All abstracts by Heather Jamieson at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) Distinguishing Natural from Anthropogenic Sources of Arsenic and Interpreting Post-Depositional Change in Soils and Sediments
Jamieson H, Bromstad M, Fawcett S, Van Den Berghe M & Palmer M |
(2015) Insights in the Secondary Mineralogy of Antimony
Majzlan J, Borcinova Radkova A, Jamieson H, Lalinska Volekova B, Stevko M & Chovan M |
(2015) Study of Tetrahedrite-Tennantite (Cu6[Cu4(Fe,Zn2)]Sb4S13 - Cu6[Cu4(Fe,Zn2)]As4S13) Weathering Products in Mine Wastes from Abandoned Waste Rock Piles, Špania Dolina, Slovakia
Borčinová Radková A, Jamieson H, Števko M, Majzlan J, Lalinská-Voleková B & Chovan M |
(2015) The Influence of Colloids on the Mobility of Rare Earth Elements in Mine Waters
Jamieson H, Lussier-Purdy C, Laidlow A & Parsons M |