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Details for: Hans Oskierski

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: h.oskierski@murdoch.edu.au. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2023) Modern, Mg- and Si-Rich Microbialites from a Mining Pond in Carbonated Serpentinite
Oskierski HC, McCutcheon J, Deditius AP, Suvorova A, D’Olivo Cordero JP & Southam G

(2022) Muscovite as Tracer for the Evolution of Spodumene-Bearing LCT-Pegmatites
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ

(2021) Alteration of Spodumene to Muscovite and Cookeite – Implications for the Fate of Lithium and Iron
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius A, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ

(2020) The Influence of Natural Alteration on the Quality of Spodumene Ores
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Schulz B, Senanayake G & Dlugogorski BZ

(2023) Modern, Mg- and Si-Rich Microbialites from a Mining Pond in Carbonated Serpentinite
Oskierski HC, McCutcheon J, Deditius AP, Suvorova A, D’Olivo Cordero JP & Southam G

(2022) Muscovite as Tracer for the Evolution of Spodumene-Bearing LCT-Pegmatites
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ

(2021) Alteration of Spodumene to Muscovite and Cookeite – Implications for the Fate of Lithium and Iron
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius A, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ

(2020) The Influence of Natural Alteration on the Quality of Spodumene Ores
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Schulz B, Senanayake G & Dlugogorski BZ

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