applying Microbiology on Shale Oil Extraction
Liu Y, Ding A, Zhang L & Cheng L

Ding B. (2009) Archean Chromitite in the Palaeozoic Sartohay Ophiolite from the Asiatic Orogenic Belt, China
Shi R, Ding B, Huang Q & Zhi X
(2007) Neoproterozoic (~ 850 Ma) Subducting in the Jiangnan Orogen: New SHRIMP Age of the Fuchuan SSZ-Ophiolite, South Anhui, China
Ding B, Shi R, Zheng L, Chen L & Zhi X
(2007) The Os Isotope Heterogeneities in the Mantle Sequence of the Bangong Lake Ophiolite, Northwestern Tibet
Shi R, Zhi X, Ding B & Chen L

Ding David (2010) Why do Fossil Bones and Teeth Exist?
Pasteris J & Ding D

Ding Dongsheng
(2017) Fluid Inclusion Study and Metallogenic Mechanism of Xiejiagou Gold Deposit, Shandong Province, China
Chen L & Ding D

Ding Fei (2013) Analysis of Characteristics on Different Components of Hydrocarbons in Organo-Clay Complexes
Guo M, Cai J, Lei T & Ding F
(2011) Protection of Organic Matter by Clay Minerals in Source Rocks Revealed by Biomarker Analysis
Ding F & Cai JG
(2011) The Characteristics of Organic Matter Adsorbed on Clay Minerals and its Significance in Carbon Cycling
Cai JG, Ji JF, Lu LF, Ding F & Cai YF

Ding Feng (2018) A New Line-By-Line General Circulation Model for Simulation of Diverse Planetary Atmospheres
Ding F & Wordsworth R

Ding G-C. (2011) Microbial Community Development and Mineral-Organic Matter Interactions in an Artificial Soil Incubation Experiment
Pronk GJ, Heister K, Ding G-C, Smalla K & Kögel-Knabner I

Ding H. (2009) Hydrogeochemical Cycling of Nutrients in a Small Karst Catchment
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Liu W-J, Li L-B & Li H-T
(2008) Sulfur Isotope as an Approach Tracing Cycling of Sulfur in Small Karstic River Basins in Southwestern China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Li S-L, Li J & Xue Z-C

Ding H. (2014) Behaviour of Stable Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in Soils of a Karst Region
Lang Y-C, Tian L-Y, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Guo QJ, Zhao Z-Q & Liu T-Z

Ding Hai (2010) The Biogeochemical Cycle of Sulfur during the Coal Accumulation Process in Early Paleozoic of Southern China
Yao S, Ding H, Hu K & Jiao K
(2008) Diversity and Vertical Distribution of Cultured SRB in an Intertidal Bog of the Coastal Mangrove from Hainan Island
Yao S & Ding H
(2007) Some Anaerobic Microbial Communities in Peat Bogs and the Influence on the Biogas Formation
Yao S, Chen J, Ding H & Zhang K

Ding Haifeng (2009) Ediacaran Glaciogenic Diamictite in Keguerqin Mountain Range of Xinjiang, China: Geochemistry and Paleoenvironmental Evolution
Ma D, Ding H, Yao C & Shu L

Ding Hao (2020) Synthesis, Characterisation and Dissolution of Simulant Chernobyl and Fukushima Fuel Debris
Gausse C, Stennett M, Bailey D, Barlow S, Ding H, Lawson S, Hyatt N & Corkhill C

Ding Hongrui (2023) Effect of Semiconducting Iron Mineral Goethite Photoreduction on Microbial Community in the Natural Photocatalytic System of Hydrosphere Euphotic Zone
Liu J, Ding H & Lu A
(2019) Photocatalysis of Natural Sulfides and Its Implication for the Origin of Life
Li Y, Li Y, Ding H, Lu A, Liu Y & Wang C
(2019) Photon-Induced Redox Chemistry on Earth’s Surface via Semiconducting Mn Oxides
Li Y, Lu A, Ding H, Li Y, Liu Y & Liu F
(2019) Structural Controls on Cu2+ Sorption Behavior in Biogenic Birnessite
Liu Y, Li Y, Chen N, Ding H & Lu A

Ding Hu (2021) Unraveling the Sources and Transport of Particulate Organic Matter in the Temperate Monsoonal Rivers, Northeast China
Xu S, Yue F, Ding H & Li S
(2018) Coupled Discharge and Temperature Controls on CO2 Consumption Fluxes and Carbon Dynamics for the Xijiang River, Southwest China
Zhong J, Li S-L, Liu J, Ding H, Li X & Liu C-Q
(2017) The Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Dissolved Sulfate in Rivers of Songliao Basin, NE China
Lang Y-C, Li S-L, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Yue F, Li X, Zhao Z & Hu J
(2016) Discrimination of Dissolved Sulfate and Chloride Sources in Yangtze River, China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Aravena R, Ding H, Li S-L, Zhao Z, Chetelat B, Wang B & Wang Q
(2016) Understanding C-N Coupling Constrained by the Isotopic Technique in the Karst Critical Zone of Southwest China
Li S-L, Yue F-J, Ding H & Liu C-Q

Ding Huaijian (2009) A High Resolution Record of Heavy Metal Deposition in Sediment Core, White Lake, New Jersey, USA
Ji H, Ding H, Huang W & Yu Z

Ding Huaijian (2015) Pollution Characteristic of Heavy Metals in the Gold Mine Soil of the Upstream Area of a Metropolitan Drinking Water Source
Ding H, Zhang A & Ji H
(2015) The Isotopic Characteristics and Estimation of Carbon Sink in Soil Profiles on Carbonate Rocks in Guizhou Province
Ji H, Li D & Ding H

Ding Huaijian (2016) Factors Controlling the Soil Thickness of Profiles in a Karst Terrain, Guizhou, Southwest China
Ji H, Yin C, Li C, Chu H, Ding H, Xiong K & Wang S

Ding Jiale (2023) Electrical Conductivity of Potassium-Bearing Hydrous Silicate Melts and Supercritical Fluids
Ding J, Guo X & Ni H

Ding Jiun-Yan (2009) Archaeal and Bacterial Diversity and Distribution in Methane Seep of Yung-An Ridge, SW Taiwan
Lai M-C, Ding J-Y, Wu S-Y, Hung C-C, Lai S-J, Lin S & Yang TF

Ding Jiun-Yan (2015) Archaeal and Bacterial Communities in the Potential Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments at Formosa Ridge Offshore Taiwan
Lai M-C, Chen S-C, Wu S-Y, Hung C-C, Ding J-Y & Lai S-J

Ding Junying (2009) Redox Reactions in the Reduced Carbon-Sulfate-Uranyl System at 200-300℃: Experimental Evidence and Consequences for U Metallogenesis
Dubessy J, Zimmerman J-L, Cuney M, Ding J & Robert P

Ding Kai (2017) Redox Properties of Black Carbon in Promoting the Degradation of Contaminants in the Environment
Ding K & Xu W

Ding Kang (2020) Experimental Measurement of H2(aq) Solubility in Hydrothermal Fluids: Application to the Piccard Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Cayman Rise
Scheuermann P, Xing Y, Ding K & Seyfried W
(2016) Chemistry of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Dragon Flag(Longqi-1) Field, SWIR
Tao C, William E. SJ, Liang J, Li X, Xiao X, Yu H, Ding K, Wu S & Cai W
(2014) Geochemical Controls on the Composition of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Seyfried W, Pester N & Ding K
(2014) Experimental Constraints on Hydrothermal Circulation in Mid-Ocean Ridges
Pester N, Schaen A, Ding K & Seyfried W
(2012) Permeability Change from CO2 Injection: Experimental Considerations
Luhmann A, Tutolo B, Kong X-Z, Ding K, Saar M & Seyfried W
(2012) Experimental Vapor-Liquid Partitioning of Transition Metals in NaCl Dominated Fluids
Pester N, Ding K & Seyfried, Jr. W
(2010) A New Approach for Deducting in situ pH Value of Hydrothermal Fluid in the Reaction Zone at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Ding K, Seyfried W, Pester N & Seyfried E
(2010) Phase Equilibria Controls on Mass Transfer Reactions in the Rainbow Hydrothermal System
Pester N, Rough M, Ding K & Seyfried W
(2007) The Chemistry of Diffuse-Flow Vent Fluids on the Galapagos Rift (86°W): Temporal Variability and Subseafloor Phase Equilibria Controls
Pester N, Butterfield D, Foustoukos D, Roe K, Ding K & Seyfried, Jr. W
(2001) Integrated in situ Chemical Sensor for Measuring Chemistry of Hydrothermal Fluid at Mid-Ocean Ridge
Ding K, Seyfried Jr. WE, Dong N, Zhang Z, Tivey MK & Bradley AM
(2001) Ti(Ti/TiO2)-pH Sensor: An Alternative Method to YSZ-Ph Sensor for Measuring pH in Hydrothermal Fluid
Zhang Z, Ding K & Seyfried WE

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