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Dilek R. (2004) Evaluation of Criteria on Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection in Coastal Cities of Eastern Black Sea, Turkey
Ersoy H & Dilek R
(2004) Hydrogeochemical Properties of Gu?mu??hac?köy Well Waters
Firat Ersoy A, Dilek R & Ersoy H

Dilek Yildirim (2023) Diamond with Alloy + Chloride Mineral Inclusions Discovered in the 5.9 Ma Mid–Ocean Ridge Taitao Ophiolite, Chile, and its Implications for the Mantle Heterogeneity
Wu W, Yang J, Dilek Y, Chen J, Wen Y, Lian D, Yang Y & Cai P
(2023) Global Distribution of Ophiolite-Type Diamond, and its Implications for Mantle Dynamics and Recycling Processes
Yang J, Lian D, Wu W, Liu F & Dilek Y
(2023) Diverse Geochemical Record of Ophiolite Factories of the Mesozoic Tethys in the Alpine – Mediterranean – Tibetan Orogenic Belts
Dilek Y
(2019) Origin of Chromitites with UHP Minerals in the Aladag Ophiolite, Turkey: Two-Way Recycling in Oceanic Lithosphere Generation
Lian D, Yang J, Wiedenbeck M, Dilek Y, Rocholl A & Wu W
(2019) Early Devonian Ultrapotassic Magmatism in the North China Craton: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Subducted Sediment–Derived Fluid
Niu X, Dilek Y, Liu F, Feng G & Yang J
(2019) Ophiolites and Ocean Plate Stratigraphy from the Northern and Southern Belts in Western Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet: Constraint on Tectonic Evolution of Neotethys Ocean
Liu F, Yang J, Lian D, Niu X, Feng G & Dilek Y
(2019) Geochemistry and Geochronology of OIB-Type Early Jurassic Magmatism in the Zhangguangcai Range, NE China, as a Result of Continental Back-Arc Extension
Feng G, Dilek Y, Niu X, Liu F & Yang J
(2019) Multi-Stage Process of the Purang Ophiolitic Chromitites (SW Tibet): Insights from Magnesiochromite-Hosted Silicate Mineral and Other Inclusions
Xiong F, Yang J, Dilek Y, Wirth R & Xu X
(2017) Ophiolites as Archieves of Recycled Crustal Material Residing in the Deep Mantle
Yang J, Robinson P, Dilek Y & Wirth R
(2017) Discussion Slot
Dilek Y
(2017) Kalaymyo Peridotite Massif in the Indo-Myanmar Ranges (Western Myanmar): Its Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonic Implications
Niu X, Liu F, Yang J, Dilek Y, Xu Z & Sein K
(2017) The Origin and Tectonic Setting of the Cuobuzha Peridotite, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, China: Constraint from Re-Os Isotopic
Feng G, Yang J, Dilek Y, Liu F & Xiong F
(2017) A Jurassic Continental Backarc Basin Oceanic Lithosphere in Southern Eurasia and Its Evolution
Dilek Y & Alparslan G
(2016) Geochemical and Sr-Nd Isotopic Characteristics of the Deji Ophiolite Massif, Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone
Dilek Y, Yoshikawa M, Shibata T, Xie Y & Liu F
(2015) Ca-Perovskite: A First Report of a Lower Mantle Mineral in Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond
Yang J, Wirth R, Xiong F, Tian Y, Huang Z, Robinson P & Dilek Y
(2015) Southern Tibetan Ophiolites Display a Geological – Geochemical Record of Plume-Influenced Rift – Drift Magmatism in Neotethys
Dilek Y, Liu F, Xie Y, He J & Yang J
(2015) Significance of Oceanic Assemblages in the Central Pontides, Northern Turkey
Sarifakioglu E, Dilek Y, Sevin M, Anma R, Moeller A, Bayanova T, Uysal I & Keles M

Dilek Yilidirim (2015) Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond: The Key to Understanding the Evolution of Oceanic Mantle
Robinson PT, Yang J-S, Wirth R, Xu X & Dilek Y
(2012) Temporal Changes in Magma Geochemistry in the Northern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: Response to the Lhasa-Qiangtang Collision
Zhu D-C, Zhao Z-D, Niu Y, Dilek Y, Wang Q & Mo X-X
(2011) Geochemical and Tectonic Fingerprinting of Ophiolites
Dilek Y & Furnes H
(2011) Different Types of Precambrian Ophiolites
Furnes H, Dilek Y & DeWit M
(2009) Structure and Geochemistry of the Incipient Oceanic Crust of the Red Sea and the Rifted Margin of Western Arabia
Dilek Y, Furnes H & Schoenberg R
(2006) Phanerozoic and Precambrian Ophiolites: Processes for Oceanic Crust Generation Through Time in Earth History
Dilek Y & Polat A
(2006) Nd isotope and Trace Element Characteristics of the Mesoarchean (3075 Ma) Ivisaartoq Greenstone Belt, SW Greenland: Evidence for Two Distinct Subarc Mantle Sources
Polat A, Frei R & Dilek Y

Diliberto I. (2016) Changes of Heat and Fluid Release from Crater and Peripheral Areas during Solphataric Activity
Diliberto I & Camarda M
(2016) Continuous Monitoring of Heat Flux from Steam Heated Soils of Etna
Diliberto I & Longo M

Dilles J (2014) What is the Source of Sulfur in Arc Magmas? Ion Microprobe Sulfur Isotopic Data on Anhydrite from Yanacocha and Pinatubo
Dilles J, Chambefort I, Valley J, Kozdon R & Rye R
(2014) From Magma to Mudpool: Linking Arc Volatiles and Active Geothermal Systems
Chambefort I, Bégué F, Heinrich C, Walle M & Dilles JH
(2005) Insitu Analysis of Pb Isotope Ratios by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Applications to Ore Genesis and Igneous Petrogenesis
Kent A & Dilles J

Dilles John (2021) Zircon and Titanite Petrochronology Link Plutonism, Volcanism and Porphyry Copper Deposit Formation in the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA
Castellanos-Melendez MP, Wotzlaw J-F, Dilles J & Chelle-Michou C
(2015) Discrimination between Mineralized and Unmineralized Alteration Zones by Using Surfacial Geochemical and Primary Halows of the Darreh-Zar Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Southeast of Iran
Parsapoor A, Dilles J & Khalili M

Dilley G. (2016) Arsenic Concentrations and Species in Three Hydrothermal Vent Worms
Maher W, Duncan E, Dilley G, Foster S, Delaney J, Krikowa F, Lombi E, Scheckel K & Girgius P

Dilley L. (2006) Applying Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy Analyses To Geothermal Systems
Norman D, Dilley L, Mclin K & Moore J

Dilling Jens (2015) Double-Beta Decay of 96Zr – Nuclear Physics Meets Geology
Mayer A, Frekers D, Wieser M, Thompson R & Dilling J

Dilling Jörg (2015) Radiologic Disequilibria in Sandstone Reservoir Rocks at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Dilling J, Regenspurg S, Schkade U-K & Lucks C
(2013) Occurrence and Distribution of Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Regenspurg S, Dilling J, Naumann R, Mielcarek J, Schkade U-K & Zotzmann J

Dillmann I. (2009) Direct Search for Primordial 244Pu
Lachner J, Dillmann I, Faestermann T, Korschinek G, Lierse C, Poutivtsev M, Rugel G & Türler A
(2009) Determination of the 10Be Half-Life by HI-IRD and Liquid Scintillation Counting
Korschinek G, Bergmaier A, Dillmann I, Faestermann T, Gerstmann U, Knie K, Lierse von Gostomski C, Maiti M, Poutivtsev M, Remmert A, Rugel G & Wallner A

Dillmann P. (2017) Bio-Corrosion Detection by Sulphur Isotopic Fractionation Measurements Using nanoSIMS
Grousset S, Mercier F, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Dillmann P & Neff D
(2017) Development of a nanoSIMS Analytical Protocole to Determine the Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Iron Sulphides Formed during Anoxic Corrosion
Grousset S, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Urios L, Dillmann P, Mercier F & Neff D
(2013) Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P
(2008) Inferences from a Corrosion Study of Iron Archeological Artefacts in Anoxic Soils
Saheb M, Neff D, Descostes M & Dillmann P

Dillner A. (2014) Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Aqueous Reactions of Phenols
Smith J, Yu L, George K, Kinney H, Dillner A, Zhang Q & Anastasio C

Dillon J. (2016) Discovery of Alkenones with Variable Methylene Interrupted Double Bonds in Emiliania huxleyi: Implications for Biosynthetic Pathways
Zheng Y, Dillon J, Zhang Y & Huang Y

Dillon K.

Dillon P. (2008) Fe Isotope Composition of Seston from Canadian Lakes: Implications for Fe Chemistry and Bioavailability
Hassan N, Molot L, Xie Q & Dillon P
(2008) Analysis of Sr and Pb Isotope Ratios in Wine by MC-ICP-MS
Xie Q, Hassan N, Hintelmann H, Evans D & Dillon P
(2003) Measurement of Mercury Isotope Ratios Using Multicollector ICP-MS
Hintelmann H, Foucher D, Evans D & Dillon P
(2003) Trace Metal Mass Balances for a Soft-Water Lake and its Catchment
Dillon P & Watmough S
(2002) Determination of Variations in Isotope Ratios of Hg
Evans D & Dillon P

Dillon S. (2018) Microanalysis for Oxygen Fugacity by SIMS: Development and Application to Ilmenite
Dillon S & Hervig R
(2018) SIMS Microanalyses for fO2
Hervig R, Dillon S & Williams P

Diloreto Zach (2020) Magnesium and Strontium Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dolomite Formation
Tatzel M, Paytan A, DiLoreto Z, Dittrich M, Bontognali T & Sanchez-Román M
(2020) Variances in Proto-Dolomite Formation by Exopolymers from Oxygenic, and Anoxygenic Microbial Mats and Clays
Dittrich M, Diloreto Z, Bontognali TRR, Liu H & Lu X
(2020) Significance of Oxygenic and Anoxygenic Photosynthesizers for Dolomite Formation in Modern Hypersaline Environments
Diloreto Z, Bontognali T & Dittrich M

DiLoreto Zach A. (2023) Hydroxyapatite Formation in the Presence of Calcinated Eggshells
Dittrich M & Diloreto Z
(2023) Organic Matter Degradation Influence on Dolomite Formation in the Sabkhas of Qatar
Strakhov I, DiLoreto ZA, Elsayed H, Al Disi ZA, Naja K, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN, Alkhayat J & Dittrich M
(2022) Sabkhas of Qatar: Extreme Environments Supporting Biological Activity and Mineral Formation
Strakhov I, DiLoreto ZA, Elsayed H, Al Disi ZA, Naja K, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN, Alkhayat J, Mundle S & Dittrich MB
(2022) Microbial Relics within Gypsum Crystals and their Astrobiological Implications
Dittrich M, DiLoreto ZA, Ahmad M-S, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN & Bontognali TRR
(2022) Trapping Phosphorous from Agricultural Catchments by Using Bioreactors with Calcinated Eggshells and Woodchips
DiLoreto ZA & Dittrich M
(2021) A Comparative Study of Dolomite Formation at Low Temperatures Induced by Natural Exopolymers from Sabkhas and Clays
DiLoreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Liu H, Lu X & Dittrich MB
(2019) Are Decaying Microbial Mats in the Modern Sabhkas of Qatar Niches of Dolomite Formation?
Diloreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Al Saad Al-Kuwari H & Dittrich M
(2018) Seasonal Changes in Sabkhas: Linking Microbes, Geochemical Conditions and Dolomite Formation
DiLoreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Al-Kuwari HA & Dittrich M

DiLoretto Z. (2017) Dolomite Formation within Microbial Mats in the Coastal Khor Al-Adaid Sabkha of Qatar
DiLoretto Z, Al-Kuwari H, Al-Disi Z, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C, Palermo C, Williford K, Sadooni F, Tuite M, Bontognali T & Dittrich M

Dimalanta Carla (2016) How to Form Picritic Basalts: An Example from Panay Island, Philippines
Payot B, Arai S, Valera GT & Dimalanta C

Dimalanta Carla B (2022) Episodes of Barren to Fertile Porphyry Copper Deposit Magmatism on a Complex Island Arc System: Insights from the Igneous Host Rocks of the Suyoc Epithermal Prospect, Northern Luzon, Philippines
Jabagat KD, Gabo-Ratio JAS, Soberano OB, Andal ES, Queaño KL, Yonezu K, Dimalanta CB, Yumul GP & Lee Y-H

Dimalanta Carla B. (2014) Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Evolution of SE China: A Record in the Palawan Continental Terrane, Philippines
Walia M, Knittel U, Yang TF, Chung S-L, Dimalanta CB & Yumul GP

DiMarzio J. (2017) Residency of Rhenium and Osmium in a Heavy Crude Oil
DiMarzio J, Georgiev S, Stein H & Hannah J

DiMento B. (2015) The Role of Air-Sea Exchange in the Global Selenium Cycle
Mason RP, Amos HM, DiMento B, Soerensen AL & Sunderland EM

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