Details for: Stefan Löhr
Stefan Löhr (Macquarie University)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2023) A Novel Method for Dating of Ancient Marine Volcanic Rocks: Constraints from in situ Rb-Sr Dating of Authigenic Green Clays Formed in Vesicles of the Late Paleoproterozoic Lavas from NT, Australia
Farkas J, Redaa A, Löhr S, Carson C, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Collins AS & Zack T(2023) In situ Rb-Sr Dating and REE Patterns of Ediacaran Glauconites and Detrital Feldspars from the Centralian Superbasin and the Flinders Ranges, Australia
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML, Collins AS, Bishop C, Giles S, Christie-Blick N & Haines P(2023) In situ Triple Dating (Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, U-Pb) of Carbonate-Hosted Glauconite and Bioapatite from the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin, Australia
Shao Z, Farkas J, Collins AS, Glorie S, Subarkah D, Gilbert S, Löhr S, Verdel C, Zivak D & Spandler C(2023) Microscale, in situ δ30Si Analyses of Authigenic Aluminosilicates – New Constraints on the Use of Pore Fluid Si Isotopes as a Tracer for Marine Silicate Alteration
Geilert S, Frick DA, Abbott AN & Löhr S(2023) Mineralogical, Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Recent Glauconite in Two Contrasting Marine Settings
Löhr S, Zheng X, Lv Y, Weissgerber J, Baldermann A, Farkas J & Abbott AN(2023) Significance of Glauconite Formation for Elemental Sequestration in Marine Settings
Baldermann A, Löhr S & Farkas J(2022) A Continental Arc Volcanism Trigger for OAE2?
Löhr S, Handley K, Abbott AN & Wheeler C(2022) Assessment of Mica-Mg and GL-O Nano-Powders as Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Redaa A, Farkas J, Gilbert S, Collins AS, Löhr S, Vasegh D, Forster M, Blades ML, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Garbe-Schönberg D(2022) Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ(2022) In situ Rb–Sr Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Glauconite-Rich Strata from the Arumbera Sandstone, Amadeus Basin
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Hissey E, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML & Collins AS(2022) Mesoproterozoic Lacustrine Clay-Mineral Record of Weathering Prior to Greening of the Continents
Wheeler CA, Löhr S, Abbott AN, Davies NS & Herron ST(2022) Testing the Precambrian Reverse Weathering Hypothesis Using a 1-Billion-Year Record of Marine Shales
Deepak A, Löhr S, Abbott AN, Han S, Wheeler C & Sharma M(2021) Authigenic Clay Mineral Evidence for Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Emergence of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Biota
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A & Yu B(2021) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Glauconite in Partially Altered Cambrian Sedimentary Sequences
Rafiei M, Löhr S, Alard O, Farkas J, Baldermann A & Brock G(2020) Detrital Influence on Neodymium Isotope Record of the Last Deglaciation in the North Atlantic
Abbott A, Loehr S, Payne A & Kumar H(2020) Fractionated Cr Isotopes in the Late Paleoprotorozoic Marine Carbonates from the McArthur Basin, Australia: A Record of Oxic Paleo-Seawater or a Later Diagenetic Fluid-Flow Event?
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Collins A, Toledo G, Frei R, Lohr S, Murray S, Cox G, Blades M & Subarkah D(2020) Massive Subaerial Volcanism Associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 2?
Handley K, Löhr S & Abbott A(2020) Revisiting Clay Mineral Evidence for an Expansion of Biotic Soils in the Late Neoproterozoic
Rafiei M & Lӧhr S(2019) Are Clay Minerals the Primary Control on the Oceanic Rare Earth Element Budget?
Abbott A & Löhr S(2017) Trace Mineral Mapping is Key to Recognizing Black Shales as Dynamic Marine Systems
Kennedy M & LÖhr S(2017) Metazoan Burrowing and Organic Carbon Burial in Black Shale
Löhr S & Kennedy M(2017) The Origin of Maghemite-Rich Soil Nodules – Implications for Fire-Driven Mineralogical and Geochemical Differentiation at the Earth’s Surface
Murphy D, Löhr S, Nothdurft L, Bolhar R, Piazolo S & Siegel C(2015) Carbon Preservation as Organo-Mineral Nanocomposites Produced by Heterotrophic Microbes
Kennedy M, Loehr S & Baruch E(2015) Sapropels Were Reworked by Low-Oxygen Adapted Benthic Meiofauna
Löhr S & Kennedy M(2015) Seasonal Redox Oscillation and OC Enrichment in a Cold-Climate Organic Rich Rock
Debenham N, Kennedy M & Loehr S(2023) Significance of Glauconite Formation for Elemental Sequestration in Marine Settings
Baldermann A, Löhr S & Farkas J(2023) Mineralogical, Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Recent Glauconite in Two Contrasting Marine Settings
Löhr S, Zheng X, Lv Y, Weissgerber J, Baldermann A, Farkas J & Abbott AN(2023) In situ Triple Dating (Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, U-Pb) of Carbonate-Hosted Glauconite and Bioapatite from the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin, Australia
Shao Z, Farkas J, Collins AS, Glorie S, Subarkah D, Gilbert S, Löhr S, Verdel C, Zivak D & Spandler C(2023) In situ Rb-Sr Dating and REE Patterns of Ediacaran Glauconites and Detrital Feldspars from the Centralian Superbasin and the Flinders Ranges, Australia
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML, Collins AS, Bishop C, Giles S, Christie-Blick N & Haines P(2023) Microscale, in situ δ30Si Analyses of Authigenic Aluminosilicates – New Constraints on the Use of Pore Fluid Si Isotopes as a Tracer for Marine Silicate Alteration
Geilert S, Frick DA, Abbott AN & Löhr S(2023) A Novel Method for Dating of Ancient Marine Volcanic Rocks: Constraints from in situ Rb-Sr Dating of Authigenic Green Clays Formed in Vesicles of the Late Paleoproterozoic Lavas from NT, Australia
Farkas J, Redaa A, Löhr S, Carson C, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Collins AS & Zack T(2022) A Continental Arc Volcanism Trigger for OAE2?
Löhr S, Handley K, Abbott AN & Wheeler C(2022) Mesoproterozoic Lacustrine Clay-Mineral Record of Weathering Prior to Greening of the Continents
Wheeler CA, Löhr S, Abbott AN, Davies NS & Herron ST(2022) Testing the Precambrian Reverse Weathering Hypothesis Using a 1-Billion-Year Record of Marine Shales
Deepak A, Löhr S, Abbott AN, Han S, Wheeler C & Sharma M(2022) Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ(2022) In situ Rb–Sr Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Glauconite-Rich Strata from the Arumbera Sandstone, Amadeus Basin
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Hissey E, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML & Collins AS(2022) Assessment of Mica-Mg and GL-O Nano-Powders as Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Redaa A, Farkas J, Gilbert S, Collins AS, Löhr S, Vasegh D, Forster M, Blades ML, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Garbe-Schönberg D(2021) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Glauconite in Partially Altered Cambrian Sedimentary Sequences
Rafiei M, Löhr S, Alard O, Farkas J, Baldermann A & Brock G(2021) Authigenic Clay Mineral Evidence for Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Emergence of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Biota
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A & Yu B(2020) Revisiting Clay Mineral Evidence for an Expansion of Biotic Soils in the Late Neoproterozoic
Rafiei M & Lӧhr S(2020) Massive Subaerial Volcanism Associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 2?
Handley K, Löhr S & Abbott A(2020) Fractionated Cr Isotopes in the Late Paleoprotorozoic Marine Carbonates from the McArthur Basin, Australia: A Record of Oxic Paleo-Seawater or a Later Diagenetic Fluid-Flow Event?
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Collins A, Toledo G, Frei R, Lohr S, Murray S, Cox G, Blades M & Subarkah D(2020) Detrital Influence on Neodymium Isotope Record of the Last Deglaciation in the North Atlantic
Abbott A, Loehr S, Payne A & Kumar H(2019) Are Clay Minerals the Primary Control on the Oceanic Rare Earth Element Budget?
Abbott A & Löhr S(2017) Trace Mineral Mapping is Key to Recognizing Black Shales as Dynamic Marine Systems
Kennedy M & LÖhr S(2017) Metazoan Burrowing and Organic Carbon Burial in Black Shale
Löhr S & Kennedy M(2017) The Origin of Maghemite-Rich Soil Nodules – Implications for Fire-Driven Mineralogical and Geochemical Differentiation at the Earth’s Surface
Murphy D, Löhr S, Nothdurft L, Bolhar R, Piazolo S & Siegel C(2015) Seasonal Redox Oscillation and OC Enrichment in a Cold-Climate Organic Rich Rock
Debenham N, Kennedy M & Loehr S(2015) Carbon Preservation as Organo-Mineral Nanocomposites Produced by Heterotrophic Microbes
Kennedy M, Loehr S & Baruch E(2015) Sapropels Were Reworked by Low-Oxygen Adapted Benthic Meiofauna
Löhr S & Kennedy M