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Details for: Tim Conway

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: tmconway@usf.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2024) Isotopic Tracing of Trace Metal Micronutrients in Polar Fjords
Little SH, Lu K, van de Flierdt T, Conway TM, Hawkings J, Sherrell RM & Hendry KR

(2024) The Fe Isotope Case for Sediments as an Important Marine Fe Source
Conway TM, Hunt HR, Sieber M, Tian H-A, Summers BA, Lanning NT, Steffen JM, Homoky WB, Fitzsimmons JN, Middag R & John SG

(2024) Tracing Atmospheric Iron Supplied to the Subarctic North Pacific by Stable Iron Isotope Ratios
Kurisu M, Kohei S, Nishioka J, Obata H, Conway TM, Hunt HR, Sieber M, Suzuki K, Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y

(2023) Extreme Variability of Iron Bioavailability in the Southern Ocean
Fourquez MA, Janssen DJ, Conway TM, Cabanes D, Ellwood MJ, Sieber M, Trimborn S & Hassler C

(2023) Isotopic Insights for External Iron Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Amundsen Sea Polynyas
Tian H-A, van Manen M, Bunnell Z, Jung JY, Kim T-W, Conway TM, Reichart G-J & Middag R

(2023) Southern Ocean Hydrothermal Iron and Manganese Supply from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dick K, Conway TM, John SG, Resing JA, Sedwick P, Halbeisen D, Sohst B, Weiss G & Fitzsimmons JN

(2023) The Role of Shallow Intraplate Hydrothermal Fluxes on the Marine Dissolved Iron Inventory and Global Primary Production: A Kama’ehuakanaloa (Lō’ihi) Seamount Case Study
Lanning N, Sieber M, Steffen J, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, German CR, Seewald JS, Jenkins WJ, Hatta M, Tagliabue A, John SG, Conway TM & Fitzsimmons JN

(2022) Characterizing Fe Sources on the Alaska Margin and Tracing their Influence Through the North Pacific along the GEOTRACES GP15 Section
Sieber M, Lanning N, Bullock EJ, Kong KP, Lee J-M, Mateos K, Laubach A, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, Hult M, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hatta M, Moore W, Charette MA, Lam PJ, Fitzsimmons JN, John SG & Conway TM

(2022) The Biogeochemical Balance that Controls Oceanic Nickel Cycling in the Modern and Past Oceans
John SG, Kelly R, Bian X, Yang S-C, Fu F, Smith MI, Lanning N, Liang H, Pasquier B, Seelen E, Holzer M, Conway TM, Fitzsimmons JN & Hutchins D

(2021) A Ferrous Wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Hawkings J, Skidmore M, Priscu J, Shoenfelt Troein E, Davis C, Christner B, Kim O-S, Sieber M, Conway T, Gardner C, Vick-Majors T, Michaud A, Tranter M, Benning LG & Spencer R

(2019) Iron Sources and Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone Assessed Using Iron Isotopes
Rapp I, Sieber M, Scholz F, Hopwood M, Conway T, Xie RC, Frank M, Vance D & Achterberg EP

(2019) The Influence of Glacier Cover on Trace Metal Input and Cycling in Patagonian Fjords
Hawkings J, Sherrell R, Conway T, Wadham J, Hendry K, Pryer H, Daneri G, Torres R, Bertrand S, Kellerman A, Marshall M, Beaton A, Ng HC, Roccanova V, Bu R, Summers B, Benning L & Spencer R

(2017) Iron along the GEOTRACES South Atlantic Transect GA10
Milne A, Conway T, Schlosser C, John S, Achterberg E & Lohan M

(2024) Isotopic Tracing of Trace Metal Micronutrients in Polar Fjords
Little SH, Lu K, van de Flierdt T, Conway TM, Hawkings J, Sherrell RM & Hendry KR

(2024) Tracing Atmospheric Iron Supplied to the Subarctic North Pacific by Stable Iron Isotope Ratios
Kurisu M, Kohei S, Nishioka J, Obata H, Conway TM, Hunt HR, Sieber M, Suzuki K, Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y

(2024) The Fe Isotope Case for Sediments as an Important Marine Fe Source
Conway TM, Hunt HR, Sieber M, Tian H-A, Summers BA, Lanning NT, Steffen JM, Homoky WB, Fitzsimmons JN, Middag R & John SG

(2023) Southern Ocean Hydrothermal Iron and Manganese Supply from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dick K, Conway TM, John SG, Resing JA, Sedwick P, Halbeisen D, Sohst B, Weiss G & Fitzsimmons JN

(2023) The Role of Shallow Intraplate Hydrothermal Fluxes on the Marine Dissolved Iron Inventory and Global Primary Production: A Kama’ehuakanaloa (Lō’ihi) Seamount Case Study
Lanning N, Sieber M, Steffen J, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, German CR, Seewald JS, Jenkins WJ, Hatta M, Tagliabue A, John SG, Conway TM & Fitzsimmons JN

(2023) Isotopic Insights for External Iron Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Amundsen Sea Polynyas
Tian H-A, van Manen M, Bunnell Z, Jung JY, Kim T-W, Conway TM, Reichart G-J & Middag R

(2023) Extreme Variability of Iron Bioavailability in the Southern Ocean
Fourquez MA, Janssen DJ, Conway TM, Cabanes D, Ellwood MJ, Sieber M, Trimborn S & Hassler C

(2022) Characterizing Fe Sources on the Alaska Margin and Tracing their Influence Through the North Pacific along the GEOTRACES GP15 Section
Sieber M, Lanning N, Bullock EJ, Kong KP, Lee J-M, Mateos K, Laubach A, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, Hult M, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hatta M, Moore W, Charette MA, Lam PJ, Fitzsimmons JN, John SG & Conway TM

(2022) The Biogeochemical Balance that Controls Oceanic Nickel Cycling in the Modern and Past Oceans
John SG, Kelly R, Bian X, Yang S-C, Fu F, Smith MI, Lanning N, Liang H, Pasquier B, Seelen E, Holzer M, Conway TM, Fitzsimmons JN & Hutchins D

(2021) A Ferrous Wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Hawkings J, Skidmore M, Priscu J, Shoenfelt Troein E, Davis C, Christner B, Kim O-S, Sieber M, Conway T, Gardner C, Vick-Majors T, Michaud A, Tranter M, Benning LG & Spencer R

(2019) The Influence of Glacier Cover on Trace Metal Input and Cycling in Patagonian Fjords
Hawkings J, Sherrell R, Conway T, Wadham J, Hendry K, Pryer H, Daneri G, Torres R, Bertrand S, Kellerman A, Marshall M, Beaton A, Ng HC, Roccanova V, Bu R, Summers B, Benning L & Spencer R

(2019) Iron Sources and Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone Assessed Using Iron Isotopes
Rapp I, Sieber M, Scholz F, Hopwood M, Conway T, Xie RC, Frank M, Vance D & Achterberg EP

(2017) Iron along the GEOTRACES South Atlantic Transect GA10
Milne A, Conway T, Schlosser C, John S, Achterberg E & Lohan M

Committee member

Goldschmidt2020 Grant Committee: Member

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 14m: Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Elements and their Isotopes in the Oceans (GEOTRACES)
Goldschmidt2019 - Session 10j: Biogeochemical Cycles of Low Oxygen Zones and their Response to Ocean Deoxygenation
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 07i: New Insights in Marine Trace Element Biogeochemistry


Goldschmidt2018: Mentor (Mentoring Minako Kurisu, Christina Codden)

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