Details for: Minako Kurisu
Minako Kurisu (The University of Tokyo)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019
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(2022) Source and Reaction of Atmospheric Zinc in Aerosols Based on the Isotope Fractionation Mechanism during the Vaporization Process
Natori S, Fujiwara M, Tanimizu M, Kurisu M, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y(2019) Iron Stable Isotope Ratios of Aerosols from Various Sources to Investigate Origins of Fe Transported to the North Pacific
Kurisu M, Sakata K & Takahashi Y(2019) Relations between Fractional Solubility and Trace Metals Species in Marine Aerosol
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tanimoto H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y(2018) Investigation of Isotope Fractionation of Fe in Anthropogenic Aerosols to Determine its Contribution to the Surface Ocean
Kurisu M, Sakata K, Uematsu M & Takahashi Y(2016) Detection of Very Low Isotope Ratio of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosols and Investigation of their Sources
Kurisu M, Sakata K, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y(2024) Tracing Atmospheric Iron Supplied to the Subarctic North Pacific by Stable Iron Isotope Ratios
Kurisu M, Kohei S, Nishioka J, Obata H, Conway TM, Hunt HR, Sieber M, Suzuki K, Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y(2024) Speciation and Isotopic Analysis of Zinc and Iron in Size-Fractionated Aerosol Samples Related to its Source and Chemical Processes
Natori S, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y(2024) High-Precision Stable Isotope Measurements of Tungsten and Molybdenum in Single Sample Aliquots Combined with Optimized Separation for Mixed Double Spikes
Kashiwabara T, Fukami Y, Watakabe A, Kurisu M, Tokeshi S, Iizuka T & Suzuki K(2022) Source and Reaction of Atmospheric Zinc in Aerosols Based on the Isotope Fractionation Mechanism during the Vaporization Process
Natori S, Fujiwara M, Tanimizu M, Kurisu M, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y(2019) Relations between Fractional Solubility and Trace Metals Species in Marine Aerosol
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tanimoto H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y(2019) Iron Stable Isotope Ratios of Aerosols from Various Sources to Investigate Origins of Fe Transported to the North Pacific
Kurisu M, Sakata K & Takahashi Y(2018) Investigation of Isotope Fractionation of Fe in Anthropogenic Aerosols to Determine its Contribution to the Surface Ocean
Kurisu M, Sakata K, Uematsu M & Takahashi Y(2017) Low-CO2 Water Environment for Ancient Aquifer within Gale Crater Inferred from Manganese Oxidation Experiments
Imamura S, Noda N, Sekine Y, Tabata H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y(2017) High-O2 Atmosphere on Early Mars? Interpretation of Mn-Oxide on Gale Crater by Laboratory Experiments
Noda N, Imamura S, Sekine Y, Uesugi S, Kurisu M, Murakami T & Takahashi Y(2016) Detection of Very Low Isotope Ratio of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosols and Investigation of their Sources
Kurisu M, Sakata K, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y(2016) Numerical Analysis of Nitrogen Deposition from Atmosphere on East Asian Oceans
Itahashi S, Hayami H, Uno I & Uematsu M(2016) Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds in Marine Aerosol and their Deposition over the Pacific Ocean
Uematsu M, Narita Y & Sun SY(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Atmospheric Nitrate and Sulfate in the Pacific Ocean Boundary Layer
Kamezaki K, Hattori S, Furutani H, Miki Y, Iwamoto Y, Ishino S, Uematsu M & Yoshida N(2014) Solubility of Iron in Aerosol of Volcanic Origin with Iron Speciation Analysis
Miyahara A, Furutani H, Uematsu M & Takahashi Y(2013) Air-Sea Fluxes of Dimethyl Sulfide and Acetone in the Subtropical and Equatorial Pacific Ocean
Tanimoto H, Omori Y, Inomata S, Iwata T, Kameyama S, Furuya K, Tsuda A & Uematsu M(2011) Sensitive, High-Resolution Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds Dissolved in Seawater Using Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry
Tanimoto H, Kameyama S, Inomata S, Tsunogai U, Ooki A, Yokouchi Y, Takeda S, Obata H, Tsuda A & Uematsu M(2010) Distribution of Atmospheric Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus over the Western North Pacific and their Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles
Jung J, Furutani H & Uematsu M(2010) Chemical Association of Iron in Individual Atmospheric Particles during Asian Outflow Season
Furutani H, Jung J, Miura K, Takami A, Kato S, Kajii Y & Uematsu M(2003) Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Anthropogenic Substances from East Asia over the NW Pacific
Uematsu M, Hattori H & Minakawa M(2003) Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Trace Components over the Northwestern North Pacific during a Kosa Event
Sasakawa M, Ooki A, Ui T & Uematsu M(2003) Outflow of Anthropogenic Substances from the Asian Continent to the East China Sea Through Atmosphere
Nakamura T, Matsumoto K & Uematsu MMentorship
Goldschmidt2019: Mentee (Mentored by Laurence Yeung)
Goldschmidt2018: Mentee (Mentored by Tim Conway)