Details for: Torben Weyand
Torben Weyand (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH)
Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2020) Converting the Temperature Dependent Pitzer Parameter of THEREDA for TOUGHREACT
Seher H, Weyand T, Bracke G & Moog HC(2020) Modelling the Reactive Transport of 14C in a Disposal for Radioactive Waste
Weyand T, Bracke G & Eckel J(2020) On Processes for Stipulating Temperature Limits at Disposal
Bracke G, Hartwig-Thurat E, Larue J, Meleshyn A & Weyand T(2016) Determing the Speciation of Radionuclides of High-Level Radioactive Waste Using Different Geochemical Codes
Weyand T, Bracke G & Seher H(2016) How to Implement Temperature-Dependent Pitzer Interaction Coefficients into TOUGHREACT?
Seher H, Bracke G & Weyand T(2020) Modelling the Reactive Transport of 14C in a Disposal for Radioactive Waste
Weyand T, Bracke G & Eckel J(2020) Converting the Temperature Dependent Pitzer Parameter of THEREDA for TOUGHREACT
Seher H, Weyand T, Bracke G & Moog HC(2020) On Processes for Stipulating Temperature Limits at Disposal
Bracke G, Hartwig-Thurat E, Larue J, Meleshyn A & Weyand T(2016) Determing the Speciation of Radionuclides of High-Level Radioactive Waste Using Different Geochemical Codes
Weyand T, Bracke G & Seher H(2016) How to Implement Temperature-Dependent Pitzer Interaction Coefficients into TOUGHREACT?
Seher H, Bracke G & Weyand T(2015) A One-Dimensional Transport Model of CO2 in Highly Saline Solutions in a Final Repository for Radioactive Waste
Weyand T, Bracke G & Reichert B