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Details for: William Leavitt

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: william.d.leavitt@dartmouth.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2024) Methane Clumped Isotopes Reveal the Formation of Microbial Methane
Liu J, Young ED, Pellerin A, Ash JL, Barrett GT, Girguis PR, Harris CM, Krause SJE, Leavitt WD, Murphy K, Qin Q, Sivan O, Teske A, Valentine DL, Walter-Anthony K & Treude T

(2019) Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A

(2018) Calibrating Geostable Lipid Profiles to Archaeal Bioenergetic State
Zhou A, Amenabar M, Elling F, Weber Y, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W

(2017) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction is a Four-Step Pathway
Venceslau SS, Santos AA, Leavitt W, Johnston D, Bradley AS & Pereira IAC

(2024) Methane Clumped Isotopes Reveal the Formation of Microbial Methane
Liu J, Young ED, Pellerin A, Ash JL, Barrett GT, Girguis PR, Harris CM, Krause SJE, Leavitt WD, Murphy K, Qin Q, Sivan O, Teske A, Valentine DL, Walter-Anthony K & Treude T

(2019) Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A

(2018) Calibrating Geostable Lipid Profiles to Archaeal Bioenergetic State
Zhou A, Amenabar M, Elling F, Weber Y, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W

(2017) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction is a Four-Step Pathway
Venceslau SS, Santos AA, Leavitt W, Johnston D, Bradley AS & Pereira IAC

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 06l: The Interface between Minerals and Biology as Determined by Nano-Analytical Techniques and Novel Light Stable Isotopic Analyses
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 10h: Traditional and Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in Geobiology and Biogeochemistry

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