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Details for: Weihua Liu

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: weihua.liu@csiro.au. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2021) An Interactive Atlas of Geochemical Diagrams for Critical Metals
Bastrakov E, Brugger J, Dick J, Guan Q, Liu W, Mei Y & Migdissov A

(2020) Sulfate-Rich Crustal Fluids and REE Tranpsort
Zhong R, Cui H, Xie Y, Yuan X, Brugger J, Chen H, Liu W & Yu C

(2020) Tungsten Speciation in Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Fluids
Mei Y, Liu W, Guan Q, Etschmann B, Brugger J, Wang X-S & Williams-Jones AE

(2016) Europium (II) and Europium (III) in Hydrothermal Fluids: New Insight from in situ XAS Experimental Results
Liu W, Etschmann B, Migdisov A, Boukhalfa H, Testemale D, Mueller H, Hazemann J-L & Brugger J

(2015) The Coordination Chemistry of Hydrothermal Systems
Etschmann B, Brugger J, Liu W, Mei Y, Testemale D & Rae N

(2007) In situ Determination of Arsenic Speciation in Natural Fluid Inclusion from Au-Rich Quartz Veins
Cauzid J, Brugger J, Hazemann J-L, James-Smith J, Liu W, Philippot P, Proux O & Testemale D

(2021) An Interactive Atlas of Geochemical Diagrams for Critical Metals
Bastrakov E, Brugger J, Dick J, Guan Q, Liu W, Mei Y & Migdissov A

(2020) Tungsten Speciation in Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Fluids
Mei Y, Liu W, Guan Q, Etschmann B, Brugger J, Wang X-S & Williams-Jones AE

(2020) Sulfate-Rich Crustal Fluids and REE Tranpsort
Zhong R, Cui H, Xie Y, Yuan X, Brugger J, Chen H, Liu W & Yu C

(2016) Europium (II) and Europium (III) in Hydrothermal Fluids: New Insight from in situ XAS Experimental Results
Liu W, Etschmann B, Migdisov A, Boukhalfa H, Testemale D, Mueller H, Hazemann J-L & Brugger J

(2015) The Coordination Chemistry of Hydrothermal Systems
Etschmann B, Brugger J, Liu W, Mei Y, Testemale D & Rae N

(2007) In situ Determination of Arsenic Speciation in Natural Fluid Inclusion from Au-Rich Quartz Veins
Cauzid J, Brugger J, Hazemann J-L, James-Smith J, Liu W, Philippot P, Proux O & Testemale D

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 08q: Processes of Hydrothermal Ore Formation for Base, Precious and Critical Metals
Goldschmidt2016 - Session 09d: Hydrothermal Systems: Fluid-Rock Interaction, Mineralogy, and Metal Mobility

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