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Díez-Montes A. (2023) Is the Kaolinization Process the Key to Explaining the Enrichment of Critical Metals in the Apical Zones of Rare-Metal Granites?
López-Moro FJ, Díez-Montes A, Llorens-González T, Sánchez-García T & Timón-Sánchez SM

DiFeo T. (2020) Mining Environments in a Changing Climate
Huntsman P, Cleaver A, Jamieson H, Volchek K, DiFeo T, Reynier N, Gagne-Turcotte R, Langley S, Clemente J, Asemaninejad A, White HP & Rickwood C

DiFrancesco G. (2000) Biomarker Constraints on Water Column Structure and Oceanographic Circulation in an Epeiric Sea (Callovian, Jurassic, North-Western Europe)
Kenig F, Simons DH & DiFrancesco G

DiFrancesco N. (2018) Magmatic Vapor and the Martian Surface: An Experimental Exploration
Nekvasil H & DiFrancesco N
(2014) Reconsidering the Origin of Lunar Highlands Lithologies: Insights from Plagioclase
Nekvasil H, Coraor A, Lindsley D & DiFrancesco N

Digiacomo F. (2019) Chromate Reduction by Sulfate Green Rust (GRSO4) and Sulfidized Zero Valent Iron (sZVI) in Packed Sand Columns
Digiacomo F, Tobler DJ, Held T & Neumann T

DiGiorno M. (2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

DiGiovine B. (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC

Dignac M-F. (2018) Biological Controls of Organic Matter Stabilisation by Mineral Interactions
Rumpel C, Barthod J, LeMer G & Dignac M-F

DiGregorio B.E. (2015) Microanalytical Investigations of Rock Varnish from Different Regions
Macholdt DS, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Otter LM, Pöhlker C, Weber B, Müller M, Kappl M, DiGregorio BE, Al-Amri A & Andreae MO

Dii Horne J. (2023) Acidification of Northern New England Lakes from Rising Anthropogenic-Sourced Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Johannesson KH, Dii Horne J, Misra A, Aliperta C, Meletis OV, White CD, Mavrommati G & Burdige DJ
(2023) Surface Complexation Modeling (SCMs) of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Benthic Flux in the Central Pacific Basin Using Kinetic Batch Adsorption Experiments
Dii Horne J & Johannesson KH

Dijk J.V. (2021) The Recovery of the Biological Pump Across the K/Pg Boundary in the GSSP of El Kef, Tunisia
Dijk JV, Sepúlveda J, Alegret L, Birch H, Bralower T, Jones H, Henehan MJ, Hull PM, Negra MH, Ridgewell A, Roehl U, Vellekoop J, Westerhold T, Whiteside J, Wilkes EB & Zeebe R

Dijkstra Arjan (2019) Critical Metals in Polymetallic Nodules from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Tupiti W, Dijkstra A & Wilkins C
(2017) New Insights into the REE Mineralisation of the Fen Complex, Norway
Marien C, Dijkstra A & Wilkins C

Dijkstra Arjan H. (2015) Automated Mineral Analysis of Mineral Concentrates from a Carbonatite REE Mineral Resource, Fen Complex, Norway
Dijkstra A, Wilkins C, Strongman J & Marien C
(2015) Fast Automated Mineral Analysis of Kimberlite Xenocrysts for Diamond Exploration, Lahtojoki Kimberlite, Finland
Dijkstra A, Hoare B, Cherepanova Y & Lehtonen M
(2011) Os Isotopes of Detrital Os Alloys from the Rhine and Evidence for a 1.2-1.3 Ga Global? Mantle Melting Event
Dijkstra AH, Dale CW, Sergeev DS, Gabelica Z & Devilliers A
(2011) Crust-Mantle Links and a Major Mesoproterozoic Melting Event
Nowell GM, Dale CW, Pearson GD, Oberthur T, Dijkstra AH & Parman SW
(2009) Pyroxenites as Source of Mantle Heterogeneity
Sergeev DS, Dijkstra AH & Meisel T
(2009) Formation of Hybrid Mantle Pyroxenites by Reaction between Mafic Layer-Derived Melts and Peridotites: Implications for OIB Source Heterogeneity
Dijkstra AH & Sergeev DS
(2007) Ocean Crust Formed from E-MORB Overlying an Ultra-Depleted Mantle on Macquarie Island: Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity
Dijkstra A & Cawood P

Dijkstra Joris (2013) A Generic Approach to Geochemical Multi-Surface Modelling of the Leaching of Contaminated Materials
Comans R, Dijkstra J & van Zomeren A
(2013) From Small-Scale Chemical Processes to Long-Term (Radioactive) Contaminant Migration Predictions
Meeussen J, Schroder T & Dijkstra J

Dijkstra Joris (2015) Generic Geochemical Modelling Approach to the Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Contaminated Materials
Comans R, Dijkstra J, Van Zomeren A & Groenenberg B-J

Dijkstra Joris J. (2017) Effect of Leaching on the Surface Mineralogy of Steel Slags
Neuhold S, Höllen D, Dijkstra JJ, van Zomeren A, Adam C, Adamczyk B, Vogel C & Raith J

Dijkstra N. (2008) Unravelling the Geologic Dust Record
Prins MA, Beets CJ, Dijkstra N, Vriend M, Zheng HB & Weltje GJ
(2004) The Relevance of Geochemical Fronts in Leaching Behaviour of Cement – Based Materials
Meeussen J, Dijkstra J, Comans R & Van der Sloot H

Dijkstra Nikki (2017) Trace Metal Dynamics in the Water Column along a Shelf-To-Basin Transect in the Black Sea
Séguret M, Lenstra W, Hermans M, Dijkstra N, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Rijkenberg M, Laan P & Slomp C
(2017) Post-Depositional Vivianite Formation Alters Sediment Phosphorus Records
Hagens M, Dijkstra N, Egger M & Slomp CP
(2017) The Shelf-To-Basin Iron Shuttle in the Black Sea Revisited
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Witbaard R, Kraal P, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Teaca A, Behrends T, Dijkstra N & Slomp C
(2016) Coupled Cycling of Iron, Manganese and Phosphorus in the Water Column of the Black Sea and its Implications for Phosphorus Burial
Dijkstra N, Kraal P, Seguret M, Rijkenberg M, Gonzalez S & Slomp CP
(2015) Phosphorus Dynamics in Coastal Marine Sediments: New Insights in the Role of Fe-P Phases
Slomp C, Egger M, Dijkstra N, Jilbert T, Behrends T, Reed D & Kraal P

Dikmen S. (2016) Mineralogical, Characterisation and Electrokinetic Properties of Kaolins from Eskisehir (Turkey)
Dikmen S, Dikmen Z, Nabioallahi O & Ersoy B
(2016) Comparison of Fly Ash and Red Mud Mixture as a Building Material
Dikmen Z & Dikmen S
(2011) Adsorption of a Textile dye (Acid Red 88) by Montmorillonitic Clay: Estimation of Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters
Dikmen S, Ersoy B & Günay A

Dikmen Z. (2001) Filtration of Flue Gases with Natural Zeolites
Dikmen Z & Orhun Ö

Dikmen Zafer (2016) Mineralogical, Characterisation and Electrokinetic Properties of Kaolins from Eskisehir (Turkey)
Dikmen S, Dikmen Z, Nabioallahi O & Ersoy B
(2016) Comparison of Fly Ash and Red Mud Mixture as a Building Material
Dikmen Z & Dikmen S

Dikov Y.P. (2002) Impact-Induced Early Differentiation of Terrestrial Planets
Dikov YP, Gerasimov MV, Yakovlev OI & Wlotzka F
(2002) Chemical Consequences of an Impact of a Comet: Experimental Simulation
Gerasimov MV, Dikov YP, Yakovlev OI & Wlotzka F

Dilcher D. (2005) The Preservation of Cytoplasm in Fossil Plant Cells
Wang X & Dilcher D

Dildar N. (2022) Uncovering the Microbial Producers of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers
Halamka TA, Raberg J, McFarlin J, Younkin A, Mulligan C, Dildar N, Liu X-L & Kopf S
(2019) An Improved Regional Branched GDGT-Based Soil Temperature Calibration for the Tropical Andes of Colombia: Towards a Global Calibration for the Tropics
Perez-Angel L, Sepulveda J, Rajagopalan B, Montes C, Molnar P, Snell K, Dildar N & Gonzalez-Arango C
(2014) Stable Isotope Paleolimnology of Ancient Lake Ontario
Hladyniuk R, Dildar N & Longstaffe F
(2013) Evidence from N-Alkanes for Ancient Organic Matter Sources in Lake Superior
Dildar N & Longstaffe F
(2009) The Fate of Methanotrophically Fixed Carbon in Soils
Maxfield P, Dildar N, Bingham L, Hornibrook E, Whiteley A & Evershed R

Dileanis P. (2014) Characterizing Groundwater Variability in a Highly Impacted River System Using Isotopic and Geochemical Data
Young M, Kendall C, Peek S, Dahlgren R, Zamora C, Kratzer C, Dileanis P & Stringfellow W

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