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Details for: Ed Boyle

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: eaboyle@mit.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2017) Chronology of Anthropogenic Footprint in Todos os Santos Bay
Andrade RLB, Hatje V, Masqué P, Zurbrick CM, Boyle EA & Santos WPCD

(2014) Pb and Pb Isotopes throughout the Global Ocean, GEOTRACES Style
Boyle E, Noble A, Echegoyen Y, Lee J-M, Norisuye K, Gamo T, Zhang J, Zhao N, Carrasco G & Fornace K

(2011) Lead and Lead Isotopes in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean: GEOTRACES Data
Boyle E, Echegoyen-Sanz Y, Fornace K, Lee J-M, Gamo T, Obata H & Norisuye K

(2017) Chronology of Anthropogenic Footprint in Todos os Santos Bay
Andrade RLB, Hatje V, Masqué P, Zurbrick CM, Boyle EA & Santos WPCD

(2014) Pb and Pb Isotopes throughout the Global Ocean, GEOTRACES Style
Boyle E, Noble A, Echegoyen Y, Lee J-M, Norisuye K, Gamo T, Zhang J, Zhao N, Carrasco G & Fornace K

(2012) Dissolved Iron in the Southeast Pacific Ocean: OMZ to the Gyre
Fitzsimmons JN, Lee J-M, Kayser RA & Boyle EA

(2011) Lead and Lead Isotopes in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean: GEOTRACES Data
Boyle E, Echegoyen-Sanz Y, Fornace K, Lee J-M, Gamo T, Obata H & Norisuye K

Theme chair

Goldschmidt2011 - Theme 15: Oceans atmosphere : Past and Present

Session convener

Goldschmidt2011 - Session 15a: The GEOTRACES Program
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 14a: Present-Day Ocean Chemistry and Biogeochemical Cycling of Elements and Metals

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