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Details for: Chuanlun Zhang

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: zhangcl@sustc.edu.cn. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) Dominance of MGII in Surface Ocean Benefiting from the Acquisition of Proteorhodopsin during Evolution
Liu H, Haro-Moreno JM, Wang P, Zheng Y, Rodriguez-Valera F, Tian J, Zhang X & Zhang C

(2019) Mitochondria Branch within Alphaproteobacteria
Fan L, Wu D, Xiao J, Xu Y, Zhang C, Martin WF & Zhu R

(2017) Light Sensitivity of Marine Group II Archaea in the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary: Implication for Microbial Niche Adaptation
Xie W, Luo H, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Chen S, Sun Y, Hedlund B, Wang P, Fang H, Deng M & Zhang C

(2019) Dominance of MGII in Surface Ocean Benefiting from the Acquisition of Proteorhodopsin during Evolution
Liu H, Haro-Moreno JM, Wang P, Zheng Y, Rodriguez-Valera F, Tian J, Zhang X & Zhang C

(2019) Mitochondria Branch within Alphaproteobacteria
Fan L, Wu D, Xiao J, Xu Y, Zhang C, Martin WF & Zhu R

(2017) Light Sensitivity of Marine Group II Archaea in the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary: Implication for Microbial Niche Adaptation
Xie W, Luo H, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Chen S, Sun Y, Hedlund B, Wang P, Fang H, Deng M & Zhang C

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 11f: Unfolding the Black box of Organic Matter in the Ocean: New Insights Comprehending the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle
Goldschmidt2019 - Session 07e: Evolution and Metabolism of Microorganisms Transforming Earth’s Early Environments

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