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Details for: Lauren Nicole Harrison

Dr. Lauren N. Harrison is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Lab; her research uses isotope geochemistry to study the composition of the Earth’s mantle and oceans throughout geologic time, as well as using actinide radiochemistry to trace materials in the nuclear fuel cycle and investigate cosmochemical nucleosynthesis processes. During her B.Sc. at the University of Wyoming, she used petrology, geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb geochronology to unravel the provenance of the Albany Granite of southeastern Wyoming. Following this work, she completed a Ph.D. at UBC that used stable (Li) and radiogenic (Pb, Hf, Nd, Sr) isotopes and elemental concentrations to investigate the Northwest Hawaiian Ridge. She became a geochemist because isotopes provide an incredibly powerful tool for the study of many diverse geological and environmental applications.


Goldschmidt2020: Mentee (Mentored by Marthe Klöcking)

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