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Details for: Joshua West

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: joshwest@usc.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2023) Permafrost Mercury Stores and Mobilization by Riverbank Erosion in the Yukon River Basin of Alaska
Smith MI, Seelen E, Douglas M, Ke Y, Magyar JS, Mutter EA, Fischer WW, Lamb MP & West AJ

(2021) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE

(2020) An Isotopic and Mass Balance Framework for Sulfate Redox Processes from the Andes Mountains to Amazon Floodplain
Burt E, Conrad M, Ccahuana Quispe AJ, Bill M, Christensen J, Hilton R, Dellinger M & West J

(2019) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Rae J, Trudgill M, van Mourik M, Crumpton-Banks J, Burke A, Corsetti F, Greenop R, McIntyre A, Rose C, Saunders D, West J & Greene S

(2019) Sulfate in Biogenic Carbonates: A Simple yet Complicated Story
Paris G, Dellinger M, Thaler C, Bartolini A, Barkan Y, Halevy I, Sessions A, Adkins J, West J, Gardin S, Ruiz-Pino D & Perez-Huerta A

(2018) The Timing of Redox Changes, CAMP Volcanism, and the End-Triassic Extinction from the Levanto Section (Northern Peru)
Yager JA, West AJ, Corsetti FA, Berelson WM, Thibodeau AM, Pinedo-González P, Rosas BS, Bergquist BA & Bottjer DJ

(2017) Geochemical Characteristics of New Spring Water Occurred after the Kumamoto Earthquake
Hosono T, Hashimoto M, Hartmann J, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Washington K, West J, Okumura A, Ide K, Sato T & Takahashi H

(2017) Global Carbon Cycle Feedbacks of Glacial Weathering
Moosdorf N, Torres MA, Hartmann J, Adkins JF & West AJ

(2016) Dissolved Lithium Flux and Isotopic Composition from Weathering of an Active Volcanic System, AsO Caldera, Japan
Washington KE, West AJ, Adkins J, Paris G, Hosono T, Ide K, Boettcher M, Amann T & Hartmann J

(2016) Germanium Stable Isotopes (δ74Ge) in Weathering: Is There Potential for Paleo-Weathering Reconstruction?
Baronas JJ, Hammond DE, Rouxel O, West AJ, Torres M, Opfergelt S, Burton K, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Monteverde D, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J & Galy V

(2015) Lithium Isotopes in Geothermal Systems and Rivers
Washington KE, West AJ, You C-F, Adkins JF & Paris G

(2023) Permafrost Mercury Stores and Mobilization by Riverbank Erosion in the Yukon River Basin of Alaska
Smith MI, Seelen E, Douglas M, Ke Y, Magyar JS, Mutter EA, Fischer WW, Lamb MP & West AJ

(2021) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE

(2020) An Isotopic and Mass Balance Framework for Sulfate Redox Processes from the Andes Mountains to Amazon Floodplain
Burt E, Conrad M, Ccahuana Quispe AJ, Bill M, Christensen J, Hilton R, Dellinger M & West J

(2019) Sulfate in Biogenic Carbonates: A Simple yet Complicated Story
Paris G, Dellinger M, Thaler C, Bartolini A, Barkan Y, Halevy I, Sessions A, Adkins J, West J, Gardin S, Ruiz-Pino D & Perez-Huerta A

(2019) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Rae J, Trudgill M, van Mourik M, Crumpton-Banks J, Burke A, Corsetti F, Greenop R, McIntyre A, Rose C, Saunders D, West J & Greene S

(2018) The Timing of Redox Changes, CAMP Volcanism, and the End-Triassic Extinction from the Levanto Section (Northern Peru)
Yager JA, West AJ, Corsetti FA, Berelson WM, Thibodeau AM, Pinedo-González P, Rosas BS, Bergquist BA & Bottjer DJ

(2017) Geochemical Characteristics of New Spring Water Occurred after the Kumamoto Earthquake
Hosono T, Hashimoto M, Hartmann J, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Washington K, West J, Okumura A, Ide K, Sato T & Takahashi H

(2017) Global Carbon Cycle Feedbacks of Glacial Weathering
Moosdorf N, Torres MA, Hartmann J, Adkins JF & West AJ

(2016) Dissolved Lithium Flux and Isotopic Composition from Weathering of an Active Volcanic System, AsO Caldera, Japan
Washington KE, West AJ, Adkins J, Paris G, Hosono T, Ide K, Boettcher M, Amann T & Hartmann J

(2016) Germanium Stable Isotopes (δ74Ge) in Weathering: Is There Potential for Paleo-Weathering Reconstruction?
Baronas JJ, Hammond DE, Rouxel O, West AJ, Torres M, Opfergelt S, Burton K, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Monteverde D, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J & Galy V

(2015) Lithium Isotopes in Geothermal Systems and Rivers
Washington KE, West AJ, You C-F, Adkins JF & Paris G

(2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M

(2012) Submarine Groundwater Discharge at an Active Margin: NE Taiwan Coast
Gattacceca JC, Hovius N, West AJ, Galy A, Hammond D, Liu JT & Kao S-J

(2012) Novel Insights on a Traditional Proxy: Combining the Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systems to Characterise Continental Weathering
Pearce C, Parkinson I, Burton K, Stevenson E, Gaillardet J, Rudnick R, West J & Hammond D

(2009) Erosion and Weathering in Taiwan
Hovius N, Galy A, Calmels D, Meunier P, Hilton R, Bickle M, West J, Chen H & Sparkes R

Committee member

Goldschmidt2019 Science Committee: Member

Theme chair

Goldschmidt2020 - Theme 10: Earth surface processes from chemical fronts to climate change
Goldschmidt2018 - Theme 11: Weathering, Erosion, and Geochemical Cycles
Goldschmidt2015 - Theme 05: Weathering and Surface Processes


Goldschmidt2017: New Goldschmidt Lecture Honoring Robert Berner

Session convener

Goldschmidt2015 - Session 05b: Organic and Inorganic Weathering and Mass Transfer from Mineral Scale to River Basin and Continental Scale
Goldschmidt2014 - Session 16b: The Role of the Biosphere in the Interactions between Weathering, Climate, Tectonics and Surface Processes (Including Microbial Processes)
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 14h: Geological Regulation, Feedbacks and Records of CO2
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 16g: Rates, Fluxes and Coupling between Erosion and Weathering
Goldschmidt2011 - Session 07g: Enhancing Mineral Weathering and Ocean Alkalinity to Consume CO2 and Moderate Ocean Acidification

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