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Details for: William Leavitt

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: william.d.leavitt@dartmouth.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A

(2018) Calibrating Geostable Lipid Profiles to Archaeal Bioenergetic State
Zhou A, Amenabar M, Elling F, Weber Y, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W

(2017) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction is a Four-Step Pathway
Venceslau SS, Santos AA, Leavitt W, Johnston D, Bradley AS & Pereira IAC

(2019) Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A

(2018) Calibrating Geostable Lipid Profiles to Archaeal Bioenergetic State
Zhou A, Amenabar M, Elling F, Weber Y, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W

(2017) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction is a Four-Step Pathway
Venceslau SS, Santos AA, Leavitt W, Johnston D, Bradley AS & Pereira IAC

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 06l: The Interface between Minerals and Biology as Determined by Nano-Analytical Techniques and Novel Light Stable Isotopic Analyses
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 10h: Traditional and Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in Geobiology and Biogeochemistry

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