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Details for: Michael Schaefer

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: michael.v.schaefer@gmail.com. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) Mineral Evolution during Fe(II)/Mn-Oxide Redox Dynamics and Implications for Contaminant Fate
Schaefer M, Mock R, Handler R, Abernathy M, Aiken M, Garniwan A, Lee I, Scherer M & Ying S

(2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M

(2019) Mineral Evolution during Fe(II)/Mn-Oxide Redox Dynamics and Implications for Contaminant Fate
Schaefer M, Mock R, Handler R, Abernathy M, Aiken M, Garniwan A, Lee I, Scherer M & Ying S

(2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M


Goldschmidt2020: Mentor (Mentoring Valerie Schoepfer, Motlatji Molabe)
Goldschmidt2019: Mentor (Mentoring Shengde Yu, FELICIA AJAYI)

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