Details for: Ikshu Gautam
Ikshu Gautam (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) 5-Stage Multielement Separation Procedure: A Unique and Essential Tool for the Multi-Isotopic Analyses of Precious (< 30 mg) Meteorites and Asteroidal Materials
Gautam I, Yokoyama T, Ohkuma Y, Iizuka T, Horan MF & Carlson RW(2022) Cr and Ti Isotope Systematics of Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Iizuka T, Gautam I, Hibiya Y, Haba MK, Masuda Y, Fukai R & Yurimoto H(2022) Pb Isotopic Compositions of Ryugu Samples and Carbonaceous Chondrites
Haba MK, Yokoyama T, Masuda Y, Gautam I, Fukai R & Yurimoto H(2017) Dependence of µ142Nd Anomalies on the Choice of Terrestrial Standard
Gautam I & Ray J(2024) Small-Scale Ti Isotopic Heterogeneity in Ryugu Samples Influenced by Parent-Body Aqueous Alteration
Yokoyama T, López García K, Gautam I, Iizuka T, Haba MK, Nakanishi N & Fukai R(2023) Barium Isotopic Composition of Ryugu Samples by the Hayabusa2 Mission
Hidaka H, Yoneda S, Gautam I & Yokoyama T(2022) Pb Isotopic Compositions of Ryugu Samples and Carbonaceous Chondrites
Haba MK, Yokoyama T, Masuda Y, Gautam I, Fukai R & Yurimoto H(2022) 5-Stage Multielement Separation Procedure: A Unique and Essential Tool for the Multi-Isotopic Analyses of Precious (< 30 mg) Meteorites and Asteroidal Materials
Gautam I, Yokoyama T, Ohkuma Y, Iizuka T, Horan MF & Carlson RW(2022) Cr and Ti Isotope Systematics of Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Iizuka T, Gautam I, Hibiya Y, Haba MK, Masuda Y, Fukai R & Yurimoto H(2021) Development of Multi-Isotopic Analyses of Asteroid Samples Returned by the Hayabusa2 Mission
Yokoyama T, Gautam I, Ohkuma Y, Iizuka T, Horan MF & Carlson RW(2017) Dependence of µ142Nd Anomalies on the Choice of Terrestrial Standard
Gautam I & Ray J(2016) A Comparative Study of Two- Versus Three-Sequence Multi Dynamic Modes for 142Nd Analyses by TIMS
Gautam I & Ray JSMentorship
Goldschmidt2017: Mentee (Mentored by Johanna Marin-Carbonne)
Goldschmidt2016: Mentee (Mentored by Richard Carlson)