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DiMichele William (2016) Eccentricity Paced CO2, Climate and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling during Earth’s Penultimate Icehouse
Montanez I, McElwain J, Poulsen C, Tripati R & DiMichele W

DiMichele William A (2022) Ecosystem-To-Global Scale Modeling of Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age with Fossil-Based Plant Functional Types
Macarewich SI, Poulsen CJ, Matthaeus WJ, Richey JD, White J, Montañez IP, DiMichele WA, Hren MT, McElwain JC & Wilson JP

Dimier A. (2011) Geochemical Monitoring of Reactive Percolation Experiments Using Carbon Stable Isotopes
Myrttinen A, Jeandel E, Ukelis O, Dimier A, Becker V, van Geldern R & Barth JAC

Dimier C. (2023) Spatial Variability of the Primary Production and Structure of the Phytoplankton Community in the South Indian Ocean
Deteix V, Ridame C, Dimier C, Thyssen M, Gest L & Tribollet A

Dimitriadis D. (2015) New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Daftsis E & Dimitriadis D

Dimitriou-Christidis P. (2013) Diagnosing Petroleum Fractionation Processes in Surface and Subsurface Environments Using GCxGC
Arey JS, Reddy CM, Nelson RK, Camilli R, Valentine DL, Wardlaw GD, Nabi D, Dimitriou-Christidis P & Gros J

Dimitrov L. (2009) Spheroidal Sandstone Concretions – Their Formation and Significance in an Eocene Seep System (Bulgaria)
De Boever E, Birgel D, Muchez P, Peckmann J, Dimitrov L & Swennen R

Dimitrova D. (2022) Geochemistry of Porphyry-Style Pyrite as a Tool for Vectoring Boiling Horizons: An Example from Myszków Mo-Cu-W Deposit (Poland)
Naglik B, Dumańska-Słowik MA, Toboła T, Dimitrova D, Derkowski P, Zieliński G, Habryn R & Markowiak M
(2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Clay Layers and Partings from the Maritsa East Lignite Basin, Bulgaria
Dimitrova D, Georgiev S, Vetseva M, Yossifova M, Tzvetanova Y & Ivanova R
(2008) Hydrous Sulphates Formed during Oxidation of Colloform Pyrite from Chiprovtsi Ag-Pb Deposit, NW Bulgaria
Dimitrova D, Mladenova V & Hecht L

Dimitrušev N. (2022) Removal of Pb2+, Cr3+ and Hg2+ Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using SiO2 and Amino-Functionalized SiO2 Particles
Lobnik A, Dimitrušev N & Mabes Raj AFPA

Dimock B. (2012) Unusual Fractionation of Both odd and Even Hg Isotopes in Precipitation
Chen J, Hintelmann H, Feng X & Dimock B
(2010) Chromatographic Pre-Concentration of Hg from Dilute Aqueous Solutions for Isotopic Measurement by MC-ICP-MS
Chen JB, Hintelmann H & Dimock B

Dimofte D. (2017) Mineral Dehydration as a Source of Water for Some Natural Portlandite Formation
Luca A & Dimofte D

Dimond C. (2011) Predicting the Character of Future Eruptions: Insights from Single Crystal Analyses
Ramos F, Gill J, Wolff J, Dimond C & Tollstrup D

Dimopoulos-Eggenschwiller P. (2009) Characterisation of Particulate Matter Captured in Diesel Particulate Filters
Liati A & Dimopoulos-Eggenschwiller P

Dimova N. (2020) Groundwater Nutrient Geochemical Transformations in Organic-Rich Coastal Sediment
Lamore A, Church A, Barnes C & Dimova N
(2017) The Importance of Groundwater Delivered N-Fluxes to Mobile Bay, Alabama
Dimova N & Montiel D
(2015) Magnitude and Mechanisms of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Arctic during Warming Climate: Case Study from Alaska
Dimova N, Paytan A, Kessler J, Sparrow K, Garcia-Tigreros F, Lecher A, Murray J & Tulaczyk S
(2013) Methane Transport and Release to the Atmosphere in Permafrost Areas via Subterranean Groundwater Discharge
Paytan A, Lecher A, Dimova N, Sparrow K & Kessler J

Dimri V. (2009) Mafic Crustal Exhumation Below Jabera-Damoh Region of Vindhyan Basin (India) and Thermo-Tectonic Evolution
Srivastava RP, Vedanti N, Pandey O & Dimri V

DiMuro A. (2023) “A Phonolite? From the Mantle?”: The Magmatic System Under the Phonolitic Tuff-Rings of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Lacombe T, DiMuro A, Médard E, Gurioli L, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C & Besson P

Dina S. (2007) EA-IRMS: Analysis of Graphites and Diamonds
Talibova A, Dina S & Viktor P

Dinale R. (2013) Revealing a High Altitude Paleoclimate Record from a Southern Europe Ice Core
Gabrielli P, Barbante C, Carturan L, Davis M, Dalla Fontana G, Dreossi G, Dinale R, Draga G, Gabrieli J, Kehrwald N, Mair V, Mikhalenko V, Oeggl K, Schotterer U, Seppi R, Spolaor A, Stenni B, Thompson L & Tonidandel D

Dinato N. (2013) Plutonium Immobilization and Re-mobilization by Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Compounds in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA
Xu C, Athon M, Ho Y-F, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Roberts KA, Dinato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH

Dinauer A. (2023) Carbon Cycle Implications of a Dynamic, Climate-Sensitive Biological Pump
Adloff M, Dinauer A, Laufkötter C, Pöppelmeier F, Jeltsch-Thömmes A & Joos F

Dinca G. (2023) Rare Elements Accumulation in Migmatic Gneisses: The Case of the GrădișTea de Munte Occurrence, Central South Carpathians
Săbău G, Filiuta AE, Dinca G & Ion AM

Dinelli Enrico (2013) Geochemical Atlas of Italian Soils
Cicchella D, Albanese S, Dinelli E, Giaccio L, Lima A, Valera P & De Vivo B
(2013) Regional Geochemical Mapping at High Density Sampling: Various Criteria in Representation of Romagna Apennines, Northern Italy
Lancianese V & Dinelli E
(2013) GEMAS Results at a Regional Scale: The Alps
Dinelli E, Lancianese V, Albanese S, Birke M, De Vivo B, Gosar M, Hasliger E, Hayoz P, Reitner H & Salpeteur I
(2011) Fe-Rich Stalactites from Libiola Mine: Mineralogical and Geochemical Features
Carbone C, Dinelli E, Marescotti P & Lucchetti G
(2011) Use of Sequential Extraction to Evaluate the Mobility of Heavy Metals in the Huanuni Basin (Bolivia)
Kralj M, Marchesi M, Dinelli E, Soler A, La Fuente S & Coronado F
(2006) Bioadsorption in remediation of metal mine drainage: the use of dealginated seaweed in the BIOMAN project
Perkins W, Hartley S, Pearce N, Dinelli E, Edyvean R & Sandlands L
(2004) Geochemical Maps of the Romagna Apennines, Northern Italy
Dinelli E & Lucchini F
(2002) Subsurface Sediments as a Tool to Estimate Regional Background: Validation and Application in the Eastern Po Plain
Sammartino I, Amorosi A, Dinelli E & Lucchini F

Dinelli Enrico (2015) Temperature-Induced Phase Transition and Remobilization of Ecotoxic Elements in AMD Colloidal Precipitates
Consani S, Carbone C, Salviulo G, Zorzi F, Dinelli E & Lucchetti G

Dinelli Enrico (2023) Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) Enrichment in Drainage Canals’ Sediments from a Low-Lying Coastal Area Affected by Saltwater Intrusion
Greggio N, Carloni G, Giambastiani BMS, Toller S, Dinelli E & Antonellini M

Diner D. (2014) Novel Spectropolarimetric Imaging Instrumentation and Algorithm Concepts for Aerosol Remote Sensing
Diner D, Xu F, Kalashnikova O, Garay M, Davis A & Seidel F

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