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Details for: Qiang He

I'm now a PhD student in University of Science and Technology of China. My research focus lies on geochemical and petrological records of continental rifting processes including rift magmatism, HT hydrothermal alteration and HT metamorphism. The research area is located at Dabie-Sulu orogen within which 18O depleted rocks are widespread. The 18O depletion has been ascribed to the involvement of deglacial water in water-rock interaction during the continental rifting in response to Rodinia breakup, which makes those rocks in Dabie-Sulu orogen suitable for studying continental rifting processes. I have testified the existence of negative d18O magmatism at the northern margin of South China Block during its rupture from the Rodinia supercontinent. I am now working on the garnet-recorded multistages of rock hydration and dehydration in the continental rift. Both of them have important implications for fossil rift recognition in intraplate regions.

(2017) Mineral Record of Abiotic Nitrogen Reduction
Li L, Busigny V, Zheng Y-F, Li K, He Q & Cartigny P


Goldschmidt2017: Mentee (Mentored by Janet Hergt)
Goldschmidt2016: Mentee (Mentored by Chris Spencer)

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