Details for: Mimi Chen
Mimi Chen (Australian National University)
Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2018
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2018) Quadruple Sulfur Isotopes in 2.7 Ga Sedimentary Pyrites from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, Explained by Simultaneous Dissociation of SO2
Chen M, Campbell I, Ávila J, Huang Z, Sambridge M, Ireland T & Holden P(2016) A Potential Indicator of Eruption Intensity of Archean Greenstone Volcanisms: ∆33S Values of Deep Marine Sediments
Chen M, Campbell IH, Ireland TR, Tian W & Avila J(2022) Kinetic Factors Control Trace Element and Isotope Zoning in Archean Pyrite Corona Nodules
Chen M & Campbell I(2020) Tungsten Isotopic Constraints on Heterogeneity of the NeoArchean Earth Mantle
Chen M, Suzuki K & Kikuchi J(2018) Quadruple Sulfur Isotopes in 2.7 Ga Sedimentary Pyrites from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, Explained by Simultaneous Dissociation of SO2
Chen M, Campbell I, Ávila J, Huang Z, Sambridge M, Ireland T & Holden P(2016) A Potential Indicator of Eruption Intensity of Archean Greenstone Volcanisms: ∆33S Values of Deep Marine Sediments
Chen M, Campbell IH, Ireland TR, Tian W & Avila J