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Details for: Chris Spencer

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: cspencer@curtin.edu.au. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) Blowing in the Mantle Wind: Migration of Cordilleran Arcs
Spencer C, Murphy B, Hoiland C, Johnston S, Mitchell R & Collins B

(2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N

(2018) Are Earth’s Oldest Felsic Rocks Impact Melts?
Johnson T, Gardiner N, Miljković K, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bland P & Smithies H

(2018) Did Earth’s First Supercontinent Form the Inner Core?
Mitchell R, Cox G, O'Rourke J, Li Z-X, Spencer C, Kirscher U, Zhang N, Murphy JB, Nordsvan A & Asimow P

(2018) Zircon Evidence for Eclogite Facies Metamorphism at 3.9 Ga
Cavosie AJ, Spencer C, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Reddy SM, Wilde SA, Talavera C, Cameron EM, Valley JW, Fournelle J & Ushikubo T

(2023) Kimberlite Ascent by Rift-Driven Disruption of Cratonic Mantle Keels
Gernon TM, Jones SM, Brune S, Hincks T, Palmer MR, Schumacher J, Primiceri R, Field M, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Keir D, Spencer C, Merdith A & Glerum A

(2022) Global-Scale Emergence of Continental Crust during Mesoarchean – Early Neoarchean
Wang W, Cawood PA, Spencer C, Pandit MK, Zhao J-H, Xia X-P, Zheng J & Lu G

(2021) There is no I in Geology Podcast Network
Barrote V, Ware B, Spencer C, Volante S, Miozzi F, Moore M, Liebmann J & Lin N

(2019) Blowing in the Mantle Wind: Migration of Cordilleran Arcs
Spencer C, Murphy B, Hoiland C, Johnston S, Mitchell R & Collins B

(2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N

(2018) Did Earth’s First Supercontinent Form the Inner Core?
Mitchell R, Cox G, O'Rourke J, Li Z-X, Spencer C, Kirscher U, Zhang N, Murphy JB, Nordsvan A & Asimow P

(2018) Zircon Evidence for Eclogite Facies Metamorphism at 3.9 Ga
Cavosie AJ, Spencer C, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Reddy SM, Wilde SA, Talavera C, Cameron EM, Valley JW, Fournelle J & Ushikubo T

(2018) Are Earth’s Oldest Felsic Rocks Impact Melts?
Johnson T, Gardiner N, Miljković K, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bland P & Smithies H

Session convener

Goldschmidt2019 - Session 03n: Integrating Geologic Proxies and Geodynamics
Goldschmidt2017 - Session 06f: Tectonochemistry
Goldschmidt2016 - Session 06d: Tectonochemistry: Integrative Geochemistry for Understanding Tectonic Processes that Shape the Crust


Goldschmidt2018: Mentor (Mentoring Sreejith C, Alice Vho)
Goldschmidt2017: Mentor (Mentoring HIREDYA CHAUHAN, Kumar Batuk Joshi)
Goldschmidt2016: Mentor (Mentoring Qiang He, Richard Gaschnig)

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