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Details for: Jun-ichiro Ishibashi

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: ishibashi.junichiro.779@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) In situ Mineral Precipitation Experiment by Using a Deep-Sea Artificial Hydrothermal Vent
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Torimoto J, Takaya Y, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Watanabe M, Masaki Y, Kitada K, Saito M, Sakai S, Yokoyama T, Akiyama K, Sakurai N, Saruhashi T, Kyo M, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Takai K

(2016) Rapid Growth of Mineral Deposits at Artificial Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents
Nozaki T, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Nagase T, Takaya Y, Kato Y, Kawagucci S, Watsuji T, Shibuya T, Yamada R, Saruhashi T, Kyo M & Takai K

(2019) In situ Mineral Precipitation Experiment by Using a Deep-Sea Artificial Hydrothermal Vent
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Torimoto J, Takaya Y, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Watanabe M, Masaki Y, Kitada K, Saito M, Sakai S, Yokoyama T, Akiyama K, Sakurai N, Saruhashi T, Kyo M, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Takai K

(2016) Rapid Growth of Mineral Deposits at Artificial Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents
Nozaki T, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Nagase T, Takaya Y, Kato Y, Kawagucci S, Watsuji T, Shibuya T, Yamada R, Saruhashi T, Kyo M & Takai K

(2012) Hydrochemical Analyses to Evaluate Groundwater System in Horonobe Area, Hokkaido, Japan
Seguchi M, Ohoka M, Nakamura M, Ichikawa Y, Sakai R, Munakata M & Ishibashi J-I

(2009) Hydrothermal Systems of Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C, Baker E, Embley R, John L, Butterfield D, Faure K, Leybourne M, Chadwick W, Ishibashi J, Reising J, Walker S, Merle S & Greene R

(2008) Unique Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System Associated with Submarine Volcanism in the Aira Caldera, South Kyushu, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Akashi H, Yokoyama M, Chiba H, Ishibashi J-I, Nakaseama M, Okamura K, Sugiyama T & Fujino K

(2008) Subseafloor Phase Separation and Fluid Migration Supports Calyptogena Colony in the Marginal Region of a Hydrothermal Field
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Hamasaki H, Yamanaka T, Chiba H, Ijiri A, Tsunogai U, Nakagawa S, Nunoura T & Takai K

(2006) Seafloor hydrothermal activity at off-axial seamounts of backarc spreading in southern Mariana Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Kimura H, Noguchi T & Urabe T

Session convener

Goldschmidt2015 - Session 19e: Drilling in Oceanic Arcs, the Birth Place of the Continental Crust and of Metallogenic Diversity at Oceanic Plate Boundaries


Goldschmidt2016: Mentor (Mentoring xiaoxia duan, Eric Garcelon, Mimi Chen)

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