Details for: Ann Pearson
Ann Pearson (Harvard University)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019
Ann Pearson is the Murray and Martha Ross Professor of Environmental Sciences at Harvard University. Her research focuses on applications of analytical chemistry and isotope geochemistry to Earth and environmental processes. Through studying the chemistry of natural organic molecules, her work yields insight about conditions on Earth today, in the past, and about potential human impacts on our future. Recent projects have focused on understanding pathways of lipid biosynthesis relevant to the global carbon and nitrogen cycles and paleoclimate, and on new technologies for biomolecular stable isotope analysis. Pearson received a Fellowship for Science and Engineering from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation in 2004, a Radcliffe Institute Fellowship in 2009, and was named a Marine Microbiology Initiative Investigator of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in 2012.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) Carbon Isotope Signatures of Marine GDGTs Across the Last Deglaciation: Implications for Archaeal Paleobarometry
Calhoun AN, Phelps S & Pearson A(2022) GDGT Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios Reveal Changes in Organic Carbon Cycling in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghana River Basin due to Modern Land Use Practices
Boehman B, Hein C, French K, Phelps S, Pearson A & Galy V(2019) Euxinia during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Behrooz L, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Pearson A, Dickson A & Pancost R(2019) Nitrogen Loss and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks during Past Marine Anoxia
Elling FJ, Hemingway JD, Polik CA & Pearson A(2019) Prospects for an Archaeal Lipid Paleobarometer
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F & Close H(2017) Complex Diversity of Bacteriohopanepolyol Isomers in Marine Sediments Identified by Ultra-High Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Kusch S, Hemingway J, Shah Walter S & Pearson A(2017) Enzymatic Controls on Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Marine Phytoplankton
Wilkes E, Carter S & Pearson A(2017) Factors Controlling the 13C Contents of Archaeal GDGTs in the Water Column and Sediments
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F, Shah Walter S, Jasper C & Schubotz F(2017) Influence of Carbon Source on the Distribution of Carbon Isotopes in Bacteria
Pearson A, Tang T, Mohr W & Sattin S(2016) Chalenging GDGT Proxies' Assumptions of Archaea Ecology: Compound-Specific δ13C and Genetic Insights from Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Lichtin S, Warren C, Pearson A, Near T & Pagani M(2016) The alkenone-Pco2 Method over Glacial – Interglacial Cycles
Zhang YG, Benthien A, Dong L, Henderiks J & Pearson A(2015) Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy
Hurley S, Elling F, Könneke M, Lipp J, Jahn O, Dutkiewicz S, Follows M, Hinrichs K-U & Pearson A(2015) Impact of Oceanic Anoxia and High pCO2 on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle during the Early Cretaceous
Monteiro F, Naafs D, Pancost R, Pearson A, Ridgwell A & Higgins M(2015) Organic Geochemical Proxies
Pearson A
This presentation is the Gast Lecture Series. Awarded during plenary on Friday 21st August(2015) Phanerozoic Trends in Seawater Nitrogen Isotope Composition from Geoporphyrins
Henkes G, Shen J, Naafs D, Idiz E, Shen Y, Wankel S & Pearson A(2015) Physiological and Ecological Constraints on TEX86 and GDGT Provenance Revealed by Pure Culture Experiments and Quinone Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Becker KW, Könneke M, Schröder JM, Hurley SJ, Mußmann M, Pearson A & Hinrichs K-U(2015) Refining the Alkenone-Pco2 Method: Nutrient Constraints and the Effect of Growth Rate
Zhang YG, Pearson A & Pagani M(2014) Lipidomics for Geochemistry: The Intersection of Metagenomics, Microbial Genetics, and Environmental Lipid Profiling
Pearson A(2011) Characterization of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Lake Kinneret (Israel)
Bar-Or I, Sivan O, Adler M, Kushmaro A, Pearson A & Eckert W(2011) Molecular Tools for Understanding Biomarker Compounds
Bradley A, Pearson A & Marx C(2010) Microbial Community Diversity Under Extreme Euxinia: Mahoney Lake, Canada
Pearson A, Klepac-Ceraj V & Hayes C(2009) 13C-Enriched Bacterial Lipids in the Modern Ocean: An Analogue to the Proterozoic Record
Close H, Shah S, Brodie E & Pearson A(2009) Distribution of Microbial Terpenoid Lipid Cyclases in the Global Ocean Metagenome
Pearson A & Rusch D(2009) Revisiting Mediterranean Sapropel Formation: New Insights from Chlorin Nitrogen Isotope Measurements
Higgins M, Robinson R & Pearson A(2008) Culture-Independent Methods Reveal the Primary Sources of Hopanoid Lipid Biomarkers
Pearson A, Leavitt W, Saenz J & Tam M(2008) Determining the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Geoporphyrins by the Denitrifier Method
Higgins M, Robinson R, Casciotti K & Pearson A
(2002) Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Selected Nucleic Acids from Environmental Samples
Pearson A, Sessions AL, Delong EF & Hayes JM(2022) GDGT Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios Reveal Changes in Organic Carbon Cycling in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghana River Basin due to Modern Land Use Practices
Boehman B, Hein C, French K, Phelps S, Pearson A & Galy V(2022) Carbon Isotope Signatures of Marine GDGTs Across the Last Deglaciation: Implications for Archaeal Paleobarometry
Calhoun AN, Phelps S & Pearson A(2019) Nitrogen Loss and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks during Past Marine Anoxia
Elling FJ, Hemingway JD, Polik CA & Pearson A(2019) Euxinia during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Behrooz L, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Pearson A, Dickson A & Pancost R(2019) Prospects for an Archaeal Lipid Paleobarometer
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F & Close H(2017) Enzymatic Controls on Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Marine Phytoplankton
Wilkes E, Carter S & Pearson A(2017) Factors Controlling the 13C Contents of Archaeal GDGTs in the Water Column and Sediments
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F, Shah Walter S, Jasper C & Schubotz F(2017) Influence of Carbon Source on the Distribution of Carbon Isotopes in Bacteria
Pearson A, Tang T, Mohr W & Sattin S(2017) Complex Diversity of Bacteriohopanepolyol Isomers in Marine Sediments Identified by Ultra-High Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Kusch S, Hemingway J, Shah Walter S & Pearson A(2016) Chalenging GDGT Proxies' Assumptions of Archaea Ecology: Compound-Specific δ13C and Genetic Insights from Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Lichtin S, Warren C, Pearson A, Near T & Pagani M(2016) The alkenone-Pco2 Method over Glacial – Interglacial Cycles
Zhang YG, Benthien A, Dong L, Henderiks J & Pearson A(2015) Physiological and Ecological Constraints on TEX86 and GDGT Provenance Revealed by Pure Culture Experiments and Quinone Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Becker KW, Könneke M, Schröder JM, Hurley SJ, Mußmann M, Pearson A & Hinrichs K-U(2015) Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy
Hurley S, Elling F, Könneke M, Lipp J, Jahn O, Dutkiewicz S, Follows M, Hinrichs K-U & Pearson A(2015) Impact of Oceanic Anoxia and High pCO2 on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle during the Early Cretaceous
Monteiro F, Naafs D, Pancost R, Pearson A, Ridgwell A & Higgins M(2015) Refining the Alkenone-Pco2 Method: Nutrient Constraints and the Effect of Growth Rate
Zhang YG, Pearson A & Pagani M(2015) Phanerozoic Trends in Seawater Nitrogen Isotope Composition from Geoporphyrins
Henkes G, Shen J, Naafs D, Idiz E, Shen Y, Wankel S & Pearson A(2015) Organic Geochemical Proxies
Pearson A
This presentation is the Gast Lecture Series. Awarded during plenary on Friday 21st August(2014) Lipidomics for Geochemistry: The Intersection of Metagenomics, Microbial Genetics, and Environmental Lipid Profiling
Pearson A(2012) Tetraether Lipids of Archaea in Paleoceanography: Unresolved Questions and New Directions
Pearson A(2011) Characterization of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Lake Kinneret (Israel)
Bar-Or I, Sivan O, Adler M, Kushmaro A, Pearson A & Eckert W(2011) Molecular Tools for Understanding Biomarker Compounds
Bradley A, Pearson A & Marx C(2010) Microbial Community Diversity Under Extreme Euxinia: Mahoney Lake, Canada
Pearson A, Klepac-Ceraj V & Hayes C(2009) 13C-Enriched Bacterial Lipids in the Modern Ocean: An Analogue to the Proterozoic Record
Close H, Shah S, Brodie E & Pearson A(2009) Revisiting Mediterranean Sapropel Formation: New Insights from Chlorin Nitrogen Isotope Measurements
Higgins M, Robinson R & Pearson A(2009) Distribution of Microbial Terpenoid Lipid Cyclases in the Global Ocean Metagenome
Pearson A & Rusch D(2008) Culture-Independent Methods Reveal the Primary Sources of Hopanoid Lipid Biomarkers
Pearson A, Leavitt W, Saenz J & Tam M(2008) Determining the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Geoporphyrins by the Denitrifier Method
Higgins M, Robinson R, Casciotti K & Pearson A
(2006) Geomicrobiology of an Antarctic subglacial brine: a plausible Martian ecosystem
Mikucki J, Priscu J, Lyons WB, Welch K, Tranter M & Pearson A(2006) Physiological role of a squalene-hopene cyclase homolog in Bacillus subtilis
Bosak T, Pearson A & Losick R(2006) The apparent antiquity and broad environmental diversity of triterpenoid cyclase genes
Pearson A, Flood Page S & Carter S(2005) Assessing Microbial Metabolisms in Situ: Insights from Carbon Isotopic Analyses at the Molecular Level
Pearson A(2005) Metabolic Capabilities of Prokaryotes in the Deep Ocean
Hansman R, Aluwihare L, Pearson A, Shah SR & Ingalls A(2004) Bacterial Incorporation of Relict Carbon in the Hydrothermal Environment of Guaymas Basin
Pearson A, Seewald J & Eglinton T(2002) Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Selected Nucleic Acids from Environmental Samples
Pearson A, Sessions AL, Delong EF & Hayes JM(2001) Analysis of Nucleic Acids by Liquid Chromatography Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry: First Steps Toward Merging Molecular Biology and Biogeochemistry
Pearson A, Sessions AL, Hayes JM & Edwards KJCommittee member
Goldschmidt2018 Science Committee: Member
Theme chair
Goldschmidt2017 - Theme 15: Geobiology of the Modern
Goldschmidt2015: Gast Lecture Series
Session convener
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 14g: Novel Climatic Proxies: Towards Realism
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 18c: Recent Developments in Microbial Techniques and Approaches to Geobiology