Details for: Masaki Akaogi
Masaki Akaogi (Gakushuin University, Japan)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2016
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2016) High-Pressure Phase Transitions in FeTiO3, Fe2TiO4 and FeTi2O5
Akaogi M, Abe K, Yusa H, Tajima T, Ishii T & Kojitani H(2016) Thermodynamic Calculation of Post-Spinel Phase Boundary of Mg2SiO4
Kojitani H, Inoue T & Akaogi M(2016) Thermodynamic Calculation of Post-Spinel Phase Boundary of Mg2SiO4
Kojitani H, Inoue T & Akaogi M(2016) High-Pressure Phase Transitions in FeTiO3, Fe2TiO4 and FeTi2O5
Akaogi M, Abe K, Yusa H, Tajima T, Ishii T & Kojitani HTheme chair
Goldschmidt2016 - Theme 18: Mineralogy and Mineral Physics