All abstracts by Pierre Cartigny at Goldschmidt2008
(2008) The Role of Iron in the Nitrogen Cycling in the Early Earth: Insights from Lab Experiments
Li L & Cartigny P |
(2008) Sulfide-Bearing Diamonds: The Exception, not the Rule
Thomassot E, Cartigny P & Harris JW |
(2008) Diamond Origin and Genesis: A C and N Stable Isotope Study of Diamonds from a Single Eclogite Xenolith (Kaalvallei, South Africa)
Palot M, Cartigny P & Viljoen F |
(2008) Sulfur Isotopic Survey of 3.8 Ga Supracrustal Rocks of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Wing B, Thomassot E, O'Neil J, Francis D & Cartigny P |