All abstracts by John Karl Böhlke at Goldschmidt2010
(2010) Isotopic Tracing of the Origin and Transport of Perchlorate
Sturchio N, Beloso A, Bohlke J, Caffee M, Gu B, Hatzinger P, Heraty L & Jackson A |
(2010) Relation between NO3- and ClO4- Occurence in the Environment
Jackson A, Rao B, Rajagopolan S, Hatzinger P, Böhlke JK, Sturchio N, Betancourt J, Andraski B, Stonestrom D, Orris G, Eckardt F & Gu B |
(2010) Understanding Natural Perchlorate Formation by Ozone and UV-Oxidation of Aqueous cl Species
Rao B, Jackson A, Bohlke JK, Hatzinger P, Gu B & Sturchio N |
(2010) Isotopic Variation in Terrestrial Perchlorate and Associated Nitrate
Böhlke JK, Jackson WA, Hatzinger P, Sturchio N & Gu B |