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Details for: David J. Burdige

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: dburdige@odu.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2023) Acidification of Northern New England Lakes from Rising Anthropogenic-Sourced Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Johannesson KH, Dii Horne J, Misra A, Aliperta C, Meletis OV, White CD, Mavrommati G & Burdige DJ

(2015) Dissolved B-Vitamins in Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
Monteverde D, Baronas J, Berelson W, Burdige D, Rollins N & Sanudo-Wilhelmy S

(2014) Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 1H NMR
Fox C, Lewicki J, Abdulla H, Harley S, Burdige D, Magen C, Chanton J & Komada T

(2010) Partitioning Peatland Gas Prodution: Determining the Fraction of CO2 Produced from Methanogenesis
Corbett JE, Chanton JP, Burdige D, Glaser PH, Cooper WT, Siegel DI, Dasgupta SS & Tfaily MM

(2010) Submarine Groundwater Flux of Nd to Coastal Waters
Chevis D, Johannesson K, Burdige D, Cable J, Martin J & Roy M

(2023) Acidification of Northern New England Lakes from Rising Anthropogenic-Sourced Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Johannesson KH, Dii Horne J, Misra A, Aliperta C, Meletis OV, White CD, Mavrommati G & Burdige DJ

(2015) Dissolved B-Vitamins in Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
Monteverde D, Baronas J, Berelson W, Burdige D, Rollins N & Sanudo-Wilhelmy S

(2014) Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 1H NMR
Fox C, Lewicki J, Abdulla H, Harley S, Burdige D, Magen C, Chanton J & Komada T

(2010) Partitioning Peatland Gas Prodution: Determining the Fraction of CO2 Produced from Methanogenesis
Corbett JE, Chanton JP, Burdige D, Glaser PH, Cooper WT, Siegel DI, Dasgupta SS & Tfaily MM

(2010) Submarine Groundwater Flux of Nd to Coastal Waters
Chevis D, Johannesson K, Burdige D, Cable J, Martin J & Roy M

Session convener

Goldschmidt2014 - Session 19h: Early Diagenesis Through Time: The Contrasting Roles of Remineralization in Surficial Bioturbated Zones and the Deep Subsurface in Marine Biogeochemistry Through Geologic Time

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