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Details for: Lynne Elkins

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: lelkins@unl.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2016) Identifying Pyroxenite in the Mantle Source for Jan Mayen Island and Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins LJ, Scott SR, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Reagan M, Devey CW, Hamélin C & Pedersen RB

(2016) Identifying Pyroxenite in the Mantle Source for Jan Mayen Island and Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins LJ, Scott SR, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Reagan M, Devey CW, Hamélin C & Pedersen RB

(2013) Origins of Anomalous Ridge Magmatism Near Jan Mayen
Elkins LJ, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Chernow R, Davis R & Meisenhelder K

(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M

(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G

(2005) Central America Arc Volatiles: along- and Across- Arc Variations
Fischer T, Hilton D, Elkins L, Shaw A, Zimmer M, Takahata N & Sano Y

Session convener

Goldschmidt2016 - Session 04g: Do Basalts Accurately Sample Mantle Source Rocks? The Role of Lithologic Heterogeneity in the Sub-Oceanic Upper Mantle during Melt Generation at Ridges and Hot Spots

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