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Details for: Marthe Klöcking

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: marthe.kloecking@anu.edu.au. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2023) What is Your Unit? Building Integrated Data Experiences for Community Use and Meta-Analysis
Profeta L, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Richard S, Ji P, Johansson A, Sweets HA, Sarbas B, Hezel DC, Sturm A, Möller-McNett S, Willbold M, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Wörner G & Kallas L

(2023) Basis for Geochemistry Data Science Applications; Data Standardisation Through the OneGeochemistry Initiative
Prent A, Hezel DC, Wyborn LAI, Klöcking M, Lehnert KA, Elger K, Profeta L, ter Maat G, Farrington R & Rawling T

(2023) Ensuring Consistent Data Quality and Trustworthiness in Global Databases that Synthesize Legacy and Modern Geochemical Data
Klöcking M, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Richard S, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Ji P, Johansson A, Kallas L, Luzi-Helbing M, Möller-McNett S, Sarbas B, Sturm A, Sweets HA, Willbold M & Wörner G

(2022) GEOROC and EarthChem: Synchronizing Services on the Road to Global Geochemical Data Exchange
Klöcking M, Profeta L, Brase J, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Horstmann W, Ji P, Johansson A, Kallas L, Kurzawe D, Möller S, Mukhumova M, Nieschulze J, Sarbas B, Sturm A, Sweets HA, Willbold M, Wörner G & Lehnert KA

(2022) The OneGeochemistry Initiative
Prent AM, Klöcking M, Profeta L, Lehnert KA, Elger K, Hezel D, ter Maat G & Wyborn LAI

(2021) Archaean Basalts Record Evidence of Lithospheric Extension Prior to Cratonisation
Klöcking M, Czarnota K, Campbell IH, Smithies H, Champion DC & Davies DR

(2021) DIGIS and GEOROC 2.0: A Project Towards Open Geochemical Data
Klöcking M, Sarbas B, Horstmann W, Möller S, Nieschulze J, Sporleder C, Willbold M & Wörner G

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 05e: Geochemistry, Mechanics, Rheology and Thermodynamics of Igneous Processes


Goldschmidt2020: Mentor (Mentoring Lauren Nicole Harrison, Francisco Mata)

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