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Details for: Xiao-Ming Liu

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: xiaomliu@unc.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2022) Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the End Permian and the Early Triassic Ocean
Liu X-M, Cao C, Bataille C, Song H, Saltzman M, Wu H, Tierney K, Korte C & Zhang Z

(2022) Titanium Transport and Isotopic Fractionation in the Critical Zone
Aarons S, Dauphas N, Greber ND, Roskosz M, Bouchez J, Liu X-M, Rudnick R & Gaillardet J

(2022) Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the End Permian and the Early Triassic Ocean
Liu X-M, Cao C, Bataille C, Song H, Saltzman M, Wu H, Tierney K, Korte C & Zhang Z

(2022) Titanium Transport and Isotopic Fractionation in the Critical Zone
Aarons S, Dauphas N, Greber ND, Roskosz M, Bouchez J, Liu X-M, Rudnick R & Gaillardet J

Committee member

Goldschmidt2018 Grant Committee: Member

Theme chair

Goldschmidt2018 - Theme 11: Weathering, Erosion, and Geochemical Cycles


Goldschmidt2020: Mentor (Mentoring Maria Naumenko-Dèzes, Jiawang Wu)
Goldschmidt2019: Mentor (Mentoring Zhiwei He, Mengchun Cao)
Goldschmidt2018: Mentor (Mentoring Han Ye, Melisa Diaz)
Goldschmidt2016: Mentor (Mentoring Fei Wu)

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