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Details for: Janet Hergt

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: jhergt@unimelb.edu.au. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2015) A Convergence Rate Control on Subduction Zone Chemistry
Woodhead J, Hergt J, Osteby B, Edwards L, Greig A, Maas R, Bliss M, Johnson W & Arculus R

(2013) Annual Rainfall Proxy Records from Soda-Straw Stalactites
Paul B, Green H, Drysdale R, Woodhead J, Hergt J, Hellstrom J & Desmarchelier J

(2010) 230Th/U Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Hellstrom J, Sharp W, Ludwig K, Hergt J, Woodhead J, Amundson R & Chadwick O

(2009) Isotopic and Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICPMS
Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Hergt J, Paton C, Greig A & Maas R

(2009) Volatility in BABB: Implications for Nb/Ta in the Mantle Source Region
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Greig A, Wysoczanski R, Leybourne M, Todd E & Wright I

(2015) A Convergence Rate Control on Subduction Zone Chemistry
Woodhead J, Hergt J, Osteby B, Edwards L, Greig A, Maas R, Bliss M, Johnson W & Arculus R

(2013) Annual Rainfall Proxy Records from Soda-Straw Stalactites
Paul B, Green H, Drysdale R, Woodhead J, Hergt J, Hellstrom J & Desmarchelier J

(2010) 230Th/U Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Hellstrom J, Sharp W, Ludwig K, Hergt J, Woodhead J, Amundson R & Chadwick O

(2009) Volatility in BABB: Implications for Nb/Ta in the Mantle Source Region
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Greig A, Wysoczanski R, Leybourne M, Todd E & Wright I

(2009) Isotopic and Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICPMS
Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Hergt J, Paton C, Greig A & Maas R

(2006) The case for crust-mantle interaction during silicic magma genesis: the zircon testimony
Kemp AIS, Hawkesworth CJ, Paterson BA, Foster GL, Woodhead JD, Hergt JM & Wormald RJ

(2006) Laser ablation analysis of Sr isotopes in kimberlitic perovskite
Paton C, Hergt JM, Woodhead JD & Phillips D

Theme chair

Goldschmidt2019 - Theme 03: Earth's Lithosphere Formation, Evolution and Recycling
Goldschmidt2015 - Theme 20: Mantle to Crust


Goldschmidt2019: Mentor (Mentoring Monika Rusiecka, Emma Waters)
Goldschmidt2017: Mentor (Mentoring Qiang He, Rameses D'Souza)

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