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Details for: Motlatji Molabe

Motlatji Molabe is a Master of Environmental Geology candidate in the Geology Department of the University of the Free State. Her research explores the assessment of environmental geochemical processes in copper mine tailings waste using a numeric geochemical modelling approach. Her research is funded by the Iphakade bursary programme, awarded to her on merit. Motlatji has participated in conferences such as the 2019 Univerisity of the Free State Postgraduate Academic Conference and is planning on presenting at more conferences including the 2020 Goldschmidt Conference. She is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: motlatjimolabe@gmail.com. Otherwise, try an advanced search.


Goldschmidt2020: Mentee (Mentored by Michael Schaefer)

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