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Details for: Don DePaolo

  • Don DePaolo

    Don DePaolo (University of California, Berkeley)


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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: depaolo@eps.berkeley.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) 2D Reactive Transport Models of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
DePaolo D, Sonnenthal E & Pester N
This presentation is the V.M. Goldschmidt Award. Awarded during plenary on Tuesday 20th August

(2017) High-Temperature Calcium Isotope Fractionation: Theory vs. Nature
Antonelli MA, DePaolo DJ, Schauble EA, Grew ES, Chacko T & Rubatto D

(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J

(2015) Fracture Properties in Geothermal Systems from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes
Brown ST, Christensen JN, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Sturchio NC, Nakagawa S, Wanner C & DePaolo DJ

(2014) Calcium Isotope Evidence for End-Triassic Ocean Acidification
Jost AB, Bachan A, van der Schootbrugge B, DePaolo DJ & Payne JL

(2014) The Ca Isotope Composition of Altered MORB
Brown S, Antonelli M, Staudigel H, Owens T & DePaolo D

(2014) Uranium Remediation at an in situ Recovery (ISR) Site: Isotope Ratios as Indicators of Reducing Enviroments
Basu A, Brown ST, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW, Heikoop JM, Schilling K & Johnson TM

(2013) Multiple Isotopic Tracers to Monitor Remediation of Uranium Solution Mining
Brown S, Christensen J, DePaolo D, Basu A, Reimus P, Simmons A & Heikoop J

(2009) A Calcium Isotope Excursion Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Payne J, Turchyn A, Paytan A, DePaolo D, Lehrmann D, Yu Y & Wei J

(2009) A Pb (and Sr) Isotopic Return Address for Trans-Pacific Transported Aerosols
Christensen JN, Ewing SA, Brown ST, VanCuren RA, Cliff SS & DePaolo DJ

(2009) Reconstructing Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry Through Analysis of Vein Minerals
Turchyn A, Alt J, Brown S, DePaolo D, Coggon R, Chi G, Skulski T & Bedard J

(2019) 2D Reactive Transport Models of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
DePaolo D, Sonnenthal E & Pester N
This presentation is the V.M. Goldschmidt Award. Awarded during plenary on Tuesday 20th August

(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J

(2017) High-Temperature Calcium Isotope Fractionation: Theory vs. Nature
Antonelli MA, DePaolo DJ, Schauble EA, Grew ES, Chacko T & Rubatto D

(2015) Selenium Isotope Ratios as Novel Redox Proxies to Detect the Onset of U(VI) Reduction in Groundwater
Basu A, Schilling K, Brown ST, Johnson TM, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW & Heikoop JM

(2015) Fracture Properties in Geothermal Systems from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes
Brown ST, Christensen JN, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Sturchio NC, Nakagawa S, Wanner C & DePaolo DJ

(2015) Ca Isotope Constraints on Early Triassic Marine Carbonate Chemistry
Lau K, Maher K, Altiner D, Brown S, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Jost A, Kelley B, Kump L, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Silva Tamayo JC, Yu M & Payne J

(2014) Calcium Isotope Evidence for End-Triassic Ocean Acidification
Jost AB, Bachan A, van der Schootbrugge B, DePaolo DJ & Payne JL

(2014) Uranium Remediation at an in situ Recovery (ISR) Site: Isotope Ratios as Indicators of Reducing Enviroments
Basu A, Brown ST, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW, Heikoop JM, Schilling K & Johnson TM

(2014) The Ca Isotope Composition of Altered MORB
Brown S, Antonelli M, Staudigel H, Owens T & DePaolo D

(2013) Multiple Isotopic Tracers to Monitor Remediation of Uranium Solution Mining
Brown S, Christensen J, DePaolo D, Basu A, Reimus P, Simmons A & Heikoop J

(2012) Me/Ca Proxies and Foram Biomineralization: The Role of Cation Transport
Gagnon A, DeYoreo J, DePaolo D, Spero H, Russell A & Giuffre A

(2012) Kinetic Isotope Fractionation of Ionic Species in D2O and Methanol
Hofmann AE, Bourg IC, Christensen JN & DePaolo DJ

(2009) A Pb (and Sr) Isotopic Return Address for Trans-Pacific Transported Aerosols
Christensen JN, Ewing SA, Brown ST, VanCuren RA, Cliff SS & DePaolo DJ

(2009) Reconstructing Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry Through Analysis of Vein Minerals
Turchyn A, Alt J, Brown S, DePaolo D, Coggon R, Chi G, Skulski T & Bedard J

(2009) A Calcium Isotope Excursion Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Payne J, Turchyn A, Paytan A, DePaolo D, Lehrmann D, Yu Y & Wei J

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Goldschmidt2019: V.M. Goldschmidt Award

Session convener

Goldschmidt2014 - Session 22d: Mineral Interface Atomistics and Non-Equilibrium Crystal Growth
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 19e: Molecular and Transport Effects on Isotopic Fractionation

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