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Details for: Emma Waters

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: emma.waters@manchester.ac.uk. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2022) Halogens in Melt Inclusions Trace Recycled Mantle Lithologies
Hartley M, Waters EC, Burgess R, Burton MR, Halldorsson SA, Pankhurst MJ, Romero Moyano J, Shorttle O & Stewart A

(2021) Heavy Halogens as Tracers of Recycled Oceanic Lithosphere
Waters EC, Hartley ME, Shorttle O, Burgess R, Ruzie-Hamilton L & Halldorsson S

(2020) Halogen Heterogeneity in the Icelandic Mantle Source
Waters E, Hartley M, Burgess R, Pawley A, Halldórsson S & Shorttle O

(2019) Halogen Heterogeneity in the Icelandic Mantle Source
Waters E, Hartley M, Street K, Burgess R, Pawley A, Halldórsson SA & Shorttle O

(2018) Primordial and Recycled Noble Gases in the Deep Mantle
Street K, Hartley M, Holland G, Burgess R, Waters E, Shorttle O & Haldorsson SA
(2022) Halogens in Melt Inclusions Trace Recycled Mantle Lithologies
Hartley M, Waters EC, Burgess R, Burton MR, Halldorsson SA, Pankhurst MJ, Romero Moyano J, Shorttle O & Stewart A

(2021) Heavy Halogens as Tracers of Recycled Oceanic Lithosphere
Waters EC, Hartley ME, Shorttle O, Burgess R, Ruzie-Hamilton L & Halldorsson S

(2020) Halogen Heterogeneity in the Icelandic Mantle Source
Waters E, Hartley M, Burgess R, Pawley A, Halldórsson S & Shorttle O

(2019) Halogen Heterogeneity in the Icelandic Mantle Source
Waters E, Hartley M, Street K, Burgess R, Pawley A, Halldórsson SA & Shorttle O

(2018) Primordial and Recycled Noble Gases in the Deep Mantle
Street K, Hartley M, Holland G, Burgess R, Waters E, Shorttle O & Haldorsson SA


Goldschmidt2019: Mentee (Mentored by Janet Hergt)

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