Details for: Richard Carlson
Richard Carlson (Carnegie Institution of Washington)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
Richard Carlson obtained his BS in chemistry at the University of California, San Diego and PhD in earth science at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He joined the scientific staff of the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism in 1981. His specialty is the field of trace element and isotope geochemistry and geochronology with research interests that include: timescales and mechanisms of crust formation and mantle differentiation on the terrestrial planets; nucleosynthetic isotope variability in early solar system materials, origin of large-volume volcanism; characteristics of the sub-continental mantle and its role in continent formation and preservation; and techniques for high precision chemical and isotope analysis. He was editor of the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters and is currently President of the Geochemical Society. He is a Fellow of the Geochemical Society, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and the American Geophysical Union, a Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and recipient of the 2008 Bowen Award of the AGU.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2020) Redox Controlled Stable Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Shen J, Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW, Huang S, Helz RT & Mock TD(2020) The Impact of Early Earth Differentiation on the Modern World
Carlson R
This presentation is the V.M. Goldschmidt Award 2020 .(2020) Using LREE Minerals to Reassess the Nd Isotopic Record of the Early Earth
Wang D, Carlson RW, Shirey SB & Vervoort JD(2020) Zoned Mantle Source of Karoo Flood Basalts
Luttinen A, Heinonen J, Turunen S, Carlson R & Horan M(2018) Creating Earth's most Ancient Crust
Carlson R, Garcon M, O'Neil J, Reimink J & Rizo H(2018) Geochemistry of the Tuli Syncline high-Ti Picrites and Basalts, Karoo CFB, South Africa: Origin from a High δ18O Mantle Source
Howarth G, Duncan A, Marsh J, Day J, Harris C, Richardson S, le Roex A, Carlson R & Zartman R(2018) Optimizing Precision in 142-Nd TIMS Analysis: Faraday Cup Performance
Horan M & Carlson R(2018) The Diverse Origins of Cratonic Nuclei-A Perspective from the Slave Craton
Reimink J, Shirey S, Carlson R & Pearson DG(2018) The Hadean Geochemical Heritage of the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Mundl A, Carlson R, Day J & Walker R(2018) The Origin of Chromium Isotopic Anomalies in Lunar Rocks
Qin L, Liu J, Dauphas N, Carlson RW, Xu W & Hui H(2016) Cosmogenic Effects on Chromium Isotopes in the Iron Meteorites
Liu J, Qin L, Xia J, Leya I & Carlson R(2016) Petrogenesis of the 4.02 Ga Idiwhaa Tonalitic Gneiss and Implications for Crust Formation on the Early Earth
Reimink J, Chacko T, Davies J, Pearson DG, Stern R, Heaman L, Carlson R & Shirey S(2016) Pre-, Syn-, and Post Formation Controls on Earth Composition
Carlson R, Boyet M, Qin L, O'Neil J & Rizo H(2016) Solar System and Planet Formation, Insights from Nucleosynthetic Anomalies
Qin L & Carlson RW(2014) Cr Isotope Anomalies, their Origins and Implications
Qin L, Xia J, Alexander C, Nittler L, Carlson R & Wang J(2014) Insight into Arc Magma Genesis from the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite, Japan
Till CB, Grove TL, Carlson RW, Wallis S & Mizukami T(2014) Multiple Early Earth Differentiation Events Revealed by 142Nd, 182W, and HSE Abundances in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Walker RJ, Carlson RW, Horan M, Touboul M, Puchtel IS, Boyet M & Rosing M(2014) Reworking >1.5 Billion-Year-Old Crust to Build Archean Cratons
O'Neil J & Carlson R(2014) Sm-Nd Systematics of Lunar Ferroan-Anorthosite: Constraints on Moon Formation and its Early Evolution
Boyet M, Carlson R, Borg L & Horan M(2013) Early Mantle Composition and Evolution Inferred from 142Nd and 182W Variations in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Touboul M, Carlson RW, Boyet M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ(2013) Earth’s Hadean Crust: Insights from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R & Boyet M(2013) Improved Pd-Ag Isotopic Systematics by MC-ICP-MS
Horan M, Carlson R & Schoenbaechler M(2013) Making Earth
Carlson R(2013) Preserving Fertile MORB Mantle in the Continental Lithosphere
Carlson R & Ionov D(2013) What are the 146Sm-142Nd Reference Parameters for the Earth?
Boyet M, Bouvier A, Gannoun A & Carlson R(2011) A New Starting Point for the Mantle’s Geochemical Reservoirs
Jackson M & Carlson R(2011) Age and Origin of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R, Moser D, Heaman L & Francis D(2011) Alkalic Magmas and the Diversity of Mantle Compositional Variation
Carlson R(2011) Comparative Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os Isotopic Systematics of Xenolithic Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Liu J, Carlson R, Rudnick R, Walker R, Wu F & Gao S(2011) Implications of a Non-Chondritic Primitive Mantle for Chemical Geodynamics
Carlson R & Jackson M(2011) Os Isotope and PGE Data on the Age and Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle in the Central Siberian Craton
Doucet L-S, Ionov D, Carlson R, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I(2011) Palladium-Silver Systematics in the Oldest Differentiated Planetesimal
Horan M, Carlson R & Blichert-Toft J(2011) Peridotite Xenolith Inferences on the Formation and Evolution of the Central Siberian Cratonic Mantle
Ionov D, Doucet L-S, Carlson R, Pokhilenko N, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I(2011) Slow Mantle Upwelling on the Margin of the Hawaiian Plume Based on 230Th-238U Disequilibria at Loihi Seamount
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M(2010) Baffin Island Picrites Contain Normal Terrestrial 142Nd/144Nd: Implications for the Source of High 3He/4He in Deep Earth
de Leeuw GAM, Carlson RW, Ellam RM & Stuart FM(2010) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of the Nuvvuagittuq Belt: Implications for Earth’s Early Crust Formation
O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D(2010) Isotopic Constraints on Heterogeneous Accretion of the Earth
Schönbächler M, Carlson R, Horan M, Mock T & Hauri E(2010) The Consequences of Isotopic Variability in the Early Solar Nebula
Carlson R, Qin L & Alexander C(2010) The Formation and Evolution of Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Carlson R & Pearson DG(2009) Old Sm-Nd Ages for Cumulate Eucrites and Redetermination of the Solar System Initial 146Sm/144Sm Ratio
Boyet M, Carlson R, Horan M & Tera F(2008) Chromium Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Bulk and Components of Chondrites
Qin L, Alexander C, Carlson R & Horan M(2008) Concentrating the Slab-Fluid Input to Newberry Volcano, Oregon
Carlson RW, Grove T & Donnelly-Nolan J(2008) Eclogitic Sulfide and Silicate Inclusions in Diamonds and Sub-Continental Geological Processes
Shirey S, Richardson S, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J(2008) Eoarchean Mafic Crust in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Francis D, Carlson R & Stevenson R(2008) Re-Os Geochronology of the Várzea do Macaco Chromite Deposit and Ni-Prospect, Jacurici Complex, Brazil
Marques J & Carlson R(2008) The Timing of the Earth’s Accretion and Volatile Loss: The Pd-Ag View
Schonbachler M, Carlson R, Horan M, Mock T & Hauri E(2007) Characterizing Fe-Rich Dunite Xenoliths as Cumulates of Phanerozoic and Archaean Flood Basalt Magmatism
Rehfeldt T, Foley SF, Jacob DE & Carlson RW(2007) Chondrite Barium, Neodymium and Samarium Isotopic Heterogeneity and Early Earth Differentiation
Carlson R, Boyet M & Horan M(2007) Early Lunar Differentiation and the Earth-Moon Connection
Boyet M & Carlson R(2007) Ensuring Accuracy in High-Precision Isotope Ratio Measurements
Carlson R, Boyet M & Schonbachler M(2007) The Timescale of the Earth's Accretion and Volatile Loss: New Constraints from Pd-Ag Systematics
Schönbächler M, Carlson R, Horan M & Hauri E(2020) Redox Controlled Stable Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Shen J, Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW, Huang S, Helz RT & Mock TD(2020) Using LREE Minerals to Reassess the Nd Isotopic Record of the Early Earth
Wang D, Carlson RW, Shirey SB & Vervoort JD(2020) The Impact of Early Earth Differentiation on the Modern World
Carlson R
This presentation is the V.M. Goldschmidt Award 2020 .(2020) Zoned Mantle Source of Karoo Flood Basalts
Luttinen A, Heinonen J, Turunen S, Carlson R & Horan M(2018) The Hadean Geochemical Heritage of the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Mundl A, Carlson R, Day J & Walker R(2018) Geochemistry of the Tuli Syncline high-Ti Picrites and Basalts, Karoo CFB, South Africa: Origin from a High δ18O Mantle Source
Howarth G, Duncan A, Marsh J, Day J, Harris C, Richardson S, le Roex A, Carlson R & Zartman R(2018) Optimizing Precision in 142-Nd TIMS Analysis: Faraday Cup Performance
Horan M & Carlson R(2018) The Origin of Chromium Isotopic Anomalies in Lunar Rocks
Qin L, Liu J, Dauphas N, Carlson RW, Xu W & Hui H(2018) The Diverse Origins of Cratonic Nuclei-A Perspective from the Slave Craton
Reimink J, Shirey S, Carlson R & Pearson DG(2018) Creating Earth's most Ancient Crust
Carlson R, Garcon M, O'Neil J, Reimink J & Rizo H(2016) Cosmogenic Effects on Chromium Isotopes in the Iron Meteorites
Liu J, Qin L, Xia J, Leya I & Carlson R(2016) Petrogenesis of the 4.02 Ga Idiwhaa Tonalitic Gneiss and Implications for Crust Formation on the Early Earth
Reimink J, Chacko T, Davies J, Pearson DG, Stern R, Heaman L, Carlson R & Shirey S(2016) Solar System and Planet Formation, Insights from Nucleosynthetic Anomalies
Qin L & Carlson RW(2016) Pre-, Syn-, and Post Formation Controls on Earth Composition
Carlson R, Boyet M, Qin L, O'Neil J & Rizo H(2014) Insight into Arc Magma Genesis from the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite, Japan
Till CB, Grove TL, Carlson RW, Wallis S & Mizukami T(2014) Cr Isotope Anomalies, their Origins and Implications
Qin L, Xia J, Alexander C, Nittler L, Carlson R & Wang J(2014) Multiple Early Earth Differentiation Events Revealed by 142Nd, 182W, and HSE Abundances in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Walker RJ, Carlson RW, Horan M, Touboul M, Puchtel IS, Boyet M & Rosing M(2014) Silver in the Terrestrial Mantle
Horan M, Carlson R, Walker R & Jenner F(2014) Reworking >1.5 Billion-Year-Old Crust to Build Archean Cratons
O'Neil J & Carlson R(2014) Sm-Nd Systematics of Lunar Ferroan-Anorthosite: Constraints on Moon Formation and its Early Evolution
Boyet M, Carlson R, Borg L & Horan M(2013) What are the 146Sm-142Nd Reference Parameters for the Earth?
Boyet M, Bouvier A, Gannoun A & Carlson R(2013) Preserving Fertile MORB Mantle in the Continental Lithosphere
Carlson R & Ionov D(2013) Early Mantle Composition and Evolution Inferred from 142Nd and 182W Variations in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Touboul M, Carlson RW, Boyet M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ(2013) Improved Pd-Ag Isotopic Systematics by MC-ICP-MS
Horan M, Carlson R & Schoenbaechler M(2013) Earth’s Hadean Crust: Insights from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R & Boyet M(2013) Making Earth
Carlson R(2012) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Earth's Early Mafic Crust: A Comparison between Nuvvuagittuq and Isua Greenstone Belt Metavolcanic Rocks
O'Neil J, Rizo H, Boyet M, Carlson R & Rosing M(2012) Early Earth Differentiation: Before and after Earth Formation
Carlson R, Boyet M, Jackson M, O'Neil J & Qin L(2012) Linear Trend of Mid-Continent Alkaline Volcanism, USA: Slab-Edge Focus
Duke G, Carlson R & Frost C(2012) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Darling J, Moser D, Heaman L, Davis W, Stern R, O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D(2011) A New Starting Point for the Mantle’s Geochemical Reservoirs
Jackson M & Carlson R(2011) Age and Origin of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R, Moser D, Heaman L & Francis D(2011) Os Isotope and PGE Data on the Age and Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle in the Central Siberian Craton
Doucet L-S, Ionov D, Carlson R, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I(2011) Peridotite Xenolith Inferences on the Formation and Evolution of the Central Siberian Cratonic Mantle
Ionov D, Doucet L-S, Carlson R, Pokhilenko N, Golovin A & Ashchepkov I(2011) Palladium-Silver Systematics in the Oldest Differentiated Planetesimal
Horan M, Carlson R & Blichert-Toft J(2011) Implications of a Non-Chondritic Primitive Mantle for Chemical Geodynamics
Carlson R & Jackson M(2011) Slow Mantle Upwelling on the Margin of the Hawaiian Plume Based on 230Th-238U Disequilibria at Loihi Seamount
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M(2011) Alkalic Magmas and the Diversity of Mantle Compositional Variation
Carlson R(2011) Comparative Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os Isotopic Systematics of Xenolithic Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Liu J, Carlson R, Rudnick R, Walker R, Wu F & Gao S(2010) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of the Nuvvuagittuq Belt: Implications for Earth’s Early Crust Formation
O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D(2010) Isotopic Constraints on Heterogeneous Accretion of the Earth
Schönbächler M, Carlson R, Horan M, Mock T & Hauri E(2010) The Consequences of Isotopic Variability in the Early Solar Nebula
Carlson R, Qin L & Alexander C(2010) The Formation and Evolution of Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Carlson R & Pearson DG(2010) Baffin Island Picrites Contain Normal Terrestrial 142Nd/144Nd: Implications for the Source of High 3He/4He in Deep Earth
de Leeuw GAM, Carlson RW, Ellam RM & Stuart FM(2009) Old Sm-Nd Ages for Cumulate Eucrites and Redetermination of the Solar System Initial 146Sm/144Sm Ratio
Boyet M, Carlson R, Horan M & Tera F(2008) Chromium Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Bulk and Components of Chondrites
Qin L, Alexander C, Carlson R & Horan M(2008) Re-Os Geochronology of the Várzea do Macaco Chromite Deposit and Ni-Prospect, Jacurici Complex, Brazil
Marques J & Carlson R(2008) Eclogitic Sulfide and Silicate Inclusions in Diamonds and Sub-Continental Geological Processes
Shirey S, Richardson S, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J(2008) The Timing of the Earth’s Accretion and Volatile Loss: The Pd-Ag View
Schonbachler M, Carlson R, Horan M, Mock T & Hauri E(2008) Eoarchean Mafic Crust in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Francis D, Carlson R & Stevenson R(2008) Concentrating the Slab-Fluid Input to Newberry Volcano, Oregon
Carlson RW, Grove T & Donnelly-Nolan J(2007) The Timescale of the Earth's Accretion and Volatile Loss: New Constraints from Pd-Ag Systematics
Schönbächler M, Carlson R, Horan M & Hauri E(2007) Characterizing Fe-Rich Dunite Xenoliths as Cumulates of Phanerozoic and Archaean Flood Basalt Magmatism
Rehfeldt T, Foley SF, Jacob DE & Carlson RW(2007) Early Lunar Differentiation and the Earth-Moon Connection
Boyet M & Carlson R(2007) Chondrite Barium, Neodymium and Samarium Isotopic Heterogeneity and Early Earth Differentiation
Carlson R, Boyet M & Horan M(2007) Ensuring Accuracy in High-Precision Isotope Ratio Measurements
Carlson R, Boyet M & Schonbachler M(2006) Genesis mechanisms and the survival and destruction of continental lithospheric mantle
Carlson R & Shirey S(2006) Long-term consequences of early Earth differentiation
Carlson R & Boyet M(2005) Dating Mantle Samples: Examples from the Re-Os System in Eclogites and Diamonds
Shirey S, Schmitz M, Westerlund K, Richardson S, Wiechert U, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J(2005) New (U-Th)/He Age Constraints on the Emplacement of Kimberlite Pipes in North-Eastern Kansas
Blackburn T, Stockli D, Carlson R, Berendsen P, Walker D & Winters N(2005) Diamonds beneath an Ancient Continental Rift: The Star Kimberlite, South Africa
Schmitz M, Shirey S & Carlson R(2005) The <+>226<$>Ra Chronology and Magma Residence Time of Young Lavas from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M(2005) The Curious Decoupling of Cenozoic Magmatism and Plate Tectonics in Western North America: A NAVDAT Analysis
Glazner A, Farmer L, Walker D, Carlson R & Bowers T(2005) Ag Isotope Variations in the Earth
Schönbächler M, Hauri E, Carlson R & Horan M(2005) A Comparison of Mineral and Whole Rock Approaches to Re-Os Dating of the Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Garden B, Carlson R, Pearson G, Shirey S & Richardson S(2005) Time Scales of Chemically Zoned Magma Chamber Formation: U-Series Disequilibria in the Fogo Trachyte Deposits, São Miguel, Azores
Snyder D, Widom E, Pietruszka A & Carlson R(2005) Oxidant Production via Electron Bombardment: Progress in Experimental Simulations of the Europan Surface Environment
Hand K, Carlson R & Chyba C(2004) Trace Element and Hf Isotope Constraints on the “Continental” Sources of Southwest Indian Ridge Lavas
Janney P, le Roex A & Carlson R(2004) Mantle Modification and Diamond Genesis during Continental Accretion
Garden B, Shirey S, Carlson R, Schmitz M, Richardson S & Gurney J(2004) The Southern African Kaapvaal Craton: Formation and Modification of Continental Lithospheric Mantle in Archaean Subduction Zones?
Simon N, Davies G, Pearson D & Carlson R(2004) Partitioning of Highly Siderophile Elements (HSE) in Very Refractory Peridotites
Luguet A, Horan M, Shirey S, Lorand J & Carlson R(2002) The Lu-Hf Isotope Composition of Cratonic Lithosphere: Disequilibrium between Garnet and Clinopyroxene in Kimberlite Xenoliths
Simon NSC, Carlson RW, Pearson DG & Davies GR(2002) Re-Os Systematics of 3.3 Ga Nondweni-Commondale Komatiites, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
Shirey SB, Wilson AH & Carlson RW(2002) Reservoirs or Recycling?
Carlson R(2002) A Quick Trip from Dust to Planets
Carlson R(2001) High-Precision Ag Isotopic Analysis by MC-ICPMS and the Time Scale of Metal-Silicate Fractionation in the Early Solar System
Carlson RW & Hauri EH(2001) Silver Isotope Variations in the Earth as Measured by Multicollector ICP-MS
Hauri EH & Carlson RW(2001) Re-Os Evidence for Replacement of the Original Mantle Lithosphere of the Archean North China Craton
Gao S, Rudnick RL, Carlson RW & McDonough WF(2000) Re-Os Systematics of Sulphide Inclusion Bearing Diamonds from Continental Mantle Roots
Richardson SH, Shirey SB, Harris JW & Carlson RW(2000) Re-Os Isotope Constraints on the Age of Siberian Diamonds
Pearson DG, Bulanova G, Shirey S, Carlson R, Milledge J & Barashkov Y(2000) Nd-Hf Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Al-Depleted and Al-Undepleted Komatiites, the Onverwacht Group, South Africa
Chavagnac V, Bowring SA, Parman SW & Carlson RWMedal
Goldschmidt2020: V.M. Goldschmidt Award 2020
Goldschmidt2018: Mentor (Mentoring Nivea Magalhaes, Tanya Kizovski)
Goldschmidt2016: Mentor (Mentoring Ikshu Gautam, Kuhan Chandru)