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Details for: Jesica Murray

I am a young researcher at CONICET Argentina. I do research related to geochemistry of waters, acid mine drainage, arsenic geochemistry, and geochemical modeling in the Altiplano-Puna of South America in collaboration with researchers from Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, United States, and Spain. I obtained a PhD in geology from National University of Salta in 2015. During my first postdoc I spent half year in the United States at the Laboratory of Hydro-geochemistry of the USGS in Boulder Colorado where I learned analytical and modeling techniques on acid mine drainage and arsenic. In my second postdoc I worked two years at the Laboratory of hydrology and geochemistry of Strasbourg, France in which I investigated hydrogen gas generation in the enhanced geothermal system of Soultz-sous-Forêts.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: murray.jesica@gmail.com. Otherwise, try an advanced search.


Goldschmidt2020: Mentor (Mentoring Elizabeth Phillips, Fiona MacIver- Jones)

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