Details for: Cin-Ty Lee
Cin-Ty Lee (Rice University)
Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2023) Continent Emergence Hindered by Suppressed Topography on Early Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Tang M, Chen H & Lee C-T(2021) A Machine Learning Model for the Differentiation of Hydrous Magma at Lower Crust
Liu B, Lee C-T & Dasgupta R(2021) Carbon Cycling from Source to Sink in Magmatic Orogens
Lee C-T(2020) Compositional Evolution of Cretaceous Cordilleran Volcanism
Allen S, Lee C-T & Minisini D(2020) Large Silicic Eruptions, Episodic Recharge, and the Transcrustal Magmatic System
Liu B & Lee C-T(2020) On the Geology, Petrology and Physics of Making Copper Porphyries
Lee C-T, Tang M & Liu B(2020) Rapid Crystal Growth Causing Trace Element and Li-Isotope Enrichments in Quartz Crystals from the Stewart Pegmatite
Phelps P, Lee C-T, Morton D & Guan Y(2019) Garnet Fractionation Drives Sulfur Oxidation in Magmatic Orogens
Tang M, Lee C-T & Ji W(2019) Initiation and Maturation of Island Arcs
Ribeiro J, Ishizuka O, Lee C-T, Martinez F, Girard G & Ohara Y(2019) Lithium Systematics in Arc Magmas: Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-T, Tang M & Sun W(2018) C, N, H, O, S and Trace Element Determinations in Organic-Rich Sediments and Some Igneous Rocks Types by Tandem LA-Libs ICP-MS
Gonzalez J, Torres M, Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB & Lee C-T(2018) Constraining the Crystallization Rate of Large Quartz Crystals in the Stewart Pegmatite from Trace Element Disequilibria
Phelps P, Lee C-T & Morton D(2018) Insights into Crystal Growth Rates from a Study of Orbicular Granitoids
Zhang J & Lee C-T(2018) Lithium Recycling: From Mantle Melting to Surficial Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-TA, Tang M & Sun W(2018) Making the Calc-Alkaline Continental Crust: A Cumulate Perspective
Tang M & Lee C-T(2018) On Continent Formation, Unconformities and the Cambrian Explosion
Lee C-T & Jiang H(2018) Phosphorous in Olivine from the Siqueiros Fracture Zone, East Pacific Rise and Implications for Dynamics of Magma Bodies
Sharton-Bierig E & Lee C-T(2018) Tandem LA-ICP-MS & LIBS; A New Micro-Analytical Technique for the Measurement of Every Element in the Periodic Table
Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB, Gonzalez J, Torres M, Lee C-T, Savard D, Neumann R & Boyce JW(2018) Trace Elements and U-Pb Ages in Authigenic Quartz as Indicators of Paleo-Hydrologic Events
Jiang H & Lee C-T(2017) Archean Ultra-Thick Crust Reflects Mantle Overturn in Early Earth
Tang M, Rudnick R, Lee C-T & Condie K(2017) Growing and Strengthening Cratonic Mantle
Lee C-T & Gerenday S(2017) The Fluorine and Chlorine Budget of the Earth’s Peridotite Mantle
Urann B, Le Roux V, Hammond K, Marschall H, Lee C-T & Monteleone B(2015) Assessing the Role of the Continental Arc Magmatic CO2 Flux on Icehouse–greenhouse Transitions: A ~720 Myr Record
McKenzie R, Horton B, Stockli D, Loomis S & Lee C-T(2014) An Intrinsic Volatility Scale Relevant to the Earth and Moon
Albarede F, Albalat E & Lee C-T(2014) Assessing the Role of Mafic-Felsic Magma Mixing in the Generation of Granitic Plutons
Farner M & Lee C-T(2014) Continental Arc-Island Arc Fluctuations, Skarn Formation and Long-Term Climate
Lee C-T, Lackey JS, Barnes J, Jiang H, Dasgupta R & Dickens G(2014) Geochemical Investigation of Proterozoic Continental Arc Evolution: The Lower Crustal Perspective from Central Arizona, USA
Erdman M & Lee C-T(2014) Missing Pb, High 3He/4He, Ancient Sulfides and Continental Formation
Huang S, Lee C-T & Yin Q-Z(2014) Recharge and Growth of a Deep Crustal Magma Chamber over the Lifespan of a Flood Basalt
Yu X, Chen L-H, Lee C-TA & Zeng G(2014) Skarn Garnet Records of Fluid Control of Decarbonation and Ore Type in the California Arc
Ryan-Davis J, Head D, Fulton A, Lackey JS, Barnes J & Lee C-T(2014) Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Deep Arc Cumulates: Implications for Redox Conditions and Metal Mobility in Subduction Zones
Lee C-T, Yang W, Ingram L, Chin E, Yu X, DePaolo D & Leeman W(2014) Termination of Arc Magmatism by Lithospheric Thickening: Insights from Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Chronology and Al-Diffusion Kinetics
Chin E, Lee C-T & Blichert-Toft J(2014) The Sulfur Abundance of the Mantle Deduced from Trace Element Ratios
Nielsen S, Lee C-T, Shimizu N & Behn M(2013) Contrasting Volatile Contents in the Lunar Mantle and Anorthosites
Albalat E, Luffi P, Lee C-TA & Francis A(2013) Mg Isotope Evidence for Early Dolomite Formation in a Marinoan Cap Carbonate
Shen B, Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Xiao S & Zhou C(2013) Re-Os-PGE Constraints on the Evolution of Backarc Oceanic Mantle
Nelson W, Snow J, Brandon A, Ohara Y & Lee C-T(2013) Subduction Channel or Fossil Rifted Margin? Serpentinite Geochemistry of the Punta Rosa Unit, Western Alps
Barnes J, Beltrando M, Lee C-T, Loewy S & Chin E(2011) Copper Systematics in Arc Magmas and Implications for the Origin of Continents, the Pb-Paradox, and Copper Porphyry Deposits
Lee C-T, Chin E, Bouchet R, Luffi P, Dasgupta R, Morton D, le Roux V, Yin Q-Z, Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J(2011) Critical Review of Hf-W and U-Pb Clocks for Terrestrial Core Formation
Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F(2011) Emplacement of Passive Margin Sediments into Deep Crustal Hot Zones of Continental Arcs: Interplay of Tectonic and Magmatic Thickening in the Formation of Continental Crust
Chin E, Lee C-T, Tollstrup D, Xie L, Wimpenny J & Yin Q(2011) Mineralogical Heterogeneities in the Earth’s Mantle: Constraints from Mn, Co, Ni and Zn Partitioning during Partial Melting
Le Roux V, Dasgupta R & Lee C-T(2011) Peering Through the Diagenetic Window for Archean Phototrophs
Tice M, Cai J, Lee C-T & Lowe D(2011) Reactive Melt Transport in the Oceanic Lithosphere: Implications to MORB Thermobarometry
Luffi P & Lee C-T(2011) The Great Volatile Delivery to Earth
Albarède F, Ballhaus C, Lee C-T, Yin Q-Z & Blichert-Toft J(2010) Conservative Tracers of Oxygen Fugacity in Basalts and their Mantle Source Regions
Lee C-T, Luffi P, Le Roux V & Dasgupta R(2010) First Series Transition Metals (Zn, Fe, Mn, Co, Sc, V) as Tracers of Mineralogic Heterogeneities in the Mantle
Le Roux V, Dasgupta R & Lee C-TA(2010) Germanium/Silicon Ratios of Diagenetic Chert Nodules in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China
Shen B, Lee C-T & Xiao S(2009) Conditions for Craton Formation and Longevity
Lee C-T & Luffi P(2009) Quantifying the Roles of Igneous Differentiation and Chemical Weathering on the Formation of Continental Crust
Lee C-T, Shen B, Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Morton D, Horodyskyj U, Little M & Leeman W(2009) Refertilization Mechanisms of Mantle Lithosphere beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
Luffi P & Lee C-T(2009) Volatility Trends of the Inner Planets Revealed by Ge/Si and Zn/Mn Variations in Solar System Materials
Le Roux V & Lee C-T(2008) Age and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of RBT04262 and Implications for the Sources of Enriched Shergottites
Lapen T, Brandon A, Beard B, Peslier A, Lee C-T & Dalton H(2008) Chemical Modification of Oceanic Lithosphere by Hotspot Magmatism: Seismic Evidence from Subduction of the Ninetyeast Ridge along the Sumatra-Andaman Arc
Miller M & Lee C-T(2008) Petrology of New Martian Meteorite LAR06319, an Olivine-Pheric Basaltic Shergottite
Peslier A, Brandon A, Lapen T & Lee C-T(2008) Taking the Temperature of Rhyolites from the Yellowstone Hotspot Track: Evaluation of the Ti-in-Quartz Method
Leeman W & Lee C-T(2008) Trace Element Analysis and Petrology of Martian Meteorite RBT04262
Dalton H, Lee C-T, Peslier A & Brandon A(2024) Copper Porphyries: From Source Rocks to Reservoirs
Lee C-T & Borchardt J(2024) A Massif-Type Anorthosite Lens for Studying Proterozoic Crust-Forming Processes
Keller DS, Lee C-T, Peck W, Monteleone BD, Martin C, Vervoort JD & Bolge L(2024) Calibrating Forsterite Content as a Measure of Melting Degree in Residual Peridotites
Mou J, Lee C-T & Borchardt J(2023) Continent Emergence Hindered by Suppressed Topography on Early Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Tang M, Chen H & Lee C-T(2021) A Machine Learning Model for the Differentiation of Hydrous Magma at Lower Crust
Liu B, Lee C-T & Dasgupta R(2021) Carbon Cycling from Source to Sink in Magmatic Orogens
Lee C-T(2020) Rapid Crystal Growth Causing Trace Element and Li-Isotope Enrichments in Quartz Crystals from the Stewart Pegmatite
Phelps P, Lee C-T, Morton D & Guan Y(2020) On the Geology, Petrology and Physics of Making Copper Porphyries
Lee C-T, Tang M & Liu B(2020) Large Silicic Eruptions, Episodic Recharge, and the Transcrustal Magmatic System
Liu B & Lee C-T(2020) Compositional Evolution of Cretaceous Cordilleran Volcanism
Allen S, Lee C-T & Minisini D(2019) Lithium Systematics in Arc Magmas: Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-T, Tang M & Sun W(2019) Garnet Fractionation Drives Sulfur Oxidation in Magmatic Orogens
Tang M, Lee C-T & Ji W(2019) Initiation and Maturation of Island Arcs
Ribeiro J, Ishizuka O, Lee C-T, Martinez F, Girard G & Ohara Y(2018) Lithium Recycling: From Mantle Melting to Surficial Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-TA, Tang M & Sun W(2018) Constraining the Crystallization Rate of Large Quartz Crystals in the Stewart Pegmatite from Trace Element Disequilibria
Phelps P, Lee C-T & Morton D(2018) Phosphorous in Olivine from the Siqueiros Fracture Zone, East Pacific Rise and Implications for Dynamics of Magma Bodies
Sharton-Bierig E & Lee C-T(2018) Tandem LA-ICP-MS & LIBS; A New Micro-Analytical Technique for the Measurement of Every Element in the Periodic Table
Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB, Gonzalez J, Torres M, Lee C-T, Savard D, Neumann R & Boyce JW(2018) C, N, H, O, S and Trace Element Determinations in Organic-Rich Sediments and Some Igneous Rocks Types by Tandem LA-Libs ICP-MS
Gonzalez J, Torres M, Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB & Lee C-T(2018) Insights into Crystal Growth Rates from a Study of Orbicular Granitoids
Zhang J & Lee C-T(2018) On Continent Formation, Unconformities and the Cambrian Explosion
Lee C-T & Jiang H(2018) Trace Elements and U-Pb Ages in Authigenic Quartz as Indicators of Paleo-Hydrologic Events
Jiang H & Lee C-T(2018) Making the Calc-Alkaline Continental Crust: A Cumulate Perspective
Tang M & Lee C-T(2017) Growing and Strengthening Cratonic Mantle
Lee C-T & Gerenday S(2017) The Fluorine and Chlorine Budget of the Earth’s Peridotite Mantle
Urann B, Le Roux V, Hammond K, Marschall H, Lee C-T & Monteleone B(2017) Archean Ultra-Thick Crust Reflects Mantle Overturn in Early Earth
Tang M, Rudnick R, Lee C-T & Condie K(2015) Assessing the Role of the Continental Arc Magmatic CO2 Flux on Icehouse–greenhouse Transitions: A ~720 Myr Record
McKenzie R, Horton B, Stockli D, Loomis S & Lee C-T(2014) Geochemical Investigation of Proterozoic Continental Arc Evolution: The Lower Crustal Perspective from Central Arizona, USA
Erdman M & Lee C-T(2014) Skarn Garnet Records of Fluid Control of Decarbonation and Ore Type in the California Arc
Ryan-Davis J, Head D, Fulton A, Lackey JS, Barnes J & Lee C-T(2014) Continental Arc-Island Arc Fluctuations, Skarn Formation and Long-Term Climate
Lee C-T, Lackey JS, Barnes J, Jiang H, Dasgupta R & Dickens G(2014) Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Deep Arc Cumulates: Implications for Redox Conditions and Metal Mobility in Subduction Zones
Lee C-T, Yang W, Ingram L, Chin E, Yu X, DePaolo D & Leeman W(2014) The Sulfur Abundance of the Mantle Deduced from Trace Element Ratios
Nielsen S, Lee C-T, Shimizu N & Behn M(2014) Missing Pb, High 3He/4He, Ancient Sulfides and Continental Formation
Huang S, Lee C-T & Yin Q-Z(2014) Recharge and Growth of a Deep Crustal Magma Chamber over the Lifespan of a Flood Basalt
Yu X, Chen L-H, Lee C-TA & Zeng G(2014) Termination of Arc Magmatism by Lithospheric Thickening: Insights from Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Chronology and Al-Diffusion Kinetics
Chin E, Lee C-T & Blichert-Toft J(2014) Assessing the Role of Mafic-Felsic Magma Mixing in the Generation of Granitic Plutons
Farner M & Lee C-T(2014) An Intrinsic Volatility Scale Relevant to the Earth and Moon
Albarede F, Albalat E & Lee C-T(2013) Re-Os-PGE Constraints on the Evolution of Backarc Oceanic Mantle
Nelson W, Snow J, Brandon A, Ohara Y & Lee C-T(2013) Contrasting Volatile Contents in the Lunar Mantle and Anorthosites
Albalat E, Luffi P, Lee C-TA & Francis A(2013) Subduction Channel or Fossil Rifted Margin? Serpentinite Geochemistry of the Punta Rosa Unit, Western Alps
Barnes J, Beltrando M, Lee C-T, Loewy S & Chin E(2013) Mg Isotope Evidence for Early Dolomite Formation in a Marinoan Cap Carbonate
Shen B, Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Xiao S & Zhou C(2012) The Geochemical Behavior of Thallium in Mantle-Derived Basalts
Nielsen S, Lee C-T & Shimizu N(2012) Calibration of Thermobarometry (T-P) Estimates with H2O and fO2 Data from Melt Inclusions: Results from the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Western USA
Gazel E, Plank T, Forsyth DW, Bendersky C, Lee C-T & Hauri E(2011) Peering Through the Diagenetic Window for Archean Phototrophs
Tice M, Cai J, Lee C-T & Lowe D(2011) Reactive Melt Transport in the Oceanic Lithosphere: Implications to MORB Thermobarometry
Luffi P & Lee C-T(2011) Critical Review of Hf-W and U-Pb Clocks for Terrestrial Core Formation
Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F(2011) The Great Volatile Delivery to Earth
Albarède F, Ballhaus C, Lee C-T, Yin Q-Z & Blichert-Toft J(2011) Emplacement of Passive Margin Sediments into Deep Crustal Hot Zones of Continental Arcs: Interplay of Tectonic and Magmatic Thickening in the Formation of Continental Crust
Chin E, Lee C-T, Tollstrup D, Xie L, Wimpenny J & Yin Q(2011) Mineralogical Heterogeneities in the Earth’s Mantle: Constraints from Mn, Co, Ni and Zn Partitioning during Partial Melting
Le Roux V, Dasgupta R & Lee C-T(2011) Copper Systematics in Arc Magmas and Implications for the Origin of Continents, the Pb-Paradox, and Copper Porphyry Deposits
Lee C-T, Chin E, Bouchet R, Luffi P, Dasgupta R, Morton D, le Roux V, Yin Q-Z, Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J(2010) First Series Transition Metals (Zn, Fe, Mn, Co, Sc, V) as Tracers of Mineralogic Heterogeneities in the Mantle
Le Roux V, Dasgupta R & Lee C-TA(2010) Germanium/Silicon Ratios of Diagenetic Chert Nodules in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China
Shen B, Lee C-T & Xiao S(2010) Conservative Tracers of Oxygen Fugacity in Basalts and their Mantle Source Regions
Lee C-T, Luffi P, Le Roux V & Dasgupta R(2009) Refertilization Mechanisms of Mantle Lithosphere beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
Luffi P & Lee C-T(2009) Conditions for Craton Formation and Longevity
Lee C-T & Luffi P(2009) Quantifying the Roles of Igneous Differentiation and Chemical Weathering on the Formation of Continental Crust
Lee C-T, Shen B, Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Morton D, Horodyskyj U, Little M & Leeman W(2009) Volatility Trends of the Inner Planets Revealed by Ge/Si and Zn/Mn Variations in Solar System Materials
Le Roux V & Lee C-T(2008) Taking the Temperature of Rhyolites from the Yellowstone Hotspot Track: Evaluation of the Ti-in-Quartz Method
Leeman W & Lee C-T(2008) Trace Element Analysis and Petrology of Martian Meteorite RBT04262
Dalton H, Lee C-T, Peslier A & Brandon A(2008) Chemical Modification of Oceanic Lithosphere by Hotspot Magmatism: Seismic Evidence from Subduction of the Ninetyeast Ridge along the Sumatra-Andaman Arc
Miller M & Lee C-T(2008) Age and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of RBT04262 and Implications for the Sources of Enriched Shergottites
Lapen T, Brandon A, Beard B, Peslier A, Lee C-T & Dalton H(2008) Petrology of New Martian Meteorite LAR06319, an Olivine-Pheric Basaltic Shergottite
Peslier A, Brandon A, Lapen T & Lee C-T(2006) Origin of the Jan Mayen Hotspot: An 187Os/188Os and PGE perspective.
Debaille V, Tronnes RG, Brandon AD & Lee C-TA(2006) An Arc Origin for Archean High MgO 'Eclogite' Xenoliths?
Horodyskyj UN & Lee C-TA(2002) Platinum Group Elements and Re in Marine Sediments Across the K-T Boundary: Constraints on Re-pge Transport in the Marine Environment
Lee C-TA, Wasserburg GJ & Kyte FTTheme chair
Goldschmidt2019 - Theme 03: Earth's Lithosphere Formation, Evolution and Recycling
Goldschmidt2015 - Theme 17: Melts, Glasses and Magmas
Goldschmidt2015 - Theme 18: Continental Crust: Formation, Evolution and Destruction
Goldschmidt2011 - Theme 05: Continental Crust Formation and Evolution
Goldschmidt2019: 2019 Geochemistry Fellows
Session convener
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 03e: The Continents: Origin, Evolution and Interactions with Other Reservoirs – Celebrating Dr. Roberta Rudnick's Contribution to Geochemistry and Beyond
Goldschmidt2016 - Session 06a: The Composition and Structure of the Lower Continental Crust
Goldschmidt2014 - Session 07d: From Batholiths to Continents: Supply, Storage, and Processing of Arc Magmas in the Crust
Goldschmidt2014 - Session 11e: The Roles for Sulfur, Halogens, Carbon, and Redox Processes at Controlling Metal Mobility in Ore-Forming Systems
Goldschmidt2010 - Session 03d: New and Old Paradigms on the Origin and Evolution of Continental Lithosphere
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 02a: Building Habitable Planets
Goldschmidt2008 - Session 04d: Subduction, Sagduction and Delamination Processes in the Generation of Continental Crust