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Details for: Neil Sturchio

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: sturchio@udel.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2022) Revisiting the Milk River Aquifer with Novel Tracers
Yokochi R, Purtschert RJ, Sturchio NC, Mueller P, Wheatcraft S, Corcho Alvarado JA, Duran N, Leuenberger M, Musy SL, Rollin S & Vockenhuber C

(2021) Hydrological Analysis of Unzen Volcanic Aquifer
Yokochi R, Purtschert RJ, Suda Y, Sturchio NC & Sültenfuß J

(2019) Decadal Scale Changes in Permafrost Carbon Accrual Measured By 210-Pb
DeFranco K, Ricketts M, Blanc-Betes E, Welker J, Gonzalez-Meler M & Sturchio N

(2019) Isotopic Composition of Natural Chlorate
Brundrett M, Jackson A, Bohlke J, Sturchio N & Hatzinger P

(2016) Isotopic Biofractionation of Perchlorate
Williamson A, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Huang L & Coates J

(2015) Fracture Properties in Geothermal Systems from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes
Brown ST, Christensen JN, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Sturchio NC, Nakagawa S, Wanner C & DePaolo DJ

(2022) Revisiting the Milk River Aquifer with Novel Tracers
Yokochi R, Purtschert RJ, Sturchio NC, Mueller P, Wheatcraft S, Corcho Alvarado JA, Duran N, Leuenberger M, Musy SL, Rollin S & Vockenhuber C

(2021) Hydrological Analysis of Unzen Volcanic Aquifer
Yokochi R, Purtschert RJ, Suda Y, Sturchio NC & Sültenfuß J

(2019) Decadal Scale Changes in Permafrost Carbon Accrual Measured By 210-Pb
DeFranco K, Ricketts M, Blanc-Betes E, Welker J, Gonzalez-Meler M & Sturchio N

(2019) Isotopic Composition of Natural Chlorate
Brundrett M, Jackson A, Bohlke J, Sturchio N & Hatzinger P

(2016) Isotopic Biofractionation of Perchlorate
Williamson A, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Huang L & Coates J

(2015) Fracture Properties in Geothermal Systems from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes
Brown ST, Christensen JN, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Sturchio NC, Nakagawa S, Wanner C & DePaolo DJ

(2012) Noble Gas Radionuclides in Yellowstone Geothermal Gases
Sturchio NC, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Mueller P, Lu Z-T, Kennedy BM & Kharaka Y

(2012) First-Principles Studies of Dissolution Reactions of Orthoclase
Zapol P, He H, Tan X, Fenter P & Sturchio N

(2012) Stable Isotope and Isotopomeric Constraints on N2O Production in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Bellucci F, Gonzalez-Meler M, Sturchio NC, Bohlke JK, Ostrom N & Kozak J

(2012) Interaction of Pb with Calcite (104) Surface in the Presence of EDTA
Callagon E, Lee SS, Fenter P, Nagy K & Sturchio N

(2012) Distribution and Stable Isotopic Composition of ClO4- in the Atacama Desert
Jackson WA, Rao B, Bohlke JK, Hatzinger P, Sturchio N, Gu B, Davilia A & Clair M

(2012) 81Kr-Dating is now Available
Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Sharma A, Bailey K, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Hu S-M, Purtschert R & Sturchio N

(2011) Cation Adsorption at the Muscovite-Electrolyte Solution Interface
Fenter P, Lee SS, Schmidt M, Soderholm L, Wilson R, Park C, Nagy K & Sturchio N

(2011) Reaching Part-Per-Quadrillion: Detection of 39Ar in Environmental Samples Using ATTA
Lu Z-T, Bailey K, Davis A, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Sun Y & Williams W

(2010) Isotopic Tracing of the Origin and Transport of Perchlorate
Sturchio N, Beloso A, Bohlke J, Caffee M, Gu B, Hatzinger P, Heraty L & Jackson A

(2010) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Large Metropolitan Water Reclamation Plant
Bellucci F, Carbone J, Heraty L, Sturchio N, Gonzalez-Meler M, Kozak J & O'Connor C

(2010) Relation between NO3- and ClO4- Occurence in the Environment
Jackson A, Rao B, Rajagopolan S, Hatzinger P, Böhlke JK, Sturchio N, Betancourt J, Andraski B, Stonestrom D, Orris G, Eckardt F & Gu B

(2009) Noble Gas Radionuclides and ATTA in Hydrology: State of the art
Sturchio N, Yokochi R, Lu Z-T, Purtschert R, Bailey K, Cheng C, Davis A, Ding Y, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Williams W & Young L

(2008) 36Cl: Tracer of Perchlorate Origin?
Sturchio N, Caffee M, Bohlke J, Gu B & Hatzinger P

(2008) 81Kr Dating and 85Kr Dating
Ding Y, Lu Z-T, Davis A, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Young L, Bailey K, O'Connor T & Yokochi R

(2006) Radiokrypton Analysis in the 21st Century: Development and Application of a Laser Atom Trap
Sturchio N, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Bailey K, O'connor T, Yokochi R & Probst P

(2005) Environmental Isotope Forensics of Perchlorate
Sturchio N, Bohlke J, Gu B, Horita J, Brown G & Hatzinger P

(2005) Structure of Zn2+ at Rutile TiO<->2<$> (110)-Aqueous Solution Interface
Zhang Z, Fenter P, Kelly S, Catalano J, Kubicki J, Bandura A, Wesolowski D, Machesky M, Sturchio N & Bedzyk M

(2005) Uranyl-Calcium Coordination in Calcium Carbonate Systems
Kelly S, Brooks S, Fredrickson J, Rasbury T, Spoetl C, Sturchio N & Kemner K

(2002) A Chlorine Isotope Effect for Biochlorination
Reddy C, Drenzek N, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Butler A & Kimblin C

(2002) Residence Time of Nubian Aquifer Water, Western Desert, Egypt
Sturchio NC, Sultan M, Lu ZT, Du X, Lehmann BE & Purtschert R

(2000) Alteration of Muscovite to a Mg-Clay
Nagy K, Schlegel M, Cheng L, Fenter P & Sturchio N

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 13e: Advances in the Integration of Chemical and Isotopic Tracers with Transport Models in Aquatic Systems
Goldschmidt2016 - Session 15h: Transient Tracers in Aquatic Systems: quo Vadis?

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