Details for: Tais W. Dahl
Tais W. Dahl (University of Copenhagen, Natural History Museum)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2019) A Devonian Example of Why an Integrated Geochemical Approach is Needed to Infer Global Ocean Redox
Kendall B, Wang J, Zheng W, Romaniello S, Lu X & Dahl T(2019) Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygen and Productivity Dynamics during the Cambrian Explosion
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Da L, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Porter S, Maloof AC & Bizzarro M(2019) Extensive Marine Anoxia during the Tonian Period Revealed by Uranium Isotopes in Marine Carbonates
Zhang F, Xiao S, Dahl T, Planavsky N, Romaniello S, Lenton T & Anbar A(2019) Modelling Bioturbation’s Impact on Qualitative Differences between the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian δ13C Records
Boyle R, Dahl T, Bjerrum C & Canfield D(2019) Uranium Isotopes, Ocean Anoxia, Primary Productivity and Carbonate Diagenesis
del Rey Á, Havsteen J, Munnecke A, Bizarro M & Dahl T
(2018) Ocean Redox Conditions between the Snowballs – Geochemical Constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland
Scheller EL, Dickson AJ, Canfield DE, Korte C, Kristiansen KK & Dahl TW(2016) Reorganization of Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles Briefly Oxygenated the Oceans 520 Myr ago
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Maansson SF & Bizzarro M(2015) Do Distinct Molybdenum Compounds Discern Isotope Fractionation Processes in Euxinic Settings?
Dahl TW & Wirth SB(2014) Iron Cycling in Neoproterozoic Ferruginous Oceans
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW & Canfield DE(2013) Molybdenum Speciation and Distribution in Ancient Euxinic Shales by µXRF and µXANES Spectroscopy
Chappaz A, Fitts JP & Dahl TW(2013) U Isotopes Disentangle Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygenation Dynamics
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Gill BC, Canfield DE & Bizzarro M(2024) Repeated Occurrences of Marine Anoxia during Highly Oxygenated Late Paleozoic Icehouse
Chen J, Li S, Montañez IP, Zhang S, Isson T, Dahl TW, Planavsky NJ, Zhang F, Wang X & Shen S(2023) A Temperate Climate with Low Atmospheric CO2 and High O2 Levels Before the Emergence of Forested Ecosystems
Dahl TW, Harding MAR, Brugger J, Feulner G, Norman K, Lomax B & Junium C(2023) No Volcanic Trigger for Late Cambrian Carbon Cycle Perturbations?
Frieling J, Mather TA, Fendley IM, Bergquist BA, Cheng K, Jenkyns HC, Zhao Z, Dahl TW, Nielsen AT & Dickson AJ(2023) A Notable Incorporation of Isotopically Heavy U(IV) Species into Carbonates Under the Modern Marine Environment
Yuan Y, Chen T, Zhang F, Liu Y, Xiong G, Wei G, Dahl TW, Yan W, Ling H-F, Cheng H & Shen S(2022) The Nickel Isotope Evolution of Seawater Through the Phanerozoic Eon
Sun M, Archer C, Sweere T, Shen Y, Algeo T, Dickson AJ, Gill B, Dahl TW & Vance D(2022) A Shale-Hosted Selenium Isotope Record of Paleozoic Ocean Oxygenation
Kipp MA, Bubphamanee K, Stüeken EE, Tissot FLH, Algeo TJ, Brocks JJ, Dahl TW, Kinsley J & Buick R(2020) Did Respiration in Soils Drive Atmospheric O2 Levels up during the Mid-Paleozoic?
Arens S & Dahl TW(2020) The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event was Promoted by Persistent Deep Oceanic Anoxia
Zhang F, Stockey R, Planavsky N, Fan J, Li N, Finnegan S, Edwards C, Goldberg S, Saltzman M, Dahl T, Bergmann K, Sperling E, Zhang H, Wang X & Shen S-Z(2020) Nutrients, Ocean Redox and a Explosion of Life: A Brief Description of the Middle Ordovician
del Rey Á, Calner M & Dahl TW(2020) Uranium Isotopes in Permian Marine Carbonates and Calcitic Brachiopods: Validation of the Global Paleoredox Proxy and Implications for Ocean Oxygenation in the Permian
Wang W, Zhang F, Shen S, Bizzarro M, Garbelli C & Dahl TW(2020) Reconstructing Global Ocean Redox Conditions by Coupling the Mo and U Isotope Systems of Euxinic Organic-Rich Mudrocks
Lyu X, Dahl TW, Zheng W, Wang S & Kendall B(2019) Uranium Isotopes, Ocean Anoxia, Primary Productivity and Carbonate Diagenesis
del Rey Á, Havsteen J, Munnecke A, Bizarro M & Dahl T(2019) Modelling Bioturbation’s Impact on Qualitative Differences between the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian δ13C Records
Boyle R, Dahl T, Bjerrum C & Canfield D(2019) Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygen and Productivity Dynamics during the Cambrian Explosion
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Da L, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Porter S, Maloof AC & Bizzarro M(2019) A Devonian Example of Why an Integrated Geochemical Approach is Needed to Infer Global Ocean Redox
Kendall B, Wang J, Zheng W, Romaniello S, Lu X & Dahl T(2019) Extensive Marine Anoxia during the Tonian Period Revealed by Uranium Isotopes in Marine Carbonates
Zhang F, Xiao S, Dahl T, Planavsky N, Romaniello S, Lenton T & Anbar A
(2018) Ocean Redox Conditions between the Snowballs – Geochemical Constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland
Scheller EL, Dickson AJ, Canfield DE, Korte C, Kristiansen KK & Dahl TW(2016) Reorganization of Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles Briefly Oxygenated the Oceans 520 Myr ago
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Maansson SF & Bizzarro M(2015) Do Distinct Molybdenum Compounds Discern Isotope Fractionation Processes in Euxinic Settings?
Dahl TW & Wirth SB(2014) Iron Cycling in Neoproterozoic Ferruginous Oceans
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW & Canfield DE(2013) U Isotopes Disentangle Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygenation Dynamics
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Gill BC, Canfield DE & Bizzarro M(2013) Molybdenum Speciation and Distribution in Ancient Euxinic Shales by µXRF and µXANES Spectroscopy
Chappaz A, Fitts JP & Dahl TW(2012) Geochemical and Bacterial Evidence for 9800 Years of Meromixis and Euxinia in Alpine Lake Cadagno
Wirth SB, Gilli A, Dahl TW, Niemann H, Ravasi D, Lehmann MF, Peduzzi R, Peduzzi S, Tonolla M & Anselmetti FS(2012) Molybdenum Sequestration in Sulfidic Sediments: Xafs Evidence for mo Reduction
Chappaz A, Dahl TW, Fitts JP & Lyons TW(2012) Tracing Euxinia in Ancient Oceans with Molybdenum
Dahl TW & Canfield DE(2011) Metal-Silicate Mixing during Impact-Driven Planet Accretion – Implications for the Age of the Moon
Dahl T & Stevenson D(2011) A Sulfidic Driver for the Late Ordovician Extinction
Hammarlund E, Dahl T, Harper D, Bond D, Bjerrum C & Canfield D(2010) Ocean Oxygenation after the Rise of Animals
Dahl TW, Hammarlund E, Knoll AH, Anbar AD & Canfield DE(2009) Multiple Geochemical Proxies Reveal a Late Cambrian Ocean Anoxic Event
Gill B, Lyons T, Dahl T, Saltzman M, Gordon G & Anbar A(2009) Do δ98Mo Values in Marine Euxinic Sediments Reflect Seawater?
Dahl TW, Anbar A, Gordon G, Rosing MT, Frei RE & Canfield DE(2008) Molybdenum Isotope Variations in a Redox-Stratified Lake; Removal Mechanism and Preservation in Euxinic Sediments
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Rosing MT, Frei RE & Canfield DE(2007) Mo Isotope Variations in Meromictic Lake Cadagno
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Frei R & Canfield DETheme chair
Goldschmidt2019 - Theme 07: Co-evolving life and environments through deep time
Session convener
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 07j: From Formation to Preservation: Reconstructing Paleo-Ocean Chemistry Using Laboratory, Mineralogical, Molecular, Elemental, and Isotopic Proxies
Goldschmidt2015 - Session 08b: Phanerozoic Greenhouse Climates and Oxygen – Proxies and Models
Goldschmidt2014 - Session 09a: Dynamics and Stability of Earth's Oxygenated Biosphere
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 09d: Global O2 Levels in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic
Goldschmidt2018: Mentor (Mentoring Rheane Da Silva)
Goldschmidt2016: Mentor (Mentoring Feifei Zhang, Wei Wei)